Washington, DC ONS Board Meeting
March 13, 2013
Lombardi Cancer Center – Martin Marietta ConfRm
Members Present: Elizabeth Fagan, Linda Miller, SandySchaeffer, Leslie Smith, Liz Ness, Jean Lynn, June Ebeling, Robert Ebeling, Alice Beers
Minutes recorded by: Alice Beers
Meeting convened at 6:10 pm; adjourned at 7:25 pm
Topic / Discussion / Bring ForwardMinutes from December Conference Call / Motion to approve: Leslie Smith; second: June Ebeling
Treasurer’s report
Liz Fagan / Treasurer resigned from board Dec 2012. Linda, Liz & Leslie participated in a conference call with Brian Taylor & Jeff DeWalt (from ONS National) to discuss chapter finances. Board will serve as treasurer until new person elected. Frank Castro, CPA, currently has voluntarily performed accounting functions for the chapter. The board discussed use of his services at the following rate: $50.00/hr (for approx. ½ hr per month) & $125.00/hr in excess of two hours per month. Alice moved to accept the proposal; Leslie seconded the motion; the board voted unanimously in favor (3-0). Any checks for chapter expenses above $500 must be signed by 2 people & the board must approve an annual budget. / Liz will contact Frank Castro for written accounting contract to be submitted to National for review/approval prior to board signature.
Budget to be discussed at retreat.
Membership report
Sandra Schaefer / 38 current chapter members. New membership process to be implemented by Nat’l in July 2013. $10 per member will be deposited quarterly by Nat’l. Nat’l will maintain chapter roster; members assigned to chapters by zip code or ONS on-line profile information. No local chapter dues accepted after May 1st.
Nominations Report – Jean Lynn / Elections held by electronic vote from 4-10 March. Through the VC ballots were mailed to 56 members. 16 votes were returned for a 29% return rate. Leslie Smith elected president elect; Alice elected as secretary. / Jean to report election results to National by 22 Mar.
Need candidates for president-elect,treasurer & Programs chair
Programs Report – Leslie Smith / Care of the Older Adult course netted $821.15 for the chapter.
Chemo course planned for Oct at GWU; Consider other ONS programs “in a box” ( with CE’s); Clinical Trials; Lynch Syndrome / Programs committee meeting in May
Newsletter / Bob Ebeling has agreed to take over. Will include Pre-Congress activities, call for nominations, President’s remarks, and member feature. / Bob to submit to Liz by 4/5 with target to publish one week later
ONS 2013 Congress Planning / 60% of volunteer slots filled. Chapter to carry banner – board voted to approve no more than $350.00 for flags, scarves, flag pins & banner for chapter participants & attendees. / Continue efforts to recruit volunteers.
Grants vs. Scholarship – Liz Fagan / Grant amounts over $650 have to be reported to the IRS by the chapter. Alternative process: Scholarship monies to be reimbursed after receipts submitted to chapter – does not require IRS reporting. / Two scholarships (reimbursement with receipts) will be offered in the Newsletter; Liz will send info to Bob
PAON merger / Discussion deferred until written review from National received. / Liz working with Brian Taylor at Nat’l
Upcoming Board Meetings / June 29 - June Board Retreat
July 26-28 - ONS Leadership weekend – Leslie to attend.
Sept 17th– meet prior to dinner program. Site TBA
Dec 3rd - Conference call