Arlington Classics Academy Internal Transfer Procedures

Voluntary Transfer Window - March 18 to May 1, 2015

Please submit Voluntary Transfer Request Forms to the Human Resources Department during the voluntary transfer window once the form is completed and all necessary signatures are obtained. By completing a transfer request during this time and submitting it formally to HR, the employee will be eligible to be considered for openings that become available in the spring. Voluntary transfer requests will remain active through June. All intra-district movement must take place prior to July. Intra-district transfers after June will not be allowed unless there are special circumstances that are approved through the Department of Human Resources.

Employee Voluntary Transfer Procedure

A voluntary transfer is defined as a request for a lateral move (i.e. movement between the same/similar job titles and pay grades) or a move from a higher pay grade to a lower pay grade to another position, site, or campus. Only in extenuating circumstances or acute need will transfers be granted during the school year. Typically, transfers will take place at the end of the current school year in preparation for the following year.

Voluntary Transfer Guidelines

Completion of the internal transfer form allows an employee to be considered for a possible transfer. It must be completed and submitted to the Human Resources Department via hand delivery or through school mail. The transfer form requires the signatures of the principals involved so that they are aware of the employee’s consideration of transfer. This request will not adversely affect the employee.Requesting a transfer does not guarantee that a change in assignment will occur.

Internal Transfers vs. Posted Positions

Positions available through internal transfer are generally positions created by the movement or change of existing employees and are made available to other existing employees who meet qualifications for the position during the transfer window. Posted positions, in contrast, are open to the public. Employees should review the ACA website for a posted vacancy for which they are qualified. If interested in a posted position, the employee should send a current professional resume and a letter of interest to the attention of Human Resources and complete the very short internal application by following the Internal Applicant link on the Applitrack system to indicate interest in the opening. ( ). Please do not to make phone calls or personal visits to the campus unless contacted by the principal and asked to do so.

Eligibility for Transfer

All employees may be eligible for a voluntary transfer. However, teachers who are on a growth planor receive a “below expectations” or “unsatisfactory” rating on any domain of the most recent teacher evaluation are not eligible for voluntary transfer. Additionally, non-exempt, hourly employees must complete one full school year at the same campus in order to be eligible to voluntarily transfer to another site.Non-exempt / hourly employees should also have no documented performance concerns to qualify for a voluntary transfer.

Special Circumstances

In the event a special need arises for staffing during the school year, (e.g. hard to fill position, highly technical position) the Human Resources Department shall be responsible for considering the following criteria to determine the possibility of allowing a lateral transfer during the school year:

•  Instructional and organizational needs of the district.

•  The contribution to students that the staff member could make in the new position.

•  The qualifications of the staff member compared to outside candidates both for the position to be vacated and for the position to be filled.

•  The effect the transfer will have on the instructional program in the school where the employee is currently assigned.

•  The effect the transfer will have on the instructional program in the receiving school.