The programme is aimed at people who are aged 50 years plus, are at risk of suffering from long term medical conditions and want to make positive lifestyle changes.

We offer a number of options to get you started and help you improve your health and wellbeing, they include:

Mini MOTs /Health Checks

Physical activity sessions

Advice on healthy eating and changing your eating habits

Signposting to other services ie Stop Smoking, Alcohol advice, Councelling

Motivational support

The physical activity programme lasts for 12 weeks and advice and assistance will be given to ensure that you are able to continue your healthy lifestyle choices beyond the time you spend on the programme.

Activities take place at Washington Millennium Centre and some other community venues in Washington.

All activities are led by fully qualified fitness professionals and are designed to be safe, effective, enjoyable and specific to your individual needs. Activities include:


Exercise classes, for example, Pilates, Easyline and gentle circuits


The programme is FREE of charge for the first 12 weeks and a small sessional charge will be payable after that.

What do I do next?

Complete the attached form and either contact or call into Washington Millennium Centre to arrange your first session OR complete the form and arrange to see your GP or Practice Nurse to discuss attending the physical activity programme.

For more information, please contact us:

By Telephone:0191 2193880 or 2193883

Call in: The Oval, Concord, Washington, Tyne & Wear NE37 2QD

By email:

Visit our Facebook page for regular updates:




Date of Birth:______Age:______Ethnicity:______



______Post Code______


Home Tel:______Mobile:______

ClientDeclaration:I voluntarily join the Washington Millennium Centre Health and Wellbeing Programme and understand that I do so at my own risk and that I am free to withdraw from the programme at any time.

I understand that the fitness professionals will design an activity programme which is based on my individual needs and I will not exercise beyond my own capabilities. I will inform them if I feel any discomfort during any part of the exercise sessions, or if there are any changes to my health, condition or medications. I will inform them of any investigations I have had or am waiting for.

All medical, health and physical information will remain confidential, and may be used as part of the evaluation process.

I understand that photographs and videos may be taken during activity sessions and if I do not wish myself to be included in photographs or videos I will move out of the camera range.

Client signature______Date______

GP or Health Professional Declaration(if required):I confirm that I have discussed the issues regarding participation in a physical activity programme with the above patient and believe that participation in this programme would be appropriate for them.


Position (GP, Practice Nurse etc)______

GP Practice: ______