Morgan Amateur Radio ClubBoard Meeting Minutes
21 Oct 2015
1. Attendees
Dee Dostaler, W7DEESue Cogger, K7SUZ
MaryAnn Dostaler, Spt OpScotty Deffendol, K7NAL
Forrest Terrell, KG7NJFGeorge Archibeque, KB7ZCL
Marcie Terrell, KG7QNRGloria Wood, WG0ODY
Gil Leonard, NG7ILDave Donaldson, K7DND
Rick (?)
The meeting was convened at the Morgan County Search & Rescue Buildingat 6:15 PM.
2. Previous Meeting Minutes – Corrections/Changes
Approved as posted.
3. Financial Report
Sue, K7SUZ, gave a report on the current status of the club’s finances.
Non-Profit Status: No change.
Purchased 15 more J-Pole antennas for attendees of Gil’s Technician License class at a cost of
$300. 11 have been sold for a total income of $275 to date.
4. Intermission: The meeting was temporarily adjourned so that Gil could demonstrate how to contact an
amateur radio satellite. AO85 was making a 14 minute pass visible from our location.
5. Repeater Status
a. 147.100:The Fusion repeater has been installed. Archie has initiated posting this repeater on a
national Fusion group and also with the Yahoo Fusion group. He also is correcting the frequency
in the VHF Society listing which is showing the 147.060.
Gil explained that the new repeater (as well as 90% of all repeaters) broadcasts the PL tone on the output signal as well as receiving it on its input. This sometimes results in receiving hash when receiving the signal from a digital receiver as well as traveling down a road near equipment (commercial or otherwise) that is radiating large amounts of interference. The cure for this is to set the CTCSS on your radio with the same PL as the repeater you are attempting to listen to. The downside is that you have to set the CTCSS whenever someone is transmitting on a digital repeater or when encountering RFI generated hash. The alternative is to just put up with it.
b. D-Star: No report. No change that Dee is aware of.
6. Membership Status
Dee reminded everyone that dues are due starting the first of the year. Two members renewed
their membership for a year, making 18active members.
7. Web Site
All changes have been made to the web site which is now completely current. The new ERC protocol and roster are posted for download. Dee has been given administrative access to the site to help Steve with edits and changes.
8. Old Business
a. Elections: Dee informed the membership that nominations and volunteers for officers were
now open. None were forthcoming. Elections will take place at the December meeting.
b. Technician License Class: Gil conducted the class for Morgan County (primarily North Stake)
residents on 9, 16, and 30 Sep assisted by several members of Morgan ARC. Ogden ARC held
testing on 7 October. 12 people tested, 11 passed, and one upgraded to General.
c. Cystic Fibrosis Ride 19 Sep: Took place in both Morgan and Summit counties. Several Morgan County operators supported the ride.
9. New Business
Archie made a suggestion that net control for the Sunday night ERC net be run at times from the
Mobile Command Center (MCC) vehicle, and both the primary EOC at the firehouse and the
backup EOC at the Search & Rescue building. This would be an opportunity for all the operators
to be familiar in time of emergency with these installations and the radios in each. Multiple
operators could be present for each session.
10. Future Events
a. ARES/RACES Conference 31 Oct: Registration is free; sign up through the Utah UTRAIN system. This is always an informative session and includes a free breakfast and lunch.
b. North Pole Network: Dee has started organizing this event. Past participants recounted stories of incidents that were particularly uplifting. This is always a worthwhile project for both the residents and children and also the participating operators. This year three facilities have been scheduled: The Family Connection in Clearfield on 4 Dec, The Family Tree in Morgan on 11 December, and the Rocky Mountain Care nursing home in Clearfield on 19 Dec. Contact Dee to volunteer your help.
11. Next Meeting:16 Dec: Officer Elections
12. Adjournment:Approximately8:00 PM. Refreshments were provided this evening by Support
Operator MaryAnn Dostaler.
13. Presentation:The presentation on packet was demonstrated by Scotty, K7NAL, and Dee, W7DEE.
14. Respectfully Submitted by Dee Dostaler, W7DEE, MARC Secretary