Classroom Implementation Strategy - Steve Kirsche

Title / Nature of Science
Subject / Comprehensive Science
Grade Level / Grades 6, 7
“Big Ideas” / The processes of sciencefrequently do notcorrespond to thetraditional portrayal of "thescientific method."
Overview of National Standards / MS-ESS2-4 -Develop a model to describe the cycling of water through Earth's systems driven by energy from the sun and the force of gravity.
MS-ETS1-1 - Define the criteria and constraints of a design problem with sufficient precision to ensure a successful solution, taking into account relevant scientific principles and potential impacts on people and the natural environment that may limit possible solutions.
Your State’s Performance Standards / SC.6.E.7.4 - Differentiate and show interactions among the geosphere, hydrosphere, cryosphere, atmosphere, and biosphere.
SC.6.N.1.5- Recognize that science involves creativity, not just in designing experiments, but also in creating explanations that fit evidence.
SC.6.N.2.3- Recognize that scientists who make contributions to scientific knowledge come from all kinds of backgrounds and possess varied talents, interests, and goals.
SC.7.N.1.5- Describe the methods used in the pursuit of a scientific explanation as seen in different fields of science such as biology, geology, and physics.
SC.7.N.3.2- Identify the benefits and limitations of the use of scientific models.
Internet Links/Resources / -- Site for the expedition to Summit Station (can be reached at:
Major Events or Activities: “The Learning Plan” /
  • Warmup Activity – List the steps in the scientific method
  • Video Overview of the Expedition
  • Think-Pair-Share Activity – Students will think about how they feel this expedition will use the scientific method and what they feel the goals of the expedition are. They will then pair up with a partner (or 2) to share their ideas with one another.
  • Lecture/Covering of Material
  • Evaluation of Ice Structure Pictures
  • Small Group Activity – Explaining how this expedition used the scientific method and how data gathered can be used to develop useful scientific models of the cryosphere
  • Sharing Presentations with Other Groups or the Entire Class

Essential Questions /
  • What is the cryosphere and why is it important?
  • How do scientists use the scientific method and how can it differ for different investigations?
  • How is empirical evidence gathered in Arctic regions and how can this evidence be used to create scientific models?

Safety Considerations / None
Assessment / Assessment Plan: Students will be assessed by evaluation of the presentations (using a rubric) they create at the end.
5 E Inquiry Model / Engage / Students will be shown a video overview of the Arctic expedition
Explore / Think-Pair-Share – Students put down their thoughts before learning specifics of the expedition. They then share their thoughts with 1-2 partners.
Explain /
  1. Lecture – Provide details about the cryosphere and how the expedition studied it.
  2. Show pictures from the study of the ice structure at various depths (micro-CT and SEM pictures)

Extend / With their partners, students evaluate the ice structure pictures to look for patterns.
Evaluate / Students explore the expedition web site in order to develop presentations. Presentations should explain how this expedition used the scientific method and how data gathered can be used to develop useful scientific models of the cryosphere.
Documentation of Resources