The following goals and objectives were derived from the growth areas identified by the school wide focus groups. This action plan was aligned with our ESLR’s and Smaller Learning Communities (SLC) goals and objectives and will be supported and sustained by SLC fund and District Funds.
Goal #1.We will raise the academic achievement for all students at AHS, especially focusing on significant subgroups within the student body that are identified as “underperforming”.ESLR’s addressed:1) Take Charge; 2) Demonstrate Proficiency
Area ForImprovement/Objective / Person
Responsible/Involved. / Task/Steps / Benchmarks/Assessments to Measure Progress Toward Objective and ESLR’s
1.1Core course curriculums comply with California State Subject Standards, American High School. ESLR’s and UC/CSU a-g course entrance requirements (fall 2005). Students who come in below grade level should be assisted in “catching up” by the end of Sophomore year. / Lead: Department Chairs and Vice Principal (Curriculum) /
- Revise courses to meet state standards and/or a-g.
- Each Department will come up with an intervention plan to support students taking a more rigorous curriculum. To be re-evaluated yearly.
- Departments will review and revise their procedures for placing students into more rigorous classes. Develop and implement a plan for increasing opportunities for students to take more rigorous and relevant classes beginning Fall 2005.
- Develop and implement a Summer transition program for incoming freshman. Possibly a “Step Up” program to be piloted in Summer 2005
- Every year departments will consider other rigorous or relevant courses that could be offered based on student interest.
- Departments discuss ways to work across the curriculum to support student success. They have a plan for doing so, and they assess the resources they need. They discuss grade level themes/rubrics at least quarterly.
- Develop and implement a plan by Fall 2005 for increased coordination and articulation with Junior High School, Elementary School, and the District to support student preparation and success.
- a-g List
- Scope and sequence of courses.
- All textbooks aligned with state standards
- Math Placement test
- WJR II scores
- Kaplan Progress reports
- CST scores
- Standardize Writing Portfolios
- School and District Writing Assessments for 9th & 10th grades
1.2All AHS students have Individual Student Achievement Plans (June 2007). These will be plans that will help students plan out their high school career and post secondary options. / Lead: Student Support and Advisory Coordinator.
Others: Department Chairs, Advisory Teachers and Counselors. /
- Need to develop Individual Achievement Plans this year for advisories next year.
- Coordinate with Counselors and Department Chairs quarterly in design, implementation and effectiveness.
- Counselors’ files
- Career Center Lesson Plans
- Electronic database
1.3All students should be supported in taking rigorous courses. Increase by 10% annually (for 3 yrs) the number of AHS students taking pre-AP/Honors. (June 2006 on). / Lead: Student Support and Advisory Coordinators
Others: Advisory Teachers and Department Chairs. /
- Intervention and Support Plan and Programs put in place by each department to support students in more rigorous classes, beginning Fall 2005.
- Advisory Focus classes established
- AP test results
- All freshman take Biology
Goal #2:All students will participate in a personalized learning environment that they feel they have a stake in and that they feel a commitment to growth.
ESLR’s: 1) Take Charge; 3) Participate; 4) Experience Membership
Area For
Improvement/Objective / PersonResponsible/Involved. /
/ Benchmarks/Assessments to Measure Progress2.1Increase collaboration and coordination among staff both within departments and schoolwide. Teachers are each responsible for a group of students and work together to ensure student success. Implement eight 9th & 10th Houses and Academic Teams. (Fall 2005). / Lead: Academic Teams & Teacher Support Coordinator.
Department Chairs.
Others: PSTA, ASB and all staff. /
- Staff placed/Select House to be part of by March 2005.
- Staff receives 4 paid trainings per year and 5 paid days to prepare and coordinate work, over 3-year period.
- Lead teacher designated for each House by March of each year. Need a plan for training and supporting lead teachers.
- Develop and implement a plan by Fall 2005 on how to coordinate and integrate among various disciplines in SLC.
- Staff survey
- Plan presented to and approved by staff
- Course curricula aligned
2.2Place all freshman and sophomores in Houses or Academic Teams (Fall 2007). / Lead: Vice Principal, Teacher Support Coordinator, Department Chairs, PSTA and ASB /
- Develop and implement a plan for placing students into Houses by Spring 2006.
- Master schedule
2.3Pilot Junior/Senior SLC or Career Academy based on student and faculty interest. (Fall 2007). / Lead: Department Chairs and Teacher Support Coordinator
Other: All staff and Vice Principal. /
- Develop structure and course offerings, submitting proposals by Feb 2006.
- Develop and implement a plan for placement of students by Feb 2006.
- Proposals presented to staff
2.4Provide advisors for all AHS students (Fall 2005). / Lead: Student Support and Advisory Coordinators
Other: All staff, Parents and Students. /
- Develop structure that accommodates all students. To be completed by May 2005.
- Develop and implement a plan for special interest advisories. (i.e. soccer, gay and lesbian, or fine arts advisory), list to be compiled Spring 2005
- Determine by Summer 2005 whether placement is by grade level or multi grade level
- Develop resource book for advisors with activities.
- Design Individual Achievement Plan or Learning Plan to be used during Advisories. Complete by Spring 2006
- Develop and implement a plan by Spring 2006 to better support students preparing for postsecondary options (plan for writing letters of recommendation).
- Better tracking of students after they leave AHS to better assess our progress. Plan by Fall 2005
- Review discipline policy, collect data on discipline and assess its effectiveness.
- Master schedule
- Resource book
- Individual learning plans on file with Focus advisors
- Plan on file with Focus advisors
- Records in Career Center
2.5Student Participation: Increase by 10% annually number of students who participate in academic & non-academic extra-curricular activities (June 2005). / Lead: Activity Director and advisors.
Other: Student Support and Advisory Coordinators /
- By Spring 2005, develop and implement a plan for increasing student involvement.
- Student surveys
Goal #3:The staff will develop in new ways to guide students towards more personalized education.
ESLR’s: 1) Take Charge; 3) Participate; 4) Experience Membership
Objectives / Area For Improvement
/ PersonResponsible / Involved. / Task/Steps / Benchmarks and Assessments to Measure Progress
3.1Collaborative, integrated, curricular teams for all core 9th (English and Science) and 10th grade (English and Social Science) House teachers (Fall 2005). Alignment of curriculum and standards within and between departments. / Lead: Teacher Support Coordinator, Department Heads, San Jose State University /
- Develop and implement a Professional Development plan and calendar that addresses areas of growth for each department and increased schoolwide collaboration and coordination.
- Professional Development plan will expand current efforts, beginning Spring 2005 and monthly thereafter, and will be based on Areas of Growth in WASC focus group reports.
- Professional Learning Teams meet monthly to coordinate between houses and evaluate progress.
- Develop protocol to make better use of staff meeting time.
- Departments will develop and implement a plan to align curriculum within departments both vertically and horizontally for grade levels.
- Departments develop plan for integrating SLC strategies and structures to better support all students. Departments can propose other Small Learning Community structures such as a fine arts institute.
- Develop a stronger department and schoolwide plan to create a more cohesive correlation among the disciplines.
- Identify sources of Professional Development needed.
- Investigate other sources of funding to continue work.
- Calendar of Professional Development
- Health & Biology collaboration
- SLC quarterly reports
3.2Increased time and opportunity for Collaboration and Coordination of staff. Professional Learning Teams (PLTs) for all 9th and 10th gr. core teachers (Fall 2006). Teacher coaches in English and Math. / Lead: Teacher Support Coordinator
Others: Department Chairs, Data Collection Coordinator. /
- Establish a monthly time for teachers in Houses to meet with other House teachers to plan and coordinate work.
- By March of each year, identify lead teachers who will form the lead group for the professional learning team.
- Starting in Spring 2005, departments will identify staff to be trained as coaches in areas of growth (e.g. literacy coach)
- Develop plan to assure teachers have collaboration time. (Use staff meeting time)
- Investigate ways to build more time for teachers to collaborate.
- Calendar of events
- SLC reports
3.3Sustained and focused Professional Development. Annual AHS SLC Summer Institute for Staff Professional Development. (Fall 2005). / Lead: Academic Teams & Teacher Support Coordinator
Other: Department Chairs, Site Council /
- Each department should develop a professional development plan based on teacher and student needs and WASC areas for growth beginning March 2005 and reassessed yearly.
- Plan professional development and collaboration time (up to 5 paid days) for Spring 2006
- Investigate Benchmark projects or senior project to assess student learning, beginning Spring 2006
- Consider revising new teacher support program.
- Number of “highly qualified” teachers
- Department curriculum meetings
Goal #4:Improve the connections between school and community, engaging parents in more active roles and enlisting the advice and support of the business community.
ESLR’s: 3) Participate; 4) Experience membership
Objectives/Area For Improvement
/ PersonResponsible/Involved. / Task/Steps / Benchmarks and Assessments to Measure Progress
4.1Increase number of parents/guardians who participate actively at AHS by 25% annually. (June 2006 on). / Lead: Student Support Coordinator and Career Counselor /
- Develop and implement how parents can be more involved at AHS in a more meaningful way.
- Identify ways to measure level of parental involvement particularly for students who are struggling.
- Offer parent/teacher inservices to help parents learn how to assist their students in study skills as well as subject matter.
4.2Increase number of parents who report they are kept well informed about their child’s academic progress by 10% annually for three years. / Lead: Student Support Coordinator and all staff.
Other: Data Collection Coordinator /
- Identify ways teachers and school can better communicate with all parents.
- Create student message boards, offering tutoring online
- Include in yearly parent survey given to ALL parents.
- Plan for surveying, communicating with parents. and engaging parents who are not currently involved at AHS.
- Surveys
- Increased number of teachers’ websites
4.3Increase number of AHS community/post-second/business partners who support AHS by 25% annually (June 2006 on), / Lead: Service Learning Coordinator and Career Counselor.
Other: All staff. /
- Plan for developing, sustaining partnerships with community members.
- Contracts on file
- Students & parent message boards on AHS website
- Early and frequent progress reports for 9th graders; 3-week interval
4.4Link at least 80% of classrooms with community and business internships, mentorships, job shadows, or community tutors. Link curriculum with adult world experiences (June 2008 on). / Lead: Service Learning Coordinator and Department Heads.
Other: Career Counselor, Student Support Coordinator and Teacher Support Coordinator, Alumni Organizations /
- Plan and database of community organizations that are already involved at AHS and ones who wish to be involved at AHS.
- Plan for recruiting and linking up more classes with community resources and businesses.
- Plan for yearly Community Partnership workshops for community members to assist in planning and locating opportunities for students.
American High SchoolWASC Action Plan - 1
WASC/CDE Self-Study