Ward 3 Trustee Pamela Gough’s Update June 22, 2012

In June, with the culmination of the academic cycle, theTDSB makes important decisions on budget and programs for the upcoming year. Over the next week, many graduations will be taking place as we celebrate the success of our students. Best wishes to all graduates! I encourage everyone to make the most of the summer by being active, getting outside, and reading for the fun of it!

1.TDSB passes balanced but severe budget

TDSBtrustees have set a budget of $2,869,911,350 for the upcoming 2012-2013 academic year. To achieve a balanced budget as required by the Ministry of Education, very difficult decisions needed to be made, such as:

· reducing senior administration at the Education Centre,

· downsizing Office Assistants,

· offering to retrain kindergarten Educational Assistants as Early Childhood Educators,

· placing a moratorium on international travel,

· taking measures to reduce energy costs at the administration buildings, and

· increasing permit fees.

The trustees adjusted the budget to protect special education and professional and support services (social workers, speech and language specialists, psychologists, etc.). School budgets were largely unaffected. You can access the budget report here:

2. Principal retirements, transfers and appointments

George R.Gauld’s principal, Mr. Richard Menzies, is retiring at the end of the school year. I wish him a long and happy retirement. He will be replaced by Dr.Esme McKenzie, the current principal of Twentieth Street JS. Twentieth Street’s new principal will be Mr. Rob Hochberg, the current vice-principal of Runnymede Junior and Senior PS.

Second Street JMS’s principal, Cheryl Howe, is taking a year’s leave under theTDSB’s “4 over 5” plan which allows leave accumulated over four years to be used in the fifth. Ms. Howe plans to travel widely and I wish her all the best. Mr. Steven McLean, the school’s vice-principal, is being promoted to principal. Congratulations to Mr. McLean!

3. Bloorlea renovation to allow shared community use of gym

In partnership with the City of Toronto, theTDSB plans to expandBloorlea Middle School’

s gym to make it into a community centre for shared use by Parks, Forestry and Recreation programs. Councillor PeterMilczyn has been very supportive of this project and has directed the city to use Section 37 funds, which are being matched by the TDSB. Construction is slated for next summer. This will provide new recreation facilities for youth in an area that very much needs them.

4. Summer playground improvements: John English and EtienneBrulé

TDSB’sfacilities staff will be upgrading schoolyard playgrounds at John English JMS and Etienne Brule JS this summer. Both public school students and the wider community will enjoy these enhanced outdoor play areas.

5. Healthy Dose of Green: proximity to trees good for child health

Plant a tree to make your child’s health better. Trees Ontario recently released an excellent new report on the importance of trees to the urban environment, especially for children’s health. Evidence suggests that mental and physical health is closely associated with the health of our forest ecosystems. Multiple health benefits are correlated with forest cover in urban areas. Lowered rates of asthma, cancer, diabetes, and other chronic conditions are associated with proximity to trees, which act as a filter for air pollutants. Research shows that children with Attention Deficit Disorder experience a lessening of symptoms when they have contact with nature. You can access the report here.

6. K to 12 Long Term Pupil Accommodation Strategy

Trustees have givenTDSB staff the go-ahead to examine a number of schoolyards across the city with a view to splitting off land parcels to be sold to raise funds for school building repair and construction. Capital dollars are insufficient at the moment to keep up with infrastructure needs. ManyTDSB buildings are among the oldest in the province and deterioration is a constant concern.

Related to this, staff have also brought forward a “K to 12” strategic plan that would see the entire system revamped to increase technological literacy, redistribute programs to fill gaps within regions, and expand on-line courses to complement traditional classroom learning. Consultation will take place on the program elements in the fall. Land severance recommendations will come to trustees in November. I am interested in your opinions on these initiatives and welcome feedback.

7.TDSB students remain strong in literacy

Students in theTDSB are strong in literacy, according to the latest results from the Education Quality and Accountability Office (EQAO). Latest results show thatTDSB has maintained a pass rate of 81%, almost identical to the provincial average.TDSB results show a steady increase in literacy success, with the current literacy test pass rate 10% higher than a decade ago.

8. Parent engagement kits sent to schools

The Council of Ontario Directors of Education (CODE) has developed a parent engagement resource kit to support parent engagement. Fifteen kits have been sent to each school. Principals have been asked to make the kit available to school councils for 2012/2013 information and planning.

The kit contains the following resources:

· Parent engagement Tool Kit for parents

· Parent engagement Tool Kit for Secondary Parents

· Guidebook for Parent Engagement; and

·Webkey with all Tool Kits

The resource is available on-line at www.ontariodirectors.caor should you wish to have a hard copy, please contact Michelle Munroe, Central Coordinator Parent and Community Involvement

9. New policy approved for community engagement

Trustees approved a new policy on community engagement that provides a framework for public involvement in planning and decision making. The framework envisages three stages of engagement, depending on the circumstance: information sharing, consultation, and co-construction. You can access the report here.

10. Report cards coming end of June

Elementary report cards go home June 27 or June 28th. Secondary school report cards are mailed out at the end of June. Last day of school for elementary students is Thursday June 28, and the following day is a PD Day so no classes will take place but schools will still be open and teachers available to talk to parents. Last day of school for secondary is Tuesday June 26, with a PD day on June 27.

I recommend all parents make themselves familiar with the way that student progress is evaluated and reported. The best source of information is the Ministry’s Growing Success document which you can find by clicking here. Your child’s teacher is a well trained professional- don’t hesitate to ask for more information on the elements of evaluation and assessment.

Summer goes by quickly! First day of school after summer is Tuesday, September 4.

11. Rotary Club offers support for school nutrition programs, needs volunteers forRibfest June 29- July 1

TheEtobicoke Rotary Club will give proceeds from this year’s Canada Day weekendRibfest event towards student nutrition programs as part of their focus on reducing child hunger. Schools that would like to benefit from the Rotary’s generous support for their student nutrition programs are asked to involve themselves in the fundraising process by sending parents, students and staff as volunteers to help collect donations at the door during Ribfest. High school students who volunteer can earn community services credits towards their diplomas.

I encourage all school councils to send volunteers toRibfest as their schools will benefit from the proceeds. For more information, and to volunteer, please go to the website http://www.torontoribfest.com/ or contactRibfest coordinator GillDugas or 416-243-2151.

Please forward this email to friends. Subscribe by contacting . For more information, check out myTDSB website at http://www.tdsb.on.ca/gough. Email me at . For the absolute latest information, follow me on Twitter at @pamelagough!

Debbie Wagdin

Constituency Assistant to


Toronto District School Board
5050Yonge Street, 5th Floor
Toronto, OntarioM2N 5N8
tel: 416-393-1972
fax: 416-397-3114

Trustee Pamela Gough’s Website