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Health and Physical Education
Humanities and Social Sciences
The Arts
Work Studies
Want to know more about the Australian Curriculum?
Students with disabilityStudents for whom English is an additional language or dialect
Student – gifted and talented
General capabilities
Cross curriculum priorities
Want to know about the Australian Curriculum in your state and territory?
Australian Capital TerritoryEducation and Training Directorate -
Catholic Education Archdiocese of Canberra and Goulburn -
Association of Independent Schools ACT -
New South Wales
Board of Studies, Teaching and Educational Standards -
Department of Education -
Catholic Education Commission NSW -
Association of Independent Schools NSW -
Northern Territory
Board of Studies -
Department of Education -
Catholic Education Office -
Association of Independent Schools NT -
Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority -
Department of Education, Training and Employment -
Queensland Catholic Education Commission -
Independent Schools Queensland -
South Australia
SACE Board of South Australia -
Department for Education and Child Development -
Catholic Education South Australia -
Association of Independent Schools of South Australia -
Office of Tasmanian Assessment, Standards & Certification -
Department of Education -
Tasmanian Catholic Education Office -
Independent Schools Tasmania -
Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority -
Department of Education and Early Childhood Development -
Catholic Education Commission of Victoria -
Independent Schools Victoria -
Western Australia
School Curriculum and Standards Authority -
Department of Education -
Catholic Education Office -
Association of Independent Schools of Western Australia -