Colorado Judicial Branch
Mary J. Mullarkey, Chief Justice
Gerald Marroney, State Court Administrator
Dec.8, 2004
1-800-888-0001 Ext. 633
Walker recognized by Colorado Judicial Branch as
Employee of the Year
DENVER, Colo. – Clerk’s Office Supervisor Claire Walker, Twentieth Judicial District, has been recognized as the Colorado Judicial Branch’s Employee of the Year. The award recognizes exemplary work by one outstanding employee in the state’s judicial system. Each year one employee is recognized for performance, professionalism, loyalty and accomplishments that exemplify the values and professional standards of the Branch in daily work.
The Colorado Judicial Department annually recognizes a handful of outstanding employees who are singled out for their work contributing to the high quality of service provided throughout the state’s 22 judicial districts making up the Colorado judicial system. This is the seventeenth year of the recognition and incentive program.
Twentieth Judicial District Chief Judge Roxanne Bailin and District Administrator Amy Waddle nominated Walker for the award.
“She (Walker) is an employee of extraordinary talents and capabilities,” writes Twentieth Judicial District Chief Judge Roxanne Bailin in her nomination letter. “She exemplifies the highest level of commitment to the Judicial Branch.”
As the clerk’s office supervisor, Walkerhas a wide variety of responsibilities including supervising and evaluating criminal court and accounting staff, training all criminal court staff in criminal procedures, assisting with software and hardware computer problems, is responsible for development of criminal case processing procedures, assising the public and attorneys with record clarifications, and is also the exhibit coordinator.
In addition to her responsibilities in the Judicial District,Walker also assists the Judicial Branch on the state level. She is an instructor in a variety of professional development programs including bond procedures, caseflow management, appeals, court appointed counsel and the Criminal Justice Records Act.
“Some employees are leaders to whom everyone looks for support, help and solutions,” notes Bailin. “Clair is that leader.”
The Colorado State Judicial Branch includes the state’s county and district courts, Court of Appeals and Supreme Court. A total of 2,848* judicial employees including 257 judges and justices work to resolve cases in a fair, timely manner and ensure that probationers are supervised appropriately. In Fiscal Year 2004, 514,096 cases were filed statewide at the county court level, 177,369 in district court, 1,285 in water court, 2,558 in the Court of Appeals, and 1,317 in the Supreme Court. The number of total active adult probation cases was 39,207. There were 7,869 active juvenile cases.
* This is the total Full Time Equivalent (FTE) allocated in the Judicial Branch. One FTE in some cases is divided between two or more people.
Editor’s note: The Twentieth Judicial District is comprised ofBoulderCounty.
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