Genesis 3

  1. Introduction
  2. Review Chap 1
  3. Review Chap 2
  1. Genesis 3
  2. Vs. 1 - Satan is introduced (Gen. 3:1)
  3. More crafty than “any beast” not any “other”. Thus serpent not identified as a beast.
  4. Verses Identifying this as Satan
  5. 2 Cor. 11:3 – “as the serpent” - Not full identification just warning
  6. Rev. 12:9 – Serpent of Old – Satan.
  1. Satan’s initial statement:
  2. Misrepresentation of God’s Word. “any tree”
  1. Supposition Regarding this Occurrence
  2. Proposition 1: Satan spoke through the serpent
  3. Proposition 2: Satan was a literal serpent
  4. Proposition 3: Satan spoke at that time as a literal serpent
  5. Proposition 3: Satan deceived the serpent.
  1. It is my supposition Proposition 3 is most likely.
  2. What can we learn from Satan’s actions?
  3. Implication: Satan can use God’s creation in a deceptive manner - 2 Cor. 11:14
  4. Implication: Animals experience consequences based on others actions - Mat. 8:32, Lev. 20:15-16
  1. Vs. 2-3 – Eve Responds to Satan’s Query
  2. Eve said “not touch”, this was not God’command (Gen. 2:17)
  3. Eve also said “lest” meaning “might”
  4. Rev. 22:18-19
  1. How can man Die?
  2. Physical Death – Gen. 35:18
  3. Spiritual Death – Eph. 2:1
  4. Eternal Death – Rev. 21:8
  5. Die to the world (Col. 2:20) / Die to sin (Rom. 6:2)
  1. Was once asked why the middle of the Garden?
  2. Deu 30:19-20 - I call heaven and earth to witness against you today, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and curse. Therefore choose life, that you and your offspring may live…
  3. Closest Verse to answer this.
  1. Vs. 4-5– Satan Lies to Eve
  2. Satan is referred to as a Tempter in the Bible
  3. Mat. 4:3
  4. I Thess. 3:5
  1. Man can resist temptation
  2. Jas 1:12 - Blessed is the man that endureth temptation; for when he hath been approved, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord promised to them that love him.
  3. 1Co 10:13 - There hath no temptation taken you but such as man can bear: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation make also the way of escape, that ye may be able to endure it.
  4. Jas 1:14 - but each man is tempted, when he is drawn away by his own lust, and enticed.
  5. Pro 4:14-15 - Enter not into the path of the wicked, And walk not in the way of evil men. Avoid it, pass not by it; Turn from it, and pass on.
  1. Mathew Henry Points out the Following:
  2. Satan tempted Eve to tempt Adam; Job by his wife [Job 2:9], and Christ by Peter [Mt. 16:21-23].
  3. He tempts by those close to us who havethe most influence upon us.
  1. Satan lies in regard to man dying.
  2. Some cry out “Discrepancy!” but there is no discrepancy here.
  3. Spiritual death with one transgression against God’s Word (Eph. 2:1 above).

This consequence was immediate

  • Physical death also came about - (Gen. 3:19)

How Many Years did Adam Live? – 930 - Gen.5:5

This consequence was not immediate.

  • Titus 1:2 “…God, who cannot lie”…
  1. Satan tells man they would be like God knowing Good and Evil, but they fall short elsewhere…
  2. I John 1:5- “God is light and in Him is no darkness.”
  3. I John 3:1-5 - “… In Him is no sin”…
  1. Why did Eve even talk to Satan? He deceived her.
  2. At what point should she run? When she hears something contrary to God’s Words.
  1. Vs. 5- Eloheem is a plural word.
  2. God is a plural God of one.
  3. The pronoun references to God’s actions in chapter one are He.
  4. The reference of God to Himself is “Us”, “Our” – Gen. 1:26
  5. It is my believe that using the word “gods” in vs. 5 would be incorrect.
  6. The comparison is to God.
  1. Vs. 6-7 – The fall of Man into Sin
  2. Fall? More like Jump…
  3. I Jn. 2:16– Lust of Flesh, Eye, Pride of Life ..
  4. Satan’s arguments were based on this.

You want it, it won’t hurt the flesh, Your Eyes will be open, You can be like God!

  • Eve’s Responses were of this nature.

Good for food, Delight to eyes, Wisdom

  1. She Ate / He Ate
  2. Adam’s Response? He was taken down from inside.
  3. In many homes, families are being taken down from inside, because they don’t say no.

What they hear, see, wear, read; dating, curfews, boundaries…

  • Families are being taken down from inside, because they don’t say yes.

Christian Fellowship, Attendance, Bible Study, evangelism, good works…

  • This was the beginning of poor leadership and operating without Authority..
  1. Vs. 7-10– Consequences of Sin and God’s Standard of Modesty
  2. Proper realization of sin
  3. It’s not comfortable (though it gets more so as your heart hardens)
  4. Brings shame
  5. Note: It causes man to hide himself from God – Vs. 8,10, Is. 59:1-2
  1. Vs. 9– “Where are you” - When People Looked for Christ he was always doing what was right
  2. Mark 3:31-35, Luke 2:48-49, Mark 1:35-37
  1. Modesty
  2. Even though they made loin coverings, they realized they were still naked.
  3. Loin coverings – Thigh and waist coverings – Aprons – larger than Most Swim trunks or bikinis.
  4. Does one have to be completely naked to stir sexual desire?

Snugness and a lil peak

Two Way Street

.Matthew 5:28 - but I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.

.Job 31:1- "I made a covenant with my eyes not to look lustfully at a girl.

.I Thess. 4:3-6– defrauding (Take advantage of)– stealing their purity.

  1. Vs. 11-13 – The Questions and the Responses
  2. The first and second blames
  3. God and woman are blamed by Adam.
  4. Woman blames serpent.
  5. What is missing? Self Control, Repentance
  1. Vs. 14-19–Further Consequences of Sin Entering into the World – Lowest to Highest
  2. Vs. 14-15 - Curse To The Serpent - Serpent symbol of this sin and subject to life long lowliness, based on action of others.
  3. “I will put enmity”
  4. Enmity is hostility or hatred.
  5. Previously, the issue was between God and Satan, now man was thrown in as well.

Man has brought this trouble upon me!

  1. "Between thee and the woman ..." Woman here stands for mankind – “her seed”
  2. "Thy seed ..." - the followers of Satan
  3. "her seed ..." that is the seed of woman.
  4. "He shall bruise thy head ..."– Bruise here means “snap” or “break”
  5. The blow inflicted by man (that is Christ) will be destructive.

Hebrews 2:14-15

  1. "Thou shalt bruise his heel ..." – The blow by satan – crucifixion – minor wound.
  1. Vs. 16 - Punishment to Eve
  2. Vs. 16a – Reproduction pain is increased – (Indication births had already occurred).
  3. 16b - The language of “desire” is not sexual, but that of the female’s will.
  4. “The entrance of sin has made that duty a punishment, which otherwise it would not have been. If man had not sinned, he would always have ruled with wisdom and love; and, if the woman had not sinned, she would always have obeyed with humility and meekness; and then the dominion would have been no grievance: but our own sin and folly make our yoke heavy.” – Mathew Henry
  5. It is only in sin, that subjection seems a burden

Is it a burden to be in subjection to Christ?

Mat. 11:30 – “My yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”

  1. Vs. 17-19 –Punishment to Adam
  2. Why? Because he listened to a voice other than God’s.
  3. You will live by the ground – It won’t cooperate.
  4. You will die in it.
  5. Basically – You are subject to it.
  1. Vs. 20-21 – Eve and Revisiting Modesty
  2. Mother of all - Eve’s concern and worry over everyone.
  3. The Lord clothed the man and woman because they were not modest (10)
  4. God clothes them with his standard, not man’s.
  5. Kethoneth meaning Robe, this covered not only their loins but everything under the neck.
  6. Some have stated this was just for protection:
  7. Consider: That no shoes for protection were given.
  8. Consider: In Duet. 29:5 – God felt it important enough to protect Israel’s feet with sandals which did not wear out. Why important then and not in Genesis.
  9. Consider:Eph. 6, in illustrative fashion God considered the shodding of the feet a necessity.
  10. Point: The Genesis standard of modesty was reinforced by God in many places in the Bible. It was not the same as a protective standard.
  11. Vs. 22-24 –God Prevents Ultimate Dwelling of Sinfulness
  12. They had knowledge, but not wisdom or fruit of the spirit.
  13. God allow sin living forever? Not even.
  14. No longer was man allowed to be in the Garden.
  15. Speculation on Cheribim, the garden, the sword, I will pass.
  1. Closing with Secular History of the Fall of Man
  2. In the British Museum, is located the temptation seal. It was found in the most Ancient civilization known, Sumer, In the city of Akkad (Achad - Gen. 10:10-12) It dates back 5,000 + years. Shows a man and woman reaching for the fruit of a tree with a serpent behind the woman. One of our earliest records of man.
  1. 5000 + years also is the Adam and Eve seal. It is located in Museum in Pennsylvania. Shows a naked male and female bowed low and being driven forward by a snake.
  1. The Bible is once again confirmed by man outside of scriptural text.