John Bunyan Community Boat
Volunteer Registration Form 2016
Please complete this form electronically* or print and scan, and email rpost to: John Bunyan Boat c/o The Old Chandlery, Priory Marina, Barkers Lane, Bedford, MK41 9DJ
Telephone for queries: 0330 1239 511
* Use the tab key to move from cell to cell, andleft click to enter x rather than tick
PART ONE: Your contact details
Please note you must have access to email, mobile phone and internet, because we will need to contact you quickly regarding briefings, scheduling and changes to schedules.
First name / EmailSurname / Mobile phone
Address / Home phone
Postcode / Internet access / Yes
PART TWO: How you would like to get involved?
We are keen to recruit volunteers who can ideally both crew the boat and lend a hand to prepare for cruising ‘behind the scenes’. More information on all roles is on the website
Which role/s you are interested in (Tick all the boxes that apply, or use x if filling the form in on your computer)CREW ROLES / PREPARE ROLES
Cabin crew / Charter bookings team / Recruitment team
Deck crew / Events team / Rostering team
Purser / Marketing & PR team / Training team
Helmsman / Website team / Maintenance team
Mate / School bookings team / Cleaning team
Boatmaster / IT Team / Finance team
Please tell us if there are specific skills you can offer in any of these areas:(max 50 words)
PART THREE: Are you available when the John Bunyan needs you?
We run regular public trips on Thursdays and Sundays, and charters at any other time in the week. Socials and training take place mostly in the evenings or at weekends.
Which timeslots can you usually be available for crewing or other activities?Please tick all that apply. (Shifts typically last around 5 hours but times vary according to the cruise schedule.)
Timeslot / Mon / Tues / Weds / Thurs / Fri / Sat / Sun
A. Morning (eg 09.45 to 14:30)
B. Afternoon (eg 3.45 to 18:30)
C. Evening (eg 17.45 to 22:30)
How many volunteering sessions can you offer each monthon average March to November?
(Please select one)
Two Three Four Five Six Other (please say how many):
How far ahead would you like to book your sessions?(Please select one)
Start of season / 2 Months / 1 Month / 2 Weeks / Last minute
Our busiest months are June to September. Tick any month in which you CANNOT volunteer at all.
June July August September
PART FOUR: About you
This section is voluntary. It helps us to check we are attracting diverse volunteers. This information is only seen by relevant Director/s and is only reported anonymously.
Your age group (Please select one)18-34 / 35-50 / 51-65 / 65+
Your current occupation (Please select one)
In work / In education / Retired / Other:
The option that best describes your ethnic group or background (Please select one)
White / Mixed / Multiple ethnic groups / Asian / Asian British
Black / African / Caribbean / Black British / Other ethnic group
How did you hear about volunteering with the John Bunyan?(Please select one)
Internet / Local event / Article in Paper/Magazine / A Friend
Tell us a bit about yourself – a couple of sentences of background on your experiences/interests (Max 50 words)
Please tell us if you have any health issues that may affect your work as a volunteer
(Max 50 words)
PART FIVE: Consent
I agreetomy contact details being shared with relevant Director/s who will contact me about volunteering opportunities available.