Binge Eating


Walker's room is his oasis. It's where he listens to music, does his homework, and talks online with his friends. For the most part, it looks like a typical teen bedroom — except for what's under the bed. That's where Walker keeps his secret stash of snacks and tosses the empty candy wrappers, chip bags, and cookie boxes.

Walker has just polished off a whole package of cookies and a large bag of chips — and he hasn't even finished his homework yet. He's searching for more chips to eat while he does his math. He hates that he's overweight, but he can't seem to stop bingeing. In the back of his mind, he knows that in an hour or so he's going to feel guilty and disgusted with himself, but right now it feels like he just can't stop eating.

Walker is your best friend and you have no idea about his eating disorder. One day while you are playing video games in his room you go to look for an extra controller under his bed and you notice his secret stash of snacks.


You confront Walker and talk to him about his problem. Walker tells you that there are 5 other football players on the football team who are also Binge Eaters. You realize that the school needs to be made aware of this serious disorder. You and your friends decide to make a poster that can be displayed near the cafeteria for all to see or to create a brochure that can be handed out to all students.

In order to complete this assignment, your poster and brochure/paper must contain the following information.

  1. What is binge eating?
  2. Define binge eating.
  3. Who or what type of person becomes a binge eater?
  4. What causes binge eating?
  5. What are the signs of someone who binge eats?
  6. What are the medical consequences of binge eating?
  7. What treatments are available?
  8. What should your do if you think someone is a binge eater?
  9. Provide information on the statistics of binge eating.
  10. Graphics


The class will be divided into groups of three students. As a group you will work together. The goal is to learn about binge eating and to present the information to the school. Your group will be given a “Research Folder” that will contain all the information you need to put your presentation together.


Your group will be graded based on a poster presentation or a brochure. Please see the attached rubrics for a poster presentation or a brochure presentation.


At the completion of the project, you should have a working knowledge of binge eating and be able to recognize the symptoms of this condition.You will have an understanding of Eating Disorders and it will allow you to demonstrate your learning as individuals and in a collaborative setting.This exercise will broaden and deepen your understanding of the information sources and will allow you to examine their own feelings and opinions about binge eating.