Walnut Hills PTO Meeting
October 8, 2012 @ 7pm
*Attendance: Tammy Miller, Heather Asche, Jessica Bennink, Chris Wells, Julie Lins Robeson, Abbey Croatt, Tanya Wentzel, Leslie Dobbs, Heather Schuster, Bridget Mongomery, Renee Oiler, Trish Casler, Andrea McEnroe, Lyndsay Marron, Rebecca Pashek, Jenni Kothavale, Jannelle McGee, Rebecca Miller, Michelle Gilbert, Rachelle Custer, Gina Taylor, Lisa Hubbard, Shyam Chilakamarri, Roxi Biggerstaff
*Welcome and Introductions:
*PBIS Reading Incentive Presentation: Trish Casler, Andrea McEnroe, Lyndsay Marron and Rebecca Pashek
-Reading Incentive and Guided Reading Team: consists of 9 teachers from K-5, including special ed, related arts, reading
-Guiding reading Library: multiple sets of a book based on skill, reading level, etc. Helping teachers know how to use this library efficiently
-Mission of team: support goal (50% of 3rd, 4th, 5th graders meet or exceed their growth on MAP test)
-Vision of this team is to celebrate reading throughout the year
-display case
-activity- celebrity readers, author, book fair, family night, dr. Seuss’
-How PTO can help support reading incentive program
-Ideas for family night
-Story Walk with passport for family night
-Kids reading to animals
- KCCI “read with me” program and $500
-Book exchange
*Approval of September meeting: Approved
*Treasurer Report:
-First fundraiser made roughly $9,500
-Teacher supply reimbursements ($200) are coming
-Discussion on school supply dollars:
- PTO table at Kindergarden registration in March
-Promote school supplies more in the spring
*Committee Report:
*Activities Committee
-654 meals: need suggestions on how to get food line moving faster
-move condiments to end away from food
-form line on both sides of the table
-overall the night was well attended and fun
-feedback to Chris:
-More cake walk prizes
-Spirit Wear $750 sold; need more youth sizes
-Walnut Hills Elementary shirts could be made
-Thank you note to a few extra volunteers, fire department
-Family Reading night might be second activity
-Co Coordinator: Monica Sanders
*Fundraising Committee:
-Entertainment Book- Sold $9500! Went well, plan to do next year
-Sky Zone passes need to get picked up
- Next: Clubs Choice- Start date Nov. 2nd
-Classes will meet and get packets during school hours
-two week turn around
-Delivery is Dec 11
-This company donated the inflatables for spirit night
-Still need a Co-Coordinator
-Sending a fundraising update through Judy
*Book Fair Committee
-Dates of Book Fair; Nov 10-16, hours TBD
-Will use Sign-up Genuis for volunteers
-Last year $10,300 total transaction; $5,190 to the Library
-Loose change contest: $1000 was donated to the preschool
-This year loose change could be used for Reading Night
*Conference Meals: Maureen Berger
*Striders: Gina Taylor and Jill Witte
-Started two weeks ago on M W F
-Kindergarten needs a little more help and information
*Box Tops: Andrea Maschka
Old Business:
*Remaining Volunteer Needs
-Yearbook Committee- Renee Oiler and Bethany Cooper
-Teacher Appreciation Committee- Rebecca Miller
-increasing the budget will be discussed at next meeting
-Spirit Wear Committee- Lisa Hubbard
*Classroom Parties-
- Coordinators have been assigned and notified
-will send a two week notice reminder
-ways to change sign up format for next year are already in discussion
*Author Visit- Buck Wilder is $350 promoted by PTO
-Heather Asche volunteered to make the requested berry pie
*New Business:
*Promoting PTO
-envision hosting a future district PTO night to discuss committee area ideas, strategies, contacts, etc
*Request from Special Education
-need for a straight board swing
-used as a reward option for building gross motor skills
-still need to determine cost and use of their supplies reimbursement
*Next Meeting: Monday, November 12th
-Presentation will be conducted by the Building Leadership Team
-For your information: Smart phone presentation sponsored by Urbandale Police Department and Sprint on Tuesday Oct. 16 at 7pm
*Adjourn: at 8:50