19 January 2016


Meeting commenced at 7:00 PM

ROLL CALL: Committee Chairman Lee Fox, committee members Delos Bowers and John Taylor; Town Clerk Velva Lee Sherman. Committee member Jeff Lamb was not in attendance.

Residents in attendance: Michael & Linda Tripp

Others in attendance: none

MINUTES: Minutes of the Planning & Zoning Committee meeting, held Tuesday, 15 December 2015, were read by the town clerk. Delos Bowers made the motion to approve the minutes as read, seconded by John Taylor, followed by a unanimous vote in favor.


1. Michael Tripp & Linda Hoddy-Tripp, concerning a "concept review"

Mr. Tripp told committee members that they are purchasing a lot, slightly over an acre in size, from Garrett Davis; the property is located at approximately 200 West 375 North in Wales. They wish to put a 60'x100' steel building (26' high) on the lot and turn it into a residence, big enough to house their large family of children and grandchildren when visiting. Mr. Tripp passed around some pictures of metal buildings that were used for homes, showing possible treatments they were considering for the exterior of the proposed residence. They were seeking the okay from the Planning & Zoning Committee to go forward with their plans. After consulting the zoning code, Chairman Fox informed Tripp and Hoddy that they would have to obtain a conditional use permit from the Wales Town Council, as the proposed structure does not meet code specifications per Zone Standards - Residential: SF1, Section 12-7-1.5 (see attached) concerning neighborhood compatibility. Mrs. Hoddy-Tripp did not agree with Chairman Fox's judgment that the proposed building would be incompatible with the other homes in the vicinity, citing specific examples. However, Chairman Fox reiterated that a metal building of that size would require a conditional use permit from the town council. He let them know that he would be willing to work with them to generate a request for such. He suggested that they make plans to attend the February council meeting to request the permit and asked the town clerk to add them to the agenda for that night. He advised them to have more concrete plans to present to the town council to accompany their request. Chairman Fox further encouraged them to check with the county building inspector, feeling that they might run into trouble with that department concerning what they wanted to do. If given the okay by the county, he suggested that they find an architect to draw up plans for the proposed residence.

BUSINESS: Chairman Fox shared some information on the Garrett Davis subdivision with the committee. The easement for the irrigation company has not yet been taken care of. John Taylor stated that Mr. Davis has two of the three lots (from the subdivision) sold and is retaining the lot where his present home is located.

The motion to adjourn was made by John Taylor, seconded by Delos Bowers, with a unanimous vote in favor.

Meeting adjourned at 8:30 PM



Planning & Zoning Chairman Date

Lee Fox



Town Clerk Date

Velva Lee Sherman

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