Volunteer Trainee – Landscape Scale Projects

Function: Assisting in project delivery under the supervision of the Landscape Scale Projects Officer.

Responsible to: Connectivity Programme Manager

Kent Wildlife Trust

Kent Wildlife Trust is one of the largest of the 47 Wildlife Trusts, which together make up the Wildlife Trusts Partnership. We are supported and governed by our 30,000 members, and have the simple aim of protecting Kent’s wildlife for the future. To this end, we own or manage some 65 nature reserves covering over 8,100 acres; we campaign and lobby politicians, decision makers and landowners to ensure site protection and good habitat management; and we run a full programme of education work with schools, colleges and adult groups. The Trust also has five Visitor Centres.

The Trust operates from its headquarters at Tyland Barn, just north of Maidstone. The 85 professional and support staff work within five sections of Reserves, Conservation, Policy & Evidence, People Engagement, Marketing and Membership, Finance and Support Services.

Visit our website to see the range of our activities – www.kentwildlifetrust.org.uk.

Role Outline

Kent Wildlife Trust is working to restore biodiversity, focusing on the restoration, recreation and reconnection of wildlife habitats, linking them to the green space in our cities, towns and villages to create a Living Landscape. Project funding is enabling us to start to rebuild nature by working with landowners, local communities and partner organisations to create landscape scale ecological networks. There is a strong focus on encouraging and supporting landowners to manage their land to benefit wildlife.

We are looking for someone to help us with the East of Eden project, restoring and enhancing lowland meadow and river corridor habitat in the River Eden, River Medway and River Rother catchment areas.

1  Principal Duties

The volunteer trainee will have the opportunity to work alongside staff and, under the guidance of the Landscape Scale Project Officer may assist with:

a.  Contacting landowners & arranging site visits

b.  The implementation of practical habitat management/enhancement works

c.  The provision of verbal and written management advice for farmers and landowners

d.  The organisation and delivery of workshops for landowners, farmers and the general public

e.  Carrying out surveys and monitoring for key species

f.  Recording survey data and liaising with Kent & Medway Biological Records Centre to ensure data is shared

g.  Publicity and promotion of the Trust and its work.

2  Person Specification


·  A proven interest in nature conservation

·  Strong self-motivation

·  A mature approach with excellent written and verbal communication skills

·  An aptitude for outdoor work

·  An ability to work with colleagues, volunteers, private landowners and contractors

·  A relevant environmental qualification


·  Previous experience of conservation work, whether voluntary or paid

·  Experience of working with volunteers

·  A knowledge of habitat and species monitoring

·  An ability to gather, collate data and produce reports

·  Full clean driving licence

·  Understanding of, and sympathy with, the Trust’s role as a conservation body would be very helpful. Experience in the following areas is desirable, and you must be able to demonstrate recent practical experience in at least one.

3  Other Considerations

  1. We hope that you will usually be able to volunteer with us for at least three days per week so that we can each get the most from the volunteering experience. However, we are flexible about when you work (within the constraints of drawing up a rota) so please let us know if you would prefer a different arrangement.
  2. We hope the role to stretch over 11 months so that we can each get the most from the volunteering experience and to ensure completion of your training programme provided.
  3. No person shall be treated less favourably than another on the grounds of sex, sexual orientation, marital status, race, ethnic or national origin, religion, colour, age or disability.
  4. Appointment is conditional upon receipt of satisfactory references
  5. The Trust operates a no smoking policy
  6. Kent Wildlife Trust is an equal opportunities employer and applicants for staff vacancies shall be short-listed for interview and appointed purely on the grounds of their suitability for the post as laid out in the advertised job description (subject to 4 above).
  7. All staff share a common duty to recruit members and volunteers and enhance the good reputation of the Trust whenever the opportunity arises
  8. KWT aims actively to enhance, wherever possible, the opportunities for people with disabilities to experience, understand and enjoy the natural environment. All staff share the responsibility in achieving this. Further information is available from the Head of People and Wildlife
  9. Under Section 7 of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, all staff have a legal responsibility to:

a.  take all reasonable care of their health and safety while at work;

b.  ensure as far as reasonably practicable the safety of other persons,

whether other employees or members of the public, who may be

adversely affected by their own actions

c.  co-operate with the Trust to enable it to discharge its obligations


4  Expenses

The role is unpaid however we will reimburse certain out-of-pocket expenses incurred in connection with your volunteering for us. Details of these expenses and how to claim them are set out below:

When claiming mileage expenses the volunteer rate of 25p per mile will apply. Trainees may claim for their travel to and from work. A ₤100 per month cap will apply unless agreed otherwise with the Section Head. The cost of journeys made on Trust business during the working day will not be included in the ₤100 cap. The above is to ensure that we have the maximum budget available to spend on your training program.

The trainee will be offered a package of formal training in specific skills, tailored to their needs, which may include:

·  Site survey and species identification skills

·  National Vegetation Classification assessment

·  Phase 1 habitat surveys

·  Managing for wetland species

·  Access to four KWT Study Days

·  Making applications for agri-environment schemes

·  Health and safety

·  First aid

·  Short (e.g. three to five day) secondments to other sections of the Trust or project partners

5  Procedure for Applicants


Applicants should read the Guidance Notes carefully before completing the application form – clearly and in black ink please (for copying purposes). Please DO NOT send your CV.

If you wish to discuss this post, please telephone Samuel Thomas on 01622 357871

The closing date for applications is mid-day on 10th August 2015


Interviews will be held on 17th August 2015.

1 28/07/2015