Water – Wastewater Disaster in Sun City & Youngtown

FOR THE BENEFIT OF SUN CITY AND YOUNGTOWN COMMUNITIES AND THEIR POCKET BOOK, everyone must participate in the 2018 Election process.

Traditionally, Sun City and Youngtown voters have a decent voter turnout for National and Statewide general elections. However, for primaries and the less publicized races such as the Arizona Corporation Commissioner, the turnout is less than stellar.

Over time the “Sun Cites” and Youngtown have seen a decrease in their “noticed” power by the politicians who are voted in and make decisions affecting their everyday lives. An interesting point is since our current Governor is the first not to visit Sun City since his election. Why, is this happening? One reason could be that while the communities surrounding Sun City, Sun City West and Youngtown have experienced explosive growth, these communities are predominantly landlocked and exhibit zero growth. This lessens the vote impact and ability to be heard and to protect these communities.

The Sun Cities and Youngtown believe they need to regain the attention they deserve as premier communities in the West Valley and the State. One way is to vote in “all” the critical races.

There are numerous races in 2018. The most recent negative impact on Sun City and Youngtown (retirement communities) citizens currently is the untenable EPCOR rate increases ordered by the Arizona Corporation Commission. These communities believe more rate cases may be forthcoming if they don’t let their voices be heard. The impact of consolidation will impact senior citizens’ lives significantly including property values and their lives, as they have known it, may no longer exist. Many retirees are living below the poverty line. Sun City and Youngtown leadership believe it is unconscionable to add extra expenses to this population for a consolidation that would be help pay for/support more affluent communities.

There are over 60,000 residents with more than 40,000 registered voters that, for the moment, put aside total party loyalty and vote for candidates who best represent their needs (FOR THE BENEFIT OF THEIR COMMUNITY AND THEIR POCKET BOOK).

In particular, two races stand out. The statewide races for the Arizona Treasurer and AZ Corporation Commissioners.

  • Arizona Treasurer – Senator Kimberly Yee is running against Corporation Commissioner Tom Forese.
  • Mr. Forese, has led the charge, as the Commission Chair, ignoring longstanding historical perspectives and authored the Consolidation of the EPCOR wastewater districts. As you are all aware, this has been and will continue to be devastating to the Sun Cities and Youngtown communities. Even Barry Goldwater, Jr. noted his displeasure of Mr. Forese in a recent Arizona Capitol Times article.
  • Senator Yee has a conservative history in the State Senate. The Senator also has firsthand experience inside the State Treasurer’s office.
  • The bottom line. Citizens need to pay attention and vote.
  • Arizona Corporation Commission – It appears Mr. Forese will not resign from the Commission while running for the Treasurer’s seat. If Mr. Forese loses the Treasurer race, he will remain as a Commissioner on the ACC throughout 2018. He will therefore be on board for the EPCOR water consolidation case vote.

Sun City and Youngtown leaders believe it is imperative to vote to initiate a change at this Commission. Petitions, letters, telephone calls, evidence, etc. sometimes don’t seem to matter with this very powerful Commission. Both communities are strongly encouraging their residents to “vote” to generate necessary changes and to vote for candidates who present a fair and balanced style and who won’t cater to special interests.

The first step in the process is the Primary which takes place in August 2018. Sun City has offered opportunities for candidates to address their community. The Sun City Home Owners Association offered an opportunity for all ACC candidates to meet Sun City leadership; candidates Mundell, Olson and Sloan accepted the invitation. There are other candidates who have not responded. Once general election candidates are chosen, SCHOA (Sun City Home Owners Association) will invite those who prevailed in their respective primary, to an open debate for the benefit of the District Ratepayers.

Residents are currently signing petitions opposing the current EPCOR consolidation rate case that will be presented to the ACC to ensure they are aware of the opposition to consolidation. If the commissioners approve the EPCOR request to consolidate rate payers’ districts, the impact on many senior citizens could be devastating for many.