VSA Florida Announces

September Students of the Month

Andrew Rhoads

VSA Floridais proud to announce 18 year old Andrew Rhoads as September 2013 VSA Florida Student of the Month. Andrew attends the Transition Program at Citrus High School in Inverness Florida, instructed and nominated by Mr. Steven Thomas. He participates in the Community Based Instruction program and is currently learning job skills at Publix in Inverness.

Andrew has been interested in art since age 5, continuing to develop his talent since adolescence in graphic novels/comic books. His favorites were Superman and Captain America, which provided his inspiration to create his own graphic novel. Andrew began developing his own superhero comic book at age 14 with his superhero named “Garman”. Andrew describes Garmen as himself, in that when he is in human form, it depicts himself being lonely, sad and alienated by his peers. When he changes into Garman, everyone respects and loves him and seeks out his assistance to battle evil and to provide protection for all.

Andrew currently has developed eight superheroes and 15 villains. Andrew describes his Garman character as having two alter egos/personalities, one good and one evil. His struggle is to avoid the evil side to emerge, and keep the good one in the forefront so that he can protect everyone from villains. Andrew says his story line starts at creation and continues into the current time.

Andrew has been attending art classes at Citrus High School with instruction provided by Mr. Phillip Journey who has been instrumental in providing guidance and support to Andrew in his artistic development. Andrew draws all of his art projects by hand without the assistance of any tools, other than pencils. He is very detailed oriented with his projects, and focused on perfection.

Andrew has Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). He has developed artistic skills and abilities that have been displayed in community art shows, as well as published in the campus publication “Turbulence” showcasing his remarkable improvement over the years. With a strong desire to be creative as well as successful, Andrew works diligently to complete all tasks, at the workplace or in school, with perfection. Andrew is recognized for his talent by all of his teachers and peers, and his parents who are very proud of Andrew, and want the best for him as he progresses.

Andrew’s current goal is to have his first graphic novel/comic “Garman” published. He has a completed first edition, which is being reviewed and edited before being submitted to the publishing companies. Andrew enjoys his art, and has a desire to continue his education and secure a career in the industry. When asked what he would like for everyone else with his art, Andrew states, “I would like for them to enjoy my comics, and be able to see that nothing can stop anyone from being successful”.

Javen Dixon

We are proud to announce winner Javen Dixon in the younger category for the VSA Florida September 2013 Student of the Month. Nine year old Javen, “is a student who is naturally gifted in the visual arts”, writes his nominating teacher, Tina Herbst. His drawings and paintings decorate the walls of Seminole Elementary School in Tampa as well as in his home and other teacher’s homes. His paintings are complex and detailed, yet vividly bright and full of personality. Herbst writes, “In my opinion, there is no other student more deserving of this award”. Javen is an active student and outside of creating art he participates in the school chorus and in community events involving Autism Awareness.

Javen is a bright young rising 4th grader who has touched the lives of so many around him”. He has taught everyone what it means to persevere and to not judge a book by its cover. Javen has been diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder, (ASD), hiding his character from many at times. His artwork offers one glimpse into his world. Last April, Javen was diagnosed with yet another problem, however through it all, Javen has continued painting and showing the world that anything is possible.