I. The White House
What is the address of the White House ?
1600, Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, D.C.
On which coast is it situated ?
On the eastern coast.
What is prohibited inside ?
Prohibited inside are animals (except guide dogs), oversized backpacks, balloons, beverages, chewing gum, electric stun guns, fireworks or firecrackers, food, guns or ammunition, knives with blades over 3 inches or 8 centimeters, mace, nunchucks, smoking, or suitcases.
Cameras may be carried after undergoing a security check as you enter, but taking pictures/videotaping is not permitted inside the White House.
Who chose Washington, DC for his residence ?
President Washington (1790)
What do the letters D.C. stand for ?
District of Columbia.
Who was a president for only 32 days ?
William Henry Harrison.(1841)
What was the pet of President Benjamin Harrison’s son ?
a goat
How many presidents have the USA had ?
44 (with OBAMA)
Where does the Presidential Seal appear ?
on documents, medals, stationary, flags, monuments and on uniforms.
What can you see in the centre ?
An eagle.
3. The PRESIDENT of the United States of America.
Name : Barack Obama
Age : 49 (in 2010)
Education : college - law school
He believes in : in the ability to unite people around a politics of purpose.
Family : his wife, Michelle, and two daughters, Malia, and Sasha.
Pet : a Portuguese water dog named Bo
In which room does the President work ? - The Oval Office
4. The President's Cabinet
In which Departments could the following words be found ?
5. The political parties
What are the 2 major parties ?
Democratic and Republican.
Two animals have something to do with politics. Explain :
Democratic Donkey and Republican Elephant.
Franklin D. Roosevelt, John F. Kennedy and Bill Clinton have something in common. What is it ?
What's around it ? Why ?
50 flags corresponding to the 50 States
Who works inside ?
The Senate and the House of Representatives (= The Congress)
What is famous and very useful next to it, if you need historical documents, for example :
Library of Congress
Jefferson Memorial
What can be seen in the centre of the Memorial ?
The statue of Jefferson
Jefferson was the THIRD American President .
What is it ?
Department of Defense
How many people work there ?
approximately 23,000 military and civilian employees (and about 3,000 non-defense support personnel dedicated to protecting our national interests.)
Lincoln Memorial
What happened in 1963 ?
March on Washington with Martin Luther king
(his speech : "I have a dream")
1) The Pentagon 2) LincolnMemorial 3) WashingtonMonument
4) Capitol 5) JeffersonMemorial
Good-bye Washington, D.C.!
When was this photo taken ?
At night!