Directorate D - Water, Chemicals & Cohesion
ENV.D.2 - Water and Marine

Brussels, 23February 2007

Document ENV-COM010307-6rev

Water Framework Directive Committee meeting 1 March 2007

Agenda item 6: Discussion document on the adaptation of section 1.3.6 of Annex V to scientific and technical progress (list of standards relevant to WFD)

A comprehensive consultation on the relevance for WFD of the existing CEN biological standards was conducted during 2006 among the experts of the ECOSTAT Working Group. The objective of the consultation was to identify existing standards to be included in section 1.3.6 of Annex V to WFD. All the comments received during the last consultation in 2006 can be found in the Annex 4 to this document.

According to the results of the consultation, the standards can be included in three groups (see Annex 4):

  1. Standards for which there is consensus agreement for their inclusion in Annex V
  2. Standards for which comments were made regarding the scope and applicability of the method to certain types of water bodies or certain ecoregions.
  3. Standards for which major problems for their inclusion in Annex V were identify, e.g. they are currently under revision or the method is not relevant for the WFD implementation.

Annex 1 presents a proposal to modify the section 1.3.6 of Annex V for the inclusion of the standards identified in the groups 1 and 2. In order to take into account the comments regarding the applicability of the standards to specific ecoregions or types of water bodies, it is proposed to amend the introductory text in section 1.3.6 as shown underlined in bold in Annex 1.

In addition, there is a need to discuss the way forward in relation with standards for physico-chemical parameters and priority substances. Existing standards are listed in Annex 2 and 3 respectively.

The Committee members are invited to:

  • Take note of the proposals included in this document
  • Discuss the way forward on this subject


ANNEX 1: Proposal for amendment of section 1.3.6 of Annex V to WFD

1.3.6. Standards for monitoring of quality elements

Methods used for the monitoring of type parametersquality elementsshall conform to the international standards listed below or such other national or international standards which will ensure the provision of data of an equivalent scientific quality and comparability.The application of the standards listed below shall be based on expert judgement, in particular regarding their scope of application tospecific ecoregions or water body types.

Phytoplankton sampling

EN 15204: Water Quality – Guidance standard for routine analysis of phytoplankton abundance and composition using inverted microscopy (Utermöhl technique)

Macrophyte sampling

EN 14184: Water quality – Guidance standard for the surveying of aquatic macrophytes in running waters

Diatom sampling

EN 13946: Water quality – Guidance standard for the routine sampling and pre-treatment of benthic diatoms from rivers

EN 14407: Water quality – Guidance standard for the identification, enumeration and interpretation of benthic diatom samples from running waters

Fish sampling

EN 14757: Water quality – Sampling of fish with multi-mesh gill nets

EN 14011: Water quality – Sampling of fish with electricity

EN 14962: Water Quality – Guidance on the scope and selection of fish-sampling methods

Standards for hydromorphological parameters

EN 14614: Water quality – Guidance standard for assessing the hydromorphological features of rivers

Sampling of the marine environment

EN ISO 16665: Water quality – Guidelines for quantitative investigations of marine soft-bottom benthic fauna in the marine environment

[ISO/CD 19493 prEN: Water Quality – Guidance on marine biological surveys on hard substrate communities – needs to be checked if has been finally adopted]

Standards for quality assurance

EN 14996: Water Quality – Guidance on assuring the quality of biological and ecological assessments in the aquatic environment

EN ISO 5667-1 (REV): Water quality –Sampling- Part 1: Guidance on the design of sampling programmes and sampling techniques

ANNEX 2: List of existing standards for general physico-chemical parameters

Parameter / Code / Standard method
Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) / EN 1484 / Water analysis - Guidelines for the determination of total organic carbon (TOC) and dissolved organic carbon (DOC)
Total organic carbon (TOC) / EN 1484 / Water analysis - Guidelines for the determination of total organic carbon (TOC) and dissolved organic carbon (DOC)
electrical conductivity / EN 27888 / Water quality - Determination of electrical conductivity (ISO 7888:1985)
pH value / ISO 10523 / Water quality - Determination of pH
Oxygen / EN 25814 / Water quality; determination of dissolved oxygen by the electrochemical probe method (ISO 5814:1990)

ANNEX 3: List of existing standards for priority substances

This list of standards for Priority substances has been provided by CEN in August 2005. Work is on-going to produce an updated and complete list.

ANNEX 4: Result of the consultation on the biological standards for inclusion in WFD Annex V

Group 1: Standards for which there is consensus for inclusion in WFD Annex V

Standard N0 / Title of Standard / Date publication
EN 13946 / Water quality – Guidance standard for the routine sampling and pre-treatment of benthic diatoms from rivers / 2003
EN 14407 / Water quality – Guidance standard for the identification, enumeration and interpretation of benthic diatom samples from running waters / 2004
EN 14184 / Water quality – Guidance standard for the surveying of aquatic macrophytes in running waters / 2003
EN ISO 16665 / Water quality – Guidelines for quantitative investigations of marine soft-bottom benthic fauna in the marine environment / 2005 in ISO
EN 15204 / Water Quality – Guidance standard for routine analysis of phytoplankton abundance and composition using inverted microscopy (Utermöhl technique) / 2006

Group 2: Standards for which comments were made regarding the scope and applicability of the method to certain types of water bodies or certain ecoregions.

Standard No / Title of Standard / Date Published
EN 14757 / Water quality – Sampling of fish with multi-mesh gill nets / 2005
EN 14011 / Water quality – Sampling of fish with electricity / 2003
EN 14614 / Water quality – Guidance standard for assessing the hydromorphological features of rivers / 2004
ISO/CD 19493
prEN / Water Quality – Guidance on marine biological surveys on hard substrate communities / CEN lead
EN 14996 / Water Quality – Guidance on assuring the quality of biological and ecological assessments in the aquatic environment / 2006
EN 14962 / Water Quality – Guidance on the scope and selection of fish-sampling methods / Published 2006
EN ISO 5667-1 (REV) / Water quality –Sampling- Part 1: Guidance on the design of sampling programmes and sampling techniques / Publication 2006

Group 3: Standards not to be included in Annex V

Standard No / Title of Standard / Date Published
EN 15110 / Water Quality – Guidance standard for the routine sampling of zooplankton from standing waters / 2006
prEN 15196 / Water Quality – Guidance on the sampling and processing of the pupal exuviae of Chironomidae (Order Diptera) for ecological assessment / 2006
prEN 15460 / Water Quality – Guidance standard for the surveying of macrophytes in lakes / Draft prEN
EN ISO 8689-1 / Water quality – Biological classification of rivers – Part 1: Guidance on the interpretation of biological quality data from surveys of benthic macro-invertebrates in running waters (ISO 8689-1:2000) / 2000
Under review
EN ISO 8689-2 / Water quality – Biological classification of rivers – Part 2: Guidance on the presentation of biological quality data from surveys of benthic macro-invertebrates (ISO 8689-1:2000) / 2000
Under review
EN ISO 27828 / Water quality – Methods of biological sampling - Guidance on hand net sampling of aquatic benthic macro-invertebrates (ISO 7828:1985) / 1994
Under revision
EN ISO 28265 / Water quality – Methods of biological sampling – Guidance on the design and use of quantitative samplers for benthic macro-invertebrates on stony substrata in shallow freshwaters (ISO 8265:1988) / 1994
Under revision
EN ISO 9391 / Water Quality – Sampling in deep waters for macro-invertebrates – Guidance on the use of colonization, qualitative and quantitative samples (ISO 9391:1993) / 1995
Under revision


Compilation of comments received from ECOSTAT on the biological standards methods for inclusion in Annex V of the WFD

Standard No / Title of Standard / Date Published / Is the method applicable in regards to the WFD biologic monitoring requirements? Yes/No
If no why? / Group
EN 14757 / Water quality – Sampling of fish with multi-mesh gill nets / 2005 / FI: Yes
UK: Yes but there are issues with gill nets being highly selective & therefore has to be part of a multi-method approach. There are also issues with it being an emotive issue e.g. can kill fish & sea birds & aquatic mammals. Therefore conservation Agencies will be against their use @ sensitive sites.
DE: No. Generally, the CEN guideline EN 14962 on selection of fish sampling methodologies covers the various methods suited for sampling the fish communities of lenthic, lotic, and transitional waters. The pronunciation on the specialized method of multi-mesh gillnets in the CEN guideline EN 14757 is misleading, since multi-mesh gillnets are only suited in a limited range of habitats of some lakes, and they are not suited for assessment of the whole lake fish communities on a pan-EU scale. Moreover, in several EU Member States, there are concerns against using methods leading to fish mortality such as gill nets.
In detail, multi-mesh gillnets can be adequate only in lakes of suited size with the strong limitation, that they do not cover littoral fish communities. Moreover, it is not proven whether multi-mesh gillnets yield results which are superior to those obtained by other methodologies.
Large and deep lakes cannot be sampled representatively by multi-mesh gillnets.
AT: Yes
BE: No. Our standing waters are too shallow. Assessing the results obtained from this methodology are complex. In Flanders and Brussels we use uni mesh gillnets.
NO: Yes / 2
EN 14011 / Water quality – Sampling of fish with electricity / 2003 / FI: Yes
UK: No. As salinity increases then the effect of electrofishing increases. This is because at increased salinity the sea water or TW acts as an electrolyte & therefore electrofishing becomes useless. The only us of electrofishing is in tidal FW reaches of rivers, but then by definition are they nor rivers & not TW’s.However this method is a very valid and non-lethal method for shallow freshwater fish assessment
DE: Yes
AT: Yes
BE: Yes.
NO: Yes (Norway find some parts of the standard not applicable and have produced an addition to the standard) / 2
EN 13946 / Water quality – Guidance standard for the routine sampling and pre-treatment of benthic diatoms from rivers / 2003 / FI: Yes
UK: Yes
DE: Yes with reservations. Like stated in our comments during the first consultation phase on version 1.0 (cf. Proposal for revision of WFD Annex V – Version 2.0, p. 11) the standards EN13946 and EN 14407 need to be revised to fulfill the requirements of the Water Framework Directive. Furthermore, there is a need for CEN standard methods to take into account water category type-specific features.
AT: Yes
BE: Yes
NO: Yes / 1
EN 14407 / Water quality – Guidance standard for the identification, enumeration and interpretation of benthic diatom samples from running waters / 2004 / FI: Yes
UK: Yes
DE: Yes with reservations. Like stated in our comments during the first consultation phase on version 1.0 (cf. Proposal for revision of WFD Annex V – Version 2.0, p. 11) the standards EN13946 and EN 14407 need to be revised to fulfill the requirements of the Water Framework Directive. Furthermore, there is a need for CEN standard methods to take into account water category type-specific features.
AT: Yes
BE: Yes
NO: Yes / 1
EN 14184 / Water quality – Guidance standard for the surveying of aquatic macrophytes in running waters / 2003 / FI: Yes
UK: Yes
DE: Yes
AT: Yes
BE: Yes
NO: Yes (although not very applicable for typical Norwegian/Alpine rivers: shallow and fast running rivers, but macrophytes less important for these river types) / 1
EN 14614 / Water quality – Guidance standard for assessing the hydromorphological features of rivers / 2004 / FI: Yes
UK: Yes. Some explanatory text could be used to point out where some parts of a standard may need narrower definition for WFD purposes (on the understanding that CEN standards are not written exclusively for the WFD) There is a potentially a difference between natural conditions for pristine lake versus some very slight modification at high status.
DE: Yes with reservations. The standard EN 14614 only assesses hydromorphological components. It is not possible to link the 5-step classification of hydromorphology to the ecological
classification system of the WFD. The standard shows WFD relevance for the determination of reference conditions only.
AT: Yes
BE: No. Detailed comments:
- 4.1: note: Of the factors mentioned, in Flanders stream order and catchment size make up for a first level of distinction. For hydromorphology, this is complemented by topography and geology which both influence channel form and flow patterns.
- 4.2 reaches: It may be good to elaborate the relation between reaches and water bodies: 1 reach = 1 water body?
- 4.3 sampling: It is better to determine the sample size based on the variability in the dataset rathed than on a fixed proportion (10%) of the dataset. To assess this, some prior knowledge concerning this variability (e.g. using case studies or prior inventories) is required.
- 4.4 Based on cost-efficiency-analyses, in Flanders a survey unit size of 200 m is proposed for smaller rivers and 400 m for larger rivers.
Assessment of larger floodplains can be more efficient using GIS, provided qualitative base-maps are available
- 4.6 vs 5: reference conditions (4.6) are divided into 5 categories (bed and bank character, planform and river profile, lateral connectivity, free flow and vegetation in the riparian zone). The assessment (5) on the other hand takes 10 categories ordered in 3 sections. Although section 7 relates both, using 2 different hierarchical systems obfuscates the method as a whole. Suggestion is to choose 1 system throughout reference and evaluation.
- 5.2, table 3:
* A distinction can be made between variables that describe river type e.g. longitudinal section, natural substrate and variables that indicate hydromorphological quality; the latter being important in monitoring programmes, whereas the former are only needed in a first assessment.
* We're missing some indication of inundation regime or structures that prevent/enable inundations (dikes).
* Care should be taken in the subsequent evaluation that some variables are implicitly assessed twice: e.g. adjacent land use (9) is also a measure of constraint to river mobility (10)
- 7 To guarantee intercomparison of methods, a EU guidance could include some more directives on how to weight the proposed assessment categories; what types of MCE and what weights can be used?
- 8.3 Data entry:
A likely larger source of error is different interpretation of surveyors, so cross validation and random checking of field surveys is even more important that doing this on the data entry.
suggestion: problems with data-entry can be overcome to some extent when using handheld computers
- in general : field surveys are not the only way to assess hydromorphology: river flow can only accurately be monitored using flow meters (river flow during field survey really is a one-time measurement that tells little about effects of peak discharges); some features like sinuosity and land use can be more efficiently be assessed using GIS.
NO: Yes / 2
EN ISO 16665 / Water quality – Guidelines for quantitative investigations of marine soft-bottom benthic fauna in the marine environment / 2005 in ISO / UK: Yes – very relevant
DE: Yes
AT: Yes
FR: cf. next answer from French marine office
BE: Yes
NO: Yes / 1
ISO/CD 19493
prEN / Water Quality – Guidance on marine biological surveys on hard substrate communities / CEN lead / UK: Not yet – We do not yet have a hard substratum tool developed for benthic inverts. Will be relevant post 2007.
DE: Yes
AT: Yes
FR: cf. next answer from french marine office
BE: No comment.
NO: Yes, provided addition of semiquantitative methods in areas with >0.5m tidal level as minimum requirements as it is a part of the NEA-GIG 1,26 metric. / 2
EN 14996 / Water Quality – Guidance on assuring the quality of biological and ecological assessments in the aquatic environment / 2006 / FI: No. The quality assurance should not be restricted to this standard
UK: Yes - Very general but relevant to most if not all TraC work.
DE: Yes
AT: Yes
FR: No: the framework and procedures described in this guidance are taken from chemical analysis practices; they are not realistic for biological assessments in routine
BE: No comment.
NO: Yes / 2
EN 15110 / Water Quality – Guidance standard for the routine sampling of zooplankton from standing waters / 2006 / FI: No, not a biological quality element.
UK: A standard is needed but irrelevant to WFD because zooplankton is not used for WFD monitoring
DE: No. Only standards on biological quality elements that are mentioned in the normative definitions of ecological status (Annex V – 1.2 WFD) should be included.
AT: No. Zooplankton is not relevant for WFD assessments
FR: No: zooplankton is not mentioned as a biological quality element in the normative definitions of ecological status (Annex V -1.2). Including this method would enlarge the scope of the normative definitions; it would create a confusing text book case and open a wide door to add any other quality element in the definition of ecological status without any legal basis
BE: No.Not relevant for the WFD.
NO: Yes (applicable for those country that include zooplankton in their classification system although the monitoring of zooplankton is not obligatory according to WFD) / 3
EN 15204 / Water Quality – Guidance standard for routine analysis of phytoplankton abundance and composition using inverted microscopy (Utermöhl technique) / 2006 / FI: Yes
UK: Yes – mainly for analysis, little implication for sampling.
DE: Yes with reservations. From the German point of view there are problems with the analysis of phytoplankton < 5 (10) μm. Germany recommends the development of standard methods especially for very small phytoplankton groups < 5 (10) μm which are difficult to determine by common light microscopic methods.
AT: Yes
BE: Yes.
NO: Yes, but elements from the new Norwegian standard (prNS 9429.” Water Quality. Guidance of quantitative and qualitative investigation of marine phytoplankton.” have to be included. It regards the whole sampling procedures and methods used for such surveys. / 1
prEN 15196 / Water Quality – Guidance on the sampling and processing of the pupal exuviae of Chironomidae (Order Diptera) for ecological assessment / 2006 / FI: Yes
UK: Yes, chironimids are covered by directive as invertebrates and the method is capable of giving a status assessment
DE: No. The standard prEN 15196 is not used in Germany and seems not to be relevant for the monitoring for WFD.
AT: Yes
FR: No: the method described in the guidance doesn't enable to achieve the objectives announced.
BE: No. Not relevant to the monitoring for the WFD.
NO: Yes provided the standard is not obligatory (The method is not very widespread, but it may be a supplement to profundal sampling of chironomids) / 3
EN 14962 / Water Quality – Guidance on the scope and selection of fish-sampling methods / Published 2006 / FI: Yes
UK: No.We asked Sarah Peaty to reject EN 14962 on the basis of the suitability criteria i.e. within the guidance we challenged the suitability of their methods, and that those methods we challenged we stated that the wording of ‘Highly suitable’ be reduced to medium suitability.
DE: Yes
AT: Yes
BE: No comment.
NO: Yes (gives an overview of fish sampling methods – except for multi-mesh gillnetting and electro fishing (see separate standards) a detailed description of how to use these methods are missing so far) / 2
prEN 15460 / Water Quality – Guidance standard for the surveying of macrophytes in lakes / Draft prEN / FI: Yes
UK: Yes
DE: Yes
AT: No. Still in draft, final contents not clear
BE: No comment.
NO: We have not seen the results of the CEN enquiry in June 2006. Therefore it is too early to state if we can accept this or not ) / 3
EN ISO 5667-1 (REV) / Water quality –Sampling- Part 1: Guidance on the design of sampling programmes and sampling techniques / Publication 2006 / FI: The sampling designs should not be restricted to rely only on this guidance.
UK: Yes
DE: Yes
AT: Yes
FR: At present, these standards are under revision or elaboration. Therefore, we suggest to wait the conclusion of these works before taking any decision about their WFD compliancy and inclusion in Annex V.
BE: No comment.
NO: Yes (but very general) / 2
EN ISO 27828 / Water quality – Methods of biological sampling - Guidance on hand net sampling of aquatic benthic macro-invertebrates (ISO 7828:1985) / 1994
Under revision / FI: Yes
UK: Yes assuming the review/revision does not substantially alter the existing methodology
DE: Yes
AT: Yes
BE: Yes
NO: Yes / 3
EN ISO 28265 / Water quality – Methods of biological sampling – Guidance on the design and use of quantitative samplers for benthic macro-invertebrates on stony substrata in shallow freshwaters (ISO 8265:1988) / 1994
Under revision / FI: Yes
UK: Yes assuming the review/revision does not substantially alter the existing methodology
DE: Yes
AT: Yes
BE: Yes
NO: Yes / 3
EN ISO 9391 / Water Quality – Sampling in deep waters for macro-invertebrates – Guidance on the use of colonization, qualitative and quantitative samples (ISO 9391:1993) / 1995
Under revision / UK: Yes assuming the review/revision does not substantially alter the existing methodology
DE: Yes
AT: Yes
BE: Yes
NO: Yes / 3
EN ISO 8689-1 / Water quality – Biological classification of rivers – Part 1: Guidance on the interpretation of biological quality data from surveys of benthic macro-invertebrates in running waters (ISO 8689-1:2000) / 2000
Under review / FI: No. We prefer not to have the standard in the annex. It might be confusing esp. with its present name
UK: Yes assuming the review/revision does not substantially alter the existing methodology
DE: Yes
AT: Yes
BE: No. Not relevant for monitoring or sampling for WFD.
NO: We will await the result of the review. Therefore it is too early to state if we can accept this or not / 3
EN ISO 8689-2 / Water quality – Biological classification of rivers – Part 2: Guidance on the presentation of biological quality data from surveys of benthic macro-invertebrates (ISO 8689-1:2000) / 2000
Under review / FI: No. We prefer not to have the standard in the annex. It might be confusing esp. with its present name
UK: Yes assuming the review/revision does not substantially alter the existing methodology
DE: Yes
AT: yes
BE: No. Not relevant for monitoring or sampling for WFD.
NO: We will await the result of the review. Therefore it is too early to state if we can accept this or not / 3

Notes from DE: