ENV 350

Water & Wastewater Treatment Lab

Instructor: TBD

Class Hours: TBD

Catalog Description: Laboratory experience with physical, chemical and biological treatment processes typical of water and wastewater treatment. Students will design processes and experimentally evaluate their results and will visit treatment facilities.

Prerequisite: ENV 330

I. Course Outcomes

Students will

1. perform physical, chemical, and biological treatment processes as applied to W&WWT

2. design lab scale water and wastewater treatment processes

3. evaluate effectiveness of different treatment processes

4. prepare engineering reports that include design and cost details.

5. visit municipal and/or industrial water and wastewater treatment facilities.

II. Class Deliverables

Specific assignment details will be provided with each laboratory experience.

  1. Weekly memos will be required that review the results obtained from each laboratory exercise with answers to pertinent questions that relate to calculations and engineering design relative to the experiment.
  2. Review of treatment facilities will require a written memo and a group recorded tour describing the unit processes in the treatment facility of interest. A grading rubric will be provided for these exercises.
  3. A group design project will require students to work in teams to create a series of unit processes to achieve a desired result on an assigned wastewater/
  4. A final design project will focus on the operation of a biological treatment system requiring a report that reviews the fundamental scientific background for the process, a clear presentation of the results from the process, the assessment of the effectiveness of the process and recommendations to improve the exercise and the operation of the design process.

III. Readings

  1. Background information will be provided with each laboratory exercise.
  2. Specific literature will be reviewed in several exercises to provide a fundamental understanding of the types of literature available to the professional as well as to provide peer reviewed literature relative to the exercises being performed in the lab work.
  1. Grading:

The grading scale based on total aggregate score will be as follows:

 90% = 4.0; 85 – 89.9% = 3.5; 80 – 84.9% = 3.0; 75 – 79.9% = 2.5; 70 – 74.9% = 2.0; 65 – 69.9% = 1.5; 60 – 64.9% = 1.0; < 60% = 0.0

Memos = 30% Presentations = 10% Project(s) = 40% Participation = 20%

V. Policies

  1. All memos, reports, and presentations are due when indicated. Assignments that are delivered without any request for an extension will receive a maximum of 50% of the possible points.
  2. Students are expected to attend all lab sessions unless they have a university approved excuse, for which they should provide a university approved notation.
  3. Students are expected to fully participate in all lab sessions and work as a team to accomplish the experiments.

ENV 350 –Schedule*

1 / Team Building and Water and Wastewater Treatment plant review
2 / Tracer Lab: Plug Flow vs. Completely Mixed
3 / Drinking water treatment plant tour.
4 / Jar Test
5 / GAC Batch Test
6 / Literature Review: Trade vs. Peer Reviewed Articles
7 / Dissolved oxygen transfer lab
8 / Design project I execution – Physical/Chemical Treatment
9 / Biological Treatment Process Design
10 / Setup of Biological Treatment Process
11 / Field Trip (wastewater treatment plants)
12 / Evaluate Biological Treatment Process
13 / Project Runs
14 / Summarize project data case studies and discussion.

*Schedule is subject to change based as the semester progresses.