3850 Walsh Ranch Blvd.

Round Rock, Texas 78681

(512) 704-0800

Fax: (512) 704-0940

Web Site:

Walsh Middle School Vision

Walsh Middle School prides itself on educating and nurturing innovative critical thinkers. As a professional learning community, Walsh Middle School promotes a rigorous learning environment for all stakeholders and holds the highest expectations for student achievement.

Walsh Middle School Mission

It is the mission of Walsh Middle School to provide a rigorous, nurturing, learner-centered atmosphere which bases all decisions on its students' academic and personal achievement.

Table of Contents

General Informationpg. 4

Assignment Plannerspg. 4

Attendancepg. 5

Backpacks / Book bagspg. 6

Cafeteriapg. 6

Clubs / Organizationspg. 6

Communicationspg. 7

Dances / Open Gympg.8

Disciplinepg. 8

Dress Codepg. 9

Gradingpg. 11

Homework / Late Work Policypg. 12

Librarypg. 12

Lockerspg. 13

Nursepg. 14

Open Housepg. 15

PRIDEpg. 15

School Picturespg. 15

Student Drop-off Procedurespg. 15

Student ID pg. 16

Textbookspg. 16

Transportationpg. 17

Wildcat Notes Signature Pagepg. 19


People to know:

Toni Hicks Principal

Melody MaplesAssistant Principal

Adrienne GarciaAssistant Principal

Jeff StricklandAssistant Principal

Julie PresleyCounselor– grade 6

Whitney ThomasCounselor – grade 7

Toni TaylorCounselor – grade 8

Sherry ChamblessNurse

Ronda MurrayLibrarian

Lori Warren Instructional Technology Specialist

Noreen BrockARD Facilitator

Kelly BarrowRegistrar

Karen CudiziloAttendance

Elyse O’Desky Principal’s Administrative Associate

Correne SucreseAssistant Principals’ Administrative Assistant

Meredith KimbroughReceptionist

Sherry ElizaldeCafeteria Manager

School Hours for Students:8:15 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.

School Hours for Office:7:45 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

School Mascot:Wildcat

School Colors:Green and Gold

School Phone Number:512-704-0800

Attendance Phone Number:512-704-0803

Bus Information512-428-2465 or Transportation Webpage


All Walsh students are encouraged to use a daily assignment planner. Assignment planners are an excellent tool to organize and remind students of assignments, projects, assessments, and their due dates. Additionally, the planner notebooks can be a powerful communication tool between parents and teachers. Specially designed Walsh assignment planners are available for $5.00 (limited supply).


It is expected that all students attend school each day. Understanding there will be times that a student mustmiss school due to illness, emergencies, or appointments, the following procedures should be observed:

1. Please call the school attendance office (512-704-0803) after 7:45 a.m. to report an absence. When your student returns to school, please provide a note to the attendance window indicating the reason for the absence and/or a doctor’s note if appropriate.

2. Should a student need to leave for an appointment during the school day,a note should be presented to the attendance office stating what time the student should be released from class. The attendance office will give the student a dismissal pass to be given to the teacher at the appropriate time. Students will report to the front office to meet their parent/guardian at the time designated on the note.


3. While the above procedures are designed to ease the checkout process, the office staff strongly recommends that parents avoid the late afternoon rush when scheduling appointments. During the last 15 minutes of any school day, not only is it extremely busy in the office due to last minute issues that arise, we also experience traffic increases causing congestion on campus due to arriving buses and personal vehicles competing for parking and road access. We appreciate your cooperation during the end of day “rush hour.”

Please, if at all possible, DO NOT schedule appointments during testing.

4. If you need to get a message to your child during the school day, please give all messages to the front office prior to your child’s lunchtimewhen possible. We will make every attempt to deliver messages during this time. In order to preserve your child’s learning time, classroom instruction will not be interrupted for messages.

The instructional day begins promptly at 8:15 a.m. Students will have four minutes between class periods. Having all students in class at the appropriate time increases valuable learning time for our students. The Walsh faculty and staff are strongly committed to providing each and every student the best education possible. With that in mind, we ask your commitment in ensuring that your son/daughter is at school in the appropriate classroom on time each day and for every class period. Tardiness to class can result disciplinary consequences.

The Walsh tardy policy is enforced on a per semester basis with the following disciplinary consequences possible:

Warnings, conferences, Parent Contact &/or Teacher D-Hall

Administrative D-Hall, and Saturday school

Any student who accumulates 10 or more tardies may lose certain privileges such as admission to school dances, use of lockers, and other privileges afforded to students at Walsh Middle School. Walsh administration, at their discretion, may hold a “tardy freeze” to reinforce the importance of prompt attendance. There may be consequences for students who are late to class during a tardy freeze.


Backpacks may be used to transport necessary school items to and from school but may not be taken from class to class. Backpacks must be stored in a school locker during the school day. Small drawstring backpacks, however, may be taken to class. Should you wish to purchase a Walsh logo backpack, these are available for purchase in the office for $15.00 (limited supply). Note: No backpacks / book bags are allowed on the last day of school.


Both breakfast and lunch are served daily. Breakfast begins at 7:55 at a cost of $1.35. Lunch is served from 11:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at a cost of $2.55 for students and $3.15 for adults. Cafeteria procedures and rules will be discussed with all students and failure to follow these rules may result in lunch detention or administrative disciplinary consequences.

Meal Accounts:

Students have an account in the cafeteria that may be accessed by scanning their student identification card or entering their student ID number into a secure keypad. Money may be added to their account on the first day of the school week. Once the money is added to the account the student may not withdraw money unless the student leaves WMS or there is a balance left at the end of the school year. Students may not “charge” their lunch. Cheese sandwiches with milk will be available for those who have forgotten their lunch or lunch money. Should you have questions or concerns regarding cafeteria services please visit the website or contact the cafeteria manager at 512.704.0889.

Vending Machines:

Vending machines with nutritional drinks are available for student use after school only. According to new state guidelinesvending machines are only available after school. Excessive trash and/or violation of school rules/policies may result in suspension of vending machine privileges. The school is not responsible for loss of money in the vending machines.


There are numerous opportunities for students to participate in clubs and organizations throughout the school year. All students are eligible to become a member of a club and/or organization if the criteria as specified by that club/organization are met. For a list of available clubs please visit our web page under student links then click on clubs @ walsh or see the club information area in the front lobby of the school. Club meeting dates and times are given in advance during announcements. Please contact the club sponsor whose contact information is provided in the club section of the school’s webpage. Cheerleading is available to all students entering into 8th grade. Information on eligibility criteria will be shared during the second semester of their 7th grade year.


Communication between school and home is essential. There are several ways to communicate with your child’s school including, but not limited to, phone and email. You may find contact information under parent links then staff directory. In an effort to ensure that written communication from us will be received by you, we will make every attempt to send all written information home on the same day of the week. (This information will include report cards, interim progress reports, newsletters, important notices, etc.) Please ask your student every Thursday evening if they were given any information that should be shared with you. General information such as permission slips, invitations to school-wide events, etc. is also available to be downloaded from our webpage under the link “Backpack”. It is our hope that as you and your student becomes familiar with this routine you will be more aware of the events at Walsh and feel more connected with your child’s school. (NOTE: If Thursday is a school holiday, information will be sent home on the first day back following the Thursday holiday.) Here are some other ways in which Walsh Middle School communicates with its parents and students:


Walsh e-news.

We also send a copy of all information home via email. The Principal’s newsletters are sent via email. To register for e-news, please go to the following website:

Remind 101

Remind 101 is a safe way for teachers to text message students and stay in touch with parents. You may register for Remind 101 notifications by:

Sixth Grade text @remind6 to (424) 247-5925 or Email

Seventh Grade text @remind7 to (424) 247-5925 or Email

Eighth Grade text @remind8 to (424) 247-5925 or Email


Stay up to date on the latest news at Walsh Middle School on Twitter by following: @jwalshms.

Home Access Center

Home Access Center is a great tool that can be used by parents to keep up with your child’s academic progress, attendance, and discipline.To register for Home Access Center you must have a valid email address on file with the registrar’s office. This email address is used to email your password to you once you sign up for Home Access. The registrar’s office can be reached at 512-704-0814.

To register, go to choose Parent Links and follow the home access instructions. You only have to register one time and your username and password is valid as long as your child attends a RRISD school.


Throughout the school year dances will be held for our students. The first dance, which occurs in September, is a little different than the others. The dance for sixth grade students will be held immediately after school and students will wear the clothes they wore to school that day. This dance will be from 4:00 to 5:30. Immediately following the sixth grade dance a dance will be held for the 7th and 8th grade students that will go from 6:30 until 8:30. Please plan to pick your student up from the dance promptly at the published end time for the activity.

All other dances (besides the end-of-year 8th grade dance) are held on Friday evenings from 4:00-6:00. Doors will close at 5:00. Any student remaining at school after 6:15 will be prohibited from attending future dances. Dress will be Sunday dress, good jeans or dresses, skirts of appropriate length, etc. No hats or backpacks will be allowed. Parents of any student not able or willing to follow dance rules will be notified and asked to pick their student up from the dance. Astudent removed from a dance may not attend future dances.

Dance Dates:

Welcome BackSeptember 20

WinterOctober 25 and November 15

Welcome Back January 17

ValentineFebruary 14

Spring April 4

Eighth GradeMay 23

Eligibility Requirements for students to attend dances:

●Must be a Walsh student

●Must adhere to the RRISD dress code

●Must have no overdue library book and/or outstanding fines

●Must not have received a discipline referral during a two week period preceding and including the day of the dance

●Must attend school on the day of the dance

●Must not have 10 or more tardies prior to any dance


It is our goal to provide a safe, positive and nurturing learning environment for all students at Walsh Middle School. To this end the faculty, staff, students, and parents of our community have established high expectations for all students regarding commitment to academic progress and appropriate school behaviors. If your student chooses not to meet the school behavior guidelines and policies, he/she will be subject to disciplinary action. These actions may include but are not limited to administrative after school detention(s), in-school suspension, out of school suspension, and removal to the RRISD disciplinary alternative education program. Please see the Round Rock ISD Student Code of Conduct.

A safe and orderly campus is the responsibility of everyone. We depend on our student body and community to help us be aware of potential violations of school behaviors. Our goal is to intervene before an incident involving our students occurs. The below system was developed with the input of parents and students to help us in achieving our goal:

Should a student feel as though someone is violating our school behaviors they may make a report by doing one of the following:

●Tell a teacher;

●Complete an incident report form that is available in the office area, from any teacher, or on the website. The completed form should be returned to the office or a teacher.

●ContactSchool Tip Line

Should your child come home and tell you of an incident that you would like to bring to the attention of administration, you and/or child may make a report by doing one of the following:

●Call an assistant principal at one of the numbers listed on the first page of this handbook

●Complete an incident report form that is available on our webpage under the link “Backpack” and emailing it to an assistant principal.

●Contact School Tip Line

General information:

●Not all incident reports will result in parent notification. Many middle school behaviors are resolved through discussion and problem-solving.

●Administration will call parents should the incident involve physical contact.

●Administration visits with grade level teams at the beginning of the year to discuss appropriate behavior and how to make a report.

●An incident report form is NOT a disciplinary form. A disciplinary form can only be completed by a staff member.

Please review the Round Rock ISD Student-Parent Handbook and Student Code of Conduct that can be found under the links for parents tab on our website. You may also request a printed version of this handbook by contacting the school. This handbook provides important information regarding school rules and procedures developed by RRISD to provide the best learning environment for each student. Please read this publication carefully, discuss it thoroughly with your child, return the signature page (last page) no later than Friday, August 30th.


Walsh Middle School adheres to the dress code found in the Round Rock ISD Student Code of Conduct. Dress code violations may result in disciplinary consequences. PLEASE BUY SCHOOL CLOTHING WITH CARE. Routine dress code checks will be conducted throughout the school year and students will be expected to be in compliance.

There is a close relationship between high standards of dignity and pride and proper grooming which all contribute to an appropriate learning environment. Modesty will be the dominant feature in all clothes. Attire shall be clean and inoffensive. The student and parent share in responsibility for proper grooming of the student, however, the campus administrators are charged with enforcing the dress code. The campus administrators/District have the interpretative authority as to what dress or grooming is inappropriate or disruptive at school or any time a student is representing Round Rock ISD.

Unacceptable Clothing and Accessories

General Information:

  • No clothing featuring pictures, emblems, writings, or slogans that are lewd, offensive risqué, vulgar, obscene, provocative, or that convey hate messages or racially, religiously, or ethnically demeaning message may be worn (including jewelry or accessories).
  • No apparel or accessories shall depict tobacco products, alcoholic beverages, drugs or any other dangerous, prohibited, or controlled substance
  • No attire or grooming that identifies, condones, depicts, or promotes a student as part of an unauthorized group, such as a gang.
  • No clothing or accessories that promote violence, weapons, bombs, illegal acts, or anything that could be construed as provocative or offensive or otherwise distract from the learning environment, as determined by the administrators.
  • No bedroom attire (pajamas, slippers, etc.)
  • No clothing that is too tight such as spandex/lycra unless worn with a dress, skirt, or tunic (using the standards that are applied to shorts, skirts, and skorts)
  • No holes in apparel that expose any areas that are not allowed by this dress code

Pants, Jeans:

  • Shorts, skirts, and skorts must be at finger-tip or mid-thigh length as measured with relaxed shoulders
  • Pants, jeans, shorts, skirts, and skorts must be worn at the hip and cover undergarments

Shirts, Blouses, Sweatshirts, Sweaters, Vests, Jackets, Coats:

  • No strapless tops, spaghetti-strap tops, backless, halters, large armholes, or off-the-shoulder tops
  • No low necklines (which reveal cleavage)
  • No see-through or mesh shirts, when shirt worn underneath does not meet this dress code
  • Tops must meet the beltline, and must not reveal undergarments or skin
  • No full-length jackets and coats such as those commonly referred to as “trench coats” or “dusters”

Eyewear and Accessories

  • Sunglasses shall not be worn in the building
  • No metal-studded collars, choker chains, armbands, wristbands, chains, or other metal-studded accessories are permitted
  • Piercings/accessories that pose a safety concern or are distracting (i.e. chain from nose piercing to ear) are prohibited
  • No wheeled footwear
