Water Bottle Debate

Give each essay a 4A, 3B, 2C, 1D

Example #1

What do you think do should plastic water be allowed to be sold? I support the idea that plastic water should be sold in school. Even though their might be some negative side affects plastic water bottles do more good than harm. Some reasons I will talk about include the taste of the water, how much more efficient they are , and how they actually can support a healthy lifestyle.

Plastic water bottles have many exceptional features to them, but the best part is the water. In source 2 the author discusses many valuable qualities of the water it reads “People choose bottled water for several reasons, including refreshing taste, reliable quality, zero calories…..”. This quote explores the idea of tap water not being the cleanest water, but bottled water is which is a plus.

Do you have time to fill your water bottle? Well I believe not. Let's say you are very thirsty, but there is no water fountain close by what will you do? The answer is go to the convenience store and get a cold, refreshing bottle of water. You can’t deny how much more efficient it is to buy a already cold and full water bottle. Another efficient way plastic water bottles are more helpful in emergencies. “.....Public water system is often compromised after emergency situations or natural disasters (e.g. hurricanes, floods, tornadoes, fires, or boil alerts). During these times, bottled water is necessary and reliable”(Source 2). This says it all if you did not have plastic water bottles in an emergency you would be forced to drink unclean water.

In addition to my other points plastic water bottles can support a healthy lifestyle. “.....73% of the growth in water consumption has come from people switching from carbonated soft drinks”(Source 2). As you already know water has no calories which makes it very healthy and every one should be drinking at least 8 cups a day. How would one successfully get the that whole amount of water through plastic water bottles. Although the opposition focuses on how people don’t recycle the water and just leave them on the streets, I maintain the thought that at least we are drinking water and becoming healthier through that.

Plastic water bottles are better tasting and qualities better, they are more efficient to use, and give you an overall healthier lifestyle. Refillable water are not only are hard to carry around but in most cases their is no place to fill them up and frankly no time. That is why I comply to the idea of plastic water bottles in our school

Example # 2

San Francisco's recent ban on bottled water has sparked outcry and debates over whether or not bottled water should be sold and used. Bottled water should be banned in schools because they are wasteful, harmful to the environment, and unnecessary.

According to Source 1, 14 percent of plasticbottles used are not recycled. 86 percent of them end up in landfills, incineration, or simply the schools' blacktops. Many water bottles at our school are kicked around and used for games, not for hydration. As of 2007, 64 billion cans and bottles ended up in U.S. landfills. By using disposable water bottles, we are wasting unrenewable and harmful resources on them when we could just as easily use reusable water bottles. While they still require plastic, the long-term effects are much better for the environment. By neglecting them for bottled water, we are severely injuring the earth for the sake of convenience.

Even if, by some miracle, people started consistently recycling their bottles, the environment would still be affected. Plastic takes a thousand years to biodegrade no matter where they end up, and in that time toxic additives leak into groundwater. Cities also currently have to pay for the fuel it takes to transport them to proper disposal areas, and 1.5 barrels of petroleum are used to create them in the first place. According to Patrick Thronson, the communications director for Mayor Ross Anderson of Salt Lake City, "That's enough to supply 250,000 homes with electricity for a year or 100,000 cars with gasoline for a year" (Source 1). This proves that disposal isn't the only problem with bottled water, the production should also be stopped.

Some might argue that bottled water is necessary for convenience, including dietary benefits. While it's true that "73% of the growth in bottled water consumption has come from people switching from carbonated soft drinks" (Source 2), they could have accessed water just as easily with a reusable water bottle. Their prioritizing is wrong because an individual's need to be microscopically healthier are insignificant compared to the rate of Earth's destruction. There are many ways one could hydrate that don't hurt the earth, and while there are also many ways the help the earth, anything we can change counts. It's not impossible to switch from bottled water to reusable water bottles for the sake of the environment for future generations. The water's still the same. According to Laura Spanjian, "We must all do our part to reduce our carbon footprint and our impact on the environment. This is really a movement. And San Francisco wants citizens and students in other cities to be leaders of a movement to change how people think about bottled water" (Source 1).

Despite its short-term benefits, bottled water is harmful to the environment because of its mere existence, including both its creation and its disposal.

Example #3

Convenience is key in this water bottle fiasco. Would you rather drink from the tap, not knowing what could be in that water, or drink from water that has been purified and poured into a plastic bottle. What if your going out on a run, would you grab a water bottle and start your run, or would you waste time and get a reuseable water bottle and fill it up with water that can have chlorine in it. In any situation it'll be easier just to grab a water bottle.

Water bottles at CCMS are only a dollar. Buying the cheapest pack of water bottles for the month would either be cheaper than using tap or around the same cost because you have to remember the DWP. Either way you're paying around the same amount. Now, think about the purity of the water. Now which will you choose?

You need water to live. Either take a water bottle, which is convenient and affordable, for most people, or go use tap. Water bottles are great way to stay hydrated while your at PE, playing a sport camping, or just because you're thirsty. Sometimes you don't always have access to tap, so you should pick the more convenient.

In the long run water bottles, most of the time, will be way better to use than tap.

Example #4

Water bottles should not be banned. People need to start drinking more water. It doesn’t matter what water you drink, tap or from a water bottle it is still water (Source 2). According to Source 2, “People choose bottled water for several reasons, including its refreshing taste, reliable quality, zero calories and additives, and convenience.

The first reason people need to start using water bottles is because they are very refreshing and healthy to drink. If you want to eliminate your unhealthy “drinking” style meaning, drinking; a lot of calories, sugar, caffeine, or artificial flavors, then you should drink water (Source 2). Consuming healthier drinks will help you lose weight and become hygienic (prevents becoming sick). Can you believe that “since 2000 about 73% of the growth in bottled waters consumption has come from people switching from carbonated soft drinks” (Source 2)?

The second reason why people need to start using water bottles is because they are very convenient. Water bottles come in handy when it comes to emergencies such as natural disasters or lock downs. “During these times, bottled water is a necessary and reliable “second source…” (Source 2). This is so because if you are dreading of thirst and it’s just too dangerous to go to a water fountain, you have a handy water bottle with you.

Although water bottles help us during natural disasters and creating a healthy lifestyle, they are bad for the environment. “More than 1 billion plastic water bottles end up in California’s landfills each year, taking 1,000 years…” (source 1). Some people in the world are just too lazy to recycle which affects California’s landfills by a lot! There was over 64 billion wasted cans in 2007! The government had an idea. If a resident signs a pledge online to cut off on the water bottles usage, they receive a plastic “reusable” container (Source 1).

Water bottles shouldn’t be banned for these reasons, they are convenient, healthy, and have a refreshing taste. You can avoid up to 280 calories per person per week by drinking from bottled water. So many people have lost calories and weight just for drinking out of a water bottle!