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Wareham St Martin Parish Council


Annual GeneralMeetingof the Wareham St Martin Parish Council held in Sandford Community Hall, Keysworth Drive, Sandford, Wareham, Dorset on Monday, 14th May 2018 at 7.00 pm

Present :-Mr AC Gollop(Chairman)


Mrs BJ Button

Mr DG Hopkins


Mr WJ Williamson

Also present County Councillor Mrs B Ezzard, County and District Councillor M Unsworth

Minutes taken by the Clerk, Miss M D Weller

1.Declarations of Interest

18/001Chairman asked councillors for any Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interest on items contained in the Agenda applicable to themselves or spouses/partners. None were recorded.

2.Request to Record the Meeting

18/002Chairman then asked if anyone wished to record any or all of the meeting and if so by what method. There was no interest in making a recording other than the minutes.


18/003There were apologies from Mrs D Joyce (ill health), Mr DF Hawkins (ill health), Miss JE Sayers (family), Mrs JK Brock (family) and Mr CE Turner (family).

4.To Elect a Chairman for the Parish Council

18/003The Chairman stood down and the meeting was asked for nominations.

Mr J Williamson proposed Mr A Gollop and Mr T Anscombe seconded the motion.

There being no other nominationsit was

ResolvedMr A Gollop be elected Chairman of the Parish Council. Mr Gollop thanked the members for their support and took the chair. The Declaration of Office was signed and witnessed.

5.To Elect a Vice Chairman for the Parish Council

18/004The Chairman asked the meeting for nominations for the Vice Chair.

Mr T Anscombe proposed Mr D Hopkins and Mrs D Smith seconded the motion, there being no other nominations it was

ResolvedMr D Hopkins be elected Vice Chairman of the Parish Council. The Declaration of Office would be signed in the near future.

6.Confirmation ofMinutes

18/005Mr D Hopkins proposed and Mr J Williamsonseconded the motionit was

Resolvedthat the Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 9th April 2018having been circulated, be confirmed and signed by the Chairman as a true record.

18/006Mr T Anscombe proposed and Mr D Hopkins seconded the motionit was

Resolvedthat the Record of the Annual Parish Meeting held on the 27th April 2018 having been circulated, be confirmed and signed by the Chairman as a true record.

7.Public Participation Period

18/007Chairman asked if members of the public wanted to speak.

Mr JT Smith reported comments on the long grass on the verges and Mr D Hopkins advised the wildflower verges appeared to be long grass as the flowers had not actually appeared yet. It was agreed that Mr Smith could give the Dorset County Council telephone number to the public to report issues.

Mr Smith also advised that grass and weeds are breaking up the sides of the road at Gore Hill and Clerk advised the area around the garages belongs to the Astor Housing Association. Chairman suggested a visit by the local Highways officer to take a look around the parish might be appropriate.

Mr J Smith also said the grass growing down FP7 needs to be killed off but was concerned about dogs eating it. Chairman hoped footfall would keep the grass down and Mr D Hopkins said this had been an issue when the grass was killed off for the wildflower verges but county council officers had stated their chemicals would not cause illness to dogs.

Mr Smith had heard residents complaining about the waiting time at the new Co-op and Chairman said they are a victim of their own success and it is down to the store to manage this.

Litter was a problem in several places but he was not there every day so Chairman asked everyone to report hotspots of litter so Mr Smith could target those areas. Mr D Hopkins asked about the 2 benches for the Labour Field and Mr Smith said he would put them together this week.

Mr J Williamson reported weeds at Lane End reducing visibility for drivers. The flooding in Bere Road had been looked at by county council who could not find the source. A digger working at the back near the Sika Trail car park may have cured the problem.

8.County Councillors' Reports

18/008County Councillor Mrs Ezzard read her report (Appendix 1) and added there was a litter free group operating up to the parish boundary and a group called the Wareham Wombles also go out. She asked if a Dementia Friendly poster could go on the hall notice board and this was agreed.

9.District Councillor’s Report

18/009District Councillor Mark Unsworthhad his report circulated earlier by the Clerk(Appendix 2). He added the Secretary of State had written to say a public inquiry would be held regarding the Bournemouth and Swanage Ferry fees on the 25/26 September at Studland Village Hall. All submissions will be automatically considered but more evidence can be produced if wanted.

18/010District Councillor Mrs Ezzard had nothing to add but had not seen Councillor Unsworth’s report so the Clerk offered to send to her when circulating to members.

Chairman thanked all councillors for their reports and attendance to the meeting.

10.To Elect Representatives on outside committees/groups


18/011Members then considered the list of representatives and the committees and organisations; amendments were made with the Viridor Liaison Panel and Sandford Church being removed, Sandford Heritage Hall and Sandford Primary School to be added to the list. Mrs A Joyce had resigned from the Solar Committee. See Appendix 3.

11.To Consider Items for Discussion and Report

18/012 (a) Planning Applications Update:-

6/2018/0098South Trigon House, Access road to Trigon Farm

New porch

AgreedParish Council has no objections


6/2018/0123Oaklands Plantation, Bere Road, Cold Harbour

Replace and re-site mobile home as permanent residence

AgreedParish Council has no objections.


6/2018/0135Sans Souci, Organford Road, Holton Heath

Raise existing roof of rear addition, increase room height, widen access

AgreedParish Council has no objections


6/2018/0138Trigon Pit, Carey Road, Wareham

Western Extension to develop land for ball clay winning and ancillary

AgreedParish Council has no objections

No decision

18/013(b) Reports from Parish Council Representatives on other Bodies :-

1)Wareham St Martin Solar Community Fund – Mr D Hopkins and Mr J Williamson attended the AGM on the 26th April 2018 in Sandford Heritage Hall. Mr Hopkins was re-elected as Chairman and Mr Williamson as Vice Chair with Debbie Weller the secretary. The fund now holds 3 years of donations for distribution as well as the single payment of £10,000. One application has been received with more in the pipeline; applications deadline is 30th June with the next meeting on the 12th July. We are registered as a Not for Profit organization. Mrs A Joyce has resigned and we are looking for another representative for Sandford to join us. Clerk added that Eneco agreed to pay for 1 month of advertisement in the Purbeck Gazette and has generously extended it to a second month. Clerk’s time in setting up the group has been paid by the parish council and an invoice will be sent to Eneco for payment up to £500. Mrs Joyce created and ran the web site so it will be necessary to find someone else to do this.

2)Tree Applications – Mr C Turner and Mr T Anscombe attendedan address in Organford Road to look at the trees being considered for work to be done; they had no objection to the application.

3)Sandford Primary School – Mrs D Smith attended a governors’ finance meeting to set the budget. Finances are tight but they do not have to make any staff redundant or have shorter work time. The school is growing which means next year they will get money for extra pupils. The governors expect to cover their costs next year. A new foundation governor was nominated by the PCC. They are completing the playground with disability inclusive equipment. Next meeting is Thursday this week.

4)Purbeck Transport in Action Group – Mr J Williamson reported the proposed bus stop in Willis Way has been dismissed as it would disrupt bus routing, treasurer reported £365 in the bank, 2 people present wanted the bus shelter at Wareham Station cleaned, SID to be put in Arne Road and Nutcrack Lane, the bus service for Organford Manor is working well, in reply to a complaint about lack of real time in some shelters Morebus suggested they get an App which will give the information through the telephone. The Wareham crossing ramp is going to county council’s Planning Committee for a decision, the Wareham to Swanage link service made a loss so Swanage Rail will use their own diesel unit which may run in the Autumn. They aim to run 60 day services for 2019.

5)Wareham in relief and in sickness Charities – Mr J Williamson advised nothing happened except Mrs P Wiliamson became the secretary; he did check with the Clerk that this was not going to be an issue. The Charity Commission might criticize the group if they do not distribute more money so he asked for people to consider who might benefit. The application can be made out by someone else on their behalf.

6)Volunteer of the Year – Chairman attended on the 12th April where 5 members of the Sandford Heritage Community Group were awarded a certificate and he has passed on photos of the occasion to the group. Mr D Hopkins asked if the certificate is to be framed and Chairman advised Mr B Buxton has it at the moment whilst deciding where it should go. Clerk advised she agreed they could have it in the Sandford Community Hall where the meet more regularly.

7)Parish & Town Council Chairmen and Clerks Liaison Meeting – Chairman attended but Clerk was minuting the AGM of the Solar Fund meeting. There were 2 major topics – Local Plan Review re housing needs and the local government re-organization. The review offered 3 options regarding spread of housing and officers are working on the results now. Re-organization is going ahead but Christchurch is still holding back. Shadow Cabinet is being formed but the feeling of the meeting was that it was a mistake to move in a direction when there was no idea of how it will work or its results. Chairman asked for the notes of the meeting to be sent out as soon as possible.

8)Wareham Burial Joint Committee – Chairman attended the Finance Meeting to audit the documents before submitting them to Wareham Town Council. There are still some issues to work on before agreeing the town council as lead council.

9)Sandford Organ – Chairman advised there would be a meeting with 2 Dutch men on the 24th May. They want to look at the organ and Nigel Webb has been telling them the history. He was then going to take them on a tour of other organs made by the same company. Chairman agreed with Mayflower Care that he would deal with media and the Advertiser agreed to print an article if given to them. This would emphasise the importance of the organ and generate international interest. Clerk will be getting more keys cut for the Heritage Hall. Mr Williamson asked about the proposed plaque with history of the building and Chairman advised that was being looked at by Mrs S Watters and the Clerk.

10)Wareham & District Development Trust – Clerk attended on the 16th April where they were told the finances were healthy, Wareham Library Garden has now been finished and Weymouth SeaLife are going to have a day showing school children their rock pools etc. Priory Meadow needs maintenance work done, the Wareham Town Pound is complete, it was agreed the Market Statue that belongs to Cottees was too large for the Library garden so would not ask for its return and the late Summer Cruise will be on the 2nd September.

11)DAPTC Executive Meeting – Clerk was advised that the new unitary authorities will not be ready with structure or services by April 2019 they just want to make them legal entities; there will be a consultation on boundaries and DAPTC want to see Poole and Bournemouth parished. Will be sending out a letter asking parish and town councils what services are important, regardless of who provides them, and how they want to be included in the running of the authorities, especially in decision making. Area meeting reports were received.

12)Purbeck Area Meeting – Clerk chaired this meeting where 3 county council Highway officers attended to answer questions on the future of the services. It has got to a point that constraints mean Highways will only deal with essential work to “Keep Safe” as per the Highways Act. White lines are unlikely to be renewed but yellow ones will be. Gullies on busy roads (500,000 vehicles +) will be emptied. Policy is being created. Specific examples were discussed. Transfer of assets without the income stream was criticised, the role of DAPTC in government re-organization questioned. Next meeting 27th June.

13)Dorset Village Hall Association – Clerk attended the AGM at Upton where presentations on fire safety and health & safety was given (ie fire risk assessments) and on the Upton Community Centre were given.

Chairman asked if having painted road signs “Slow” on approach to Sibley Pottery roundabout from Wareham should be requested. Clerk will ask.

Chairman had been advised that someone approached the Co-Op about putting a defibrillator on their wall in Sandford and was refused. This person is part of a group that offers training, arranges their installation and maintenance.

12.New Planning Applications

18/014The parish council considered the following applications between meetings:

6/2018/01315 Holton Road, Holton Heath Trading Estate

Alteration to roof height, new cladding to elevations, fascia, new door

AgreedParish Council has no objections but wanted planners to be aware of the possible visual impact from across the channel in the AONB area.

6/2018/02055 Holton Point, Holton Heath Trading Estate

Construct Waste Transfer Facility, yard and parking

AgreedParish Council has no objections but wanted planners to be aware of the possible visual impact from across the channel in the AONB area

13.To Consider Correspondence for Action and Items raised by the Public

18/015Dispensations – Clerk advised there had been no dispensations sought.

18/016Clerk’s Report

  1. Dorset County Council –
  2. Potholes in Keysworth Drive and Tyneham Close have been repaired.
  3. Road traffic report on work being done on the highways has been circulated.
  1. Sandford Heritage Hall – The Annual Parish Meeting and the AGM for the Wareham St Martin Solar Community Fund were held in the hall and those that attended were very pleased at the refurbishment that Mayflower Care had carried out.
  1. Purbeck Film Festival– A showing of The Darkest Hour will be screened in the Sandford Heritage Hall on the 24th October 2018 with nibbles. Tickets will be available nearer the time. This is being sponsored by the Pine Martin Grange care home and the parish council.
  1. Sandford Organ– This instrument is in the top 5 of the National Organ Register due to it being completely original since manufacture except for the addition of an electric blower. A gentleman from Holland is visiting the area to see the organ because of its importance. It is hoped it will be a photo opportunity to highlight its uniqueness.
  1. Woodlands Play Area – The roundabout has seized and a play maintenance group has carried out an inspection. Mr J Smith advised the representative stated an incorrect bearing had been installed, he would try and grease it to release it. Clerk advised the bearing had been ordered from Wickstead quoting the roundabout reference. Sawscapes (recommended by the Play Inspection Company) gave 3 quotations for the roundabout and repairs recommended for the RoSPA report. Members considered their content and it was agreed the work needed to be done.

Mrs D Smith proposed and Mr J Williamson seconded the motionit was

ResolvedParish Council would have the repairs done by Sawscapes at a total cost of £2,730 but to ask that the gate be painted yellow and not red.

  1. Sandford Heritage Community Group – There will be a presentation on the history of Sandford House and the Rodgetts/Filleul families on the 25th June 2018.
  1. War Memorials– The Royal British Legion has generously donated money for the relaying and repointing of the slabs around the war memorials. This work should be completed during the next school holidays.
  1. Dorsetforyou – If any resident sees a road defect, pothole, blocked drain, street light not working, etc., please remember you can report it by telephone on 01305 221000 or on the website of

18/017Clerk’s Hourly Rate – Clerk advised that the National Association of Local Councils had recommended a 1.9% increase making an annual increase of £14 on basic hours.

Mr D Hopkins proposed and Mr A Gollop seconded the motionit was

ResolvedThe Clerk’s hourly rate would be increased to the proposed new hourly rate from the 1st April 2018 to the 31st March 2019.