WAMFT Annual Conference: March 24 - 26, 2012

Theory in the Age of Evidence:

Expanding Possibilities and Knowledge

Featuring Diane Gehart, Ph.D.


The Conference Committee of the Wisconsin Association for Marriage & Family Therapy invites the submission of proposals for poster presentation at the 2012 conference of the Wisconsin Division of AAMFT. Poster presentation proposals are welcome from all individuals and organizations involved in improving the quality of individual, couple or family life.

During the conference, poster presenters will stand by their posters during a designated one-hour “poster presentation session” in which conference attendees can view the posters and talk with presenters. Presenters and attendees will be able to earn 1 CEU during this session. The day and time of this poster session is yet to be determined, so please indicate your availability accordingly below:

Saturday (Conference Day 1): Available ___ Not available ____ Specific times available ______

Sunday (Conference Day 2): Available ___ Not available ____ Specific times available ______

Monday (Conference Day 3): N/A due to keynote presentation all day

Posters may be research-oriented (i.e. a research study by the presenter; a literature review in one area of MFT research), or practice-oriented (i.e. application of theory; service delivery; innovative practices). The following topic areas are suggestions for poster presentations.

-Addiction/substance abuse

-Adoption/foster care




-Clinical techniques



-Delivery systems/Managed care







-Practice development



-Severe mental illness

-Sexual orientation

-Sexuality/sex therapy


Posters should be standard tri-fold (free-standing) or posterboard size (with the means to prop up your poster on a table), no more than 3 feet in length.

WAMFT will consider proposals from all qualified professionals. You do not have to be a member of WAMFT to submit your proposal. If you are a new presenter and would like assistance with your submission, please indicate your request on the request form. For more detailed information on presenting at the WAMFT Conference, including AAMFT core competencies, please see the WAMFT website.

Deadline for submitting proposal is December 15, 2011. This deadline allows more timely conference planning. Thank you!

Applicants will be notified by February 1, 2012 as to whether or not their posters have been accepted.

Please use the enclosed proposal form to simplify your process and assist our committee in reviewing proposals. Be sure to include a copy of your resume or vitae; these are required as part of our application for obtaining CEU approval. Incomplete proposals will not be considered. Each applicant must complete the: Presenter Agreement forms along with the proposal and a current resume/vitae.


All materials must be received on or before December 15, 2011.

Please email all required materials to:

(Electronic copies of documents are strongly encouraged.)

or mail to: Wisconsin Association for Marriage and Family Therapy

P. O. Box 44578, Madison, WI 53744 Phone 608.848.1994

POSTER PRESENTER INFORMATION: (To use form boxes, highlight box and start typing)*

Presenter(s) Information/Prior presentations given (please attach CV or include in the space provided):

Presenter name(s) (list lead presenter first):

Earned degree/AAMFT membership:

Position/Agency/Graduate Program (if currently a student):

Would you like a WAMFT Board Member to contact you in order to provide assistance to you in developing your poster presentation?



Would you like WAMFT to consider you for future presentations opportunities?


No (please explain):

TYPE OF POSTER PRESENTATION: Please check all that apply: (To use check boxes, right click on the box, click on properties, and under default value click on checked.)


Practice innovation

Theoretical application

Other (please explain):

TARGET AUDIENCE: (teachers, students, supervisors, practitioners, etc.)

POSTER TITLE: (10 words or less)

ABSTRACT: (25 words or less to appear in the Conference Manual)

SUMMARY OF POSTER PRESENTATION CONTENT: (Use this space to expand on your abstract and further summarize your poster presentation)



For All Poster Presenters:

  • I understand that each presenter will register for the conference. Theapplicable conference fee will also be paid by each presenter: A discounted conference fee will be provided to all poster presenters, up to two presenters per poster.
  • I understand that my travel expenses to and from the conference will not be reimbursed by WAMFT.
  • I understand that WAMFT will not make any travel arrangements for presenters.
  • I understand that my hotel room costs and other expenses incurred throughout the conference will not be reimbursed by WAMFT.
  • I understand that I am responsible for presenting this poster should the committee accept it.
  • I will coordinate the presentation and act as a primary contact with the conference planners.
  • I agree to inform the conference planners of any changes that occur in the information on the application.
  • I understand and agree with the following statement from the Committee on Ethics: WAMFT’s policy stipulates that no workshops or seminars shall involve live presentations of current or former clients. Any possible exception must receive specific and written approval from the Board of the Wisconsin Division of the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy.
  • Presenters are also reminded of the importance of insuring confidentiality when using verbal, written, or video presentations as stated in Principle II in the 2001 AAMFT Code of Ethics. Sub-principle 2.3 states, “Marriage and family therapists use client and/or clinical materials in teaching, writing, consulting, research, and public presentations only if a written waiver has been obtained in accordance with Sub-principle 2.2, or when appropriate steps have been taken to protect client identity and confidentiality.” Sub-principle 2.6 states, “Marriage and family therapists, when consulting with colleagues or referral sources, do not share confidential information that could reasonably lead to the identification of a client, research participant, supervisee, or other person with whom they have a confidential relationship unless they have obtained the prior written consent of the client, research participant, supervisee, or other person with whom they have a confidential relationship. Information may be shared only to the extent necessary to achieve the purposes of the consultation.”

Signature of Main Presenter: ______

Printed Name: ______

Agency/Organization: ______

Address: ______

City: ______State: ______Zip: ______

Home: (____) ______Work; (____) ______

E-mail: ______