Volume XVIII, Number 3 August, 2006
Published quarterly by the Montgomery County Republican Party ~ POB 45 ~ Conroe, TX 77305-0045
Headquarters: 310 Collins Street ~ Conroe, TX 77301 ~ Metro 936-441- 5621 ~ fax 936-539-5858
The third quarterly meeting of the Republican County Executive Committee (CEC) for 2006 will be held Tuesday, August 29th at 7:30 p.m. on the sixth floor of the Conroe City Hall, 300 West Davis Street in Conroe. Elevators may be accessed from the West Phillips Street entrance. The Vacancy Committee will convene at 6:45 p.m. at the same location to consider vacancies in Precinct numbers 7, 18, 24 and 84. A Munch & Mingle Social will commence at 5:30 p.m. in the County Headquarters at 310 Collins Street in Conroe. For information call the Headquarters at metro 936-441-5621or the County Chairman at 936-756-3052. The public is invited to attend any or all of these Party activities.
The CEC will hear the Treasurer’s Report followed by the Vacancy Committee Report. A 2006 Campaign Plan recommendation from the Organization Committee will be considered, and a Finance Committee Report on the Party’s July 11th fund-raiser and a Campaign Plan Budget will be presented. Vic Debouchel will report on the status of the newly organized Young Republicans Club. A 2006 election overview by County Chairman, Wally Wilkerson, will conclude the business.
U. S. Senator Hutchison Plans a Bus Tour Stop in Conroe on August 15th
Republican United State Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison is scheduled to make a stop in Conroe on August 15th as part of an East Texas bus tour. The Senator will meet friends, supporters and the public from 1 to 1:45 p.m. in the Greater Conroe/Lake Conroe Area Chamber of Commerce building at 505 West Davis Street (936-756-6644) in Conroe. She is a candidate for re-election to the Senate in the November general election. First elected to the U. S. Senate in 1994, Senator Hutchison serves on the Appropriations; Commerce, Science & Transportation; Rules and Administration; and Veterans’ Affairs Committees and has been mentioned as a possible candidate for Vice-President in 2008. She and her husband Ray and their two children reside in Dallas.
While the Party Headquarters was closed the entire month of July to allow our volunteers much needed time off, behind the scenes activity has continued with preparations for the final sixty days of the election campaign. There have been new Precinct Chairmen training sessions and meetings to develop a campaign plan with a budget. Much work has been underway to increase our computer capabilities for get-out-the-vote (GOTV).
Thanks to Mark Turnbull, we will be able to include home GOTV phoning. With the acquisition of a dedicated DSL phone line and a computer server in the Headquarters, Precinct workers will have the ability to access the server from their home computer and view the Republican voter list. They may then complete their GOTV calls from home, and the results will be recorded on the master list in the Headquarters. It will require that the caller not only have a computer, but also have a phone line other than the one dedicated to the computer. In the past, workers would have to come to the Headquarters in order to complete computer GOTV calls. A goal of 25,000 calls to Republican households has been set. Training sessions for workers who desire to make home phone calls have been scheduled for September 5th and 7th.
Campaign signs, bumper stickers and other items will be available from the Headquarters. Please contact Volunteers Chairman, Kathy Pitts, at the 936-41-5621 or 936-441-1480 to join the list of volunteers needed to successfully carry out our campaign plan.
On June 1st, Melinda Fredricks, the Executives Assistant chosen by the CEC, began her employment and has already made a big impact. Melinda is a past President of the Montgomery County Republican Women and serves on the State Republican Executive Committee. She and Headquarters Chairman, Shirley Rogers, have begun the process of discarding old records and other items not required by state law to be preserved so that the Headquarters will be ready for the Phone Bank operation. Welcome aboard Melinda!
September 4 LABOR DAY HOLIDAY (Headquarters closed)
September 5 Volunteer Training Session for computer home GOTV calls at Headquarters, 7:30 p.m.
September 7 Volunteer Training Session for computer home GOTV calls at Headquarters, 7:30 p.m.
Deadline CEC may accept corporate contributions or spend corporate funds
September 8 First day to apply for a ballot by mail for the General Election
September 18 GOTV Phone Bank begins
October 10 Last day to register to vote in the General Election
October 23 First day of early voting by personal appearance for the General Election
October 24 County Executive Committee meeting, 7:30 p.m., Conroe City Hall, sixth floor
October 31 Last day to apply for a ballot by mail for the General Election
November 3 Last day of early voting by personal appearance for the General Election
Last day for GOTV phone calls
November 6 Automated GOTV phone calls for those who did vote during the early voting period
November 7 GENERAL ELECTION DAY, polls open 7 a.m. to 7p.m.