Aurora Volleyball Evaluation Criteria 2008


SKILL / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1
Passing / Passes ball away from body; stays low and uses legs to get ball to target; maintains a quiet platform; faces target; consistently passes ball to target. / Passes ball away from body; stays low and uses legs to get ball to target; inconsistently maintains a quiet platform; faces target; inconsistently passes the ball to target. / Inconsistently passes ball away from body; inconsistently stays low and uses legs to get ball to target; inconsistently maintains a quiet platform or faces target; inconsistently passes ball to target. / Does not meet minimum needs/requirements.
Serve Reception / Consistently gets feet to ball and is balanced; reacts quickly to movement/speed of ball; passes ball away from body; faces target; consistently passes ball to target. / Inconsistently gets feet to ball and is balanced; inconsistently reacts quickly to movement/speed of ball; passes ball away from body; faces target; inconsistently passes ball to target. / Inconsistently gets feet to ball and is balanced; inconsistently reacts quickly to movement/speed of ball; inconsistently passes ball away from body; faces target; inconsistently passes ball to target. / Does not meet minimum needs/requirements.
Defense / Consistently maintains a low and stopped position; moves quickly to defensive spot; reacts quickly to movement/speed of ball; consistently passes ball to target/digs a playable ball. / Inconsistently maintains a low and stopped position; moves quickly to defensive spot; inconsistently reacts quickly to movement/speed of ball; inconsistently passes ball to target/digs a playable ball. / Inconsistently maintains a low and stopped position; inconsistently moves quickly to defensive spot; inconsistently reacts quickly to movement/speed of ball; inconsistently passes ball to target/digs a playable ball. / Does not meet minimum needs/requirements.
Setting / Consistently gets feet to ball and is balanced; meets ball at forehead and uses proper extension; uses legs to get ball to target; consistently sets ball to target. / Consistently gets feet to ball and is balanced; inconsistently meets ball at forehead and uses proper extension; uses legs to get ball to target; inconsistently sets ball to target. / Inconsistently gets feet to ball and is balanced; inconsistently meets ball at forehead and uses proper extension; inconsistently uses legs to get ball to target; inconsistently sets ball to target. / Does not meet minimum needs/requirements.
Hitting / Consistently uses proper footwork; can successfully hit line, seam, angle, tip and roll; maintains control of body; consistently meets ball at high point and swings through ball. / Inconsistently uses proper footwork; attempts and is moderately successful in hitting line, seam, angle, tipping and rolling; maintains control of body; inconsistently meets ball at high point and swings through ball. / Inconsistently uses proper footwork; attempts to hit line, seam, angle, tip and roll; maintains control of body; inconsistently meets ball at high point and swings through ball. / Does not meet minimum needs/requirements.
Serving / Consistently serves a fair ball; can serve all 6 zones (when asked); maintains proper body positioning and toss; serves flat and fast. / Consistently serves a fair ball; attempts but is inconsistent in serving all 6 zones (when asked); maintains proper body positioning and toss; inconsistently serves flat and fast. / Inconsistently serves a fair ball; attempts but is unsuccessful in serving all 6 zones (when asked); inconsistently maintains proper body positioning and toss; inconsistently serves flat and fast. / Does not meet minimum needs/requirements.
Blocking / Consistently lines up properly with opposing hitter; uses proper footwork along the net; maintains a balanced and controlled body movement when blocking; attempts to touch every ball. / Inconsistently lines up properly with opposing hitter; inconsistently uses proper footwork along the net; maintains a balanced and controlled body movement when blocking; attempts to touch every ball. / Inconsistently lines up properly with opposing hitter; inconsistently uses proper footwork along the net; inconsistently maintains a balanced and controlled body movement when blocking; attempts to touch every ball. / Does not meet minimum needs/requirements.
Speed/Agility / Consistently matches or beats her best time; can do a liner in 20 sec. or less; can do the T-drill in 10 sec. or less. / Consistently matches or beats her best time; can do a liner in 22 sec. or less; can do the T-drill in 12 sec. or less. / Inconsistently matches or beats her best time; can do a liner in 24 sec. or less; can do the T-drill in 14 sec. or less. / Does not meet minimum needs/requirements.


/ Has many intangibles including; leadership; coachable; academically eligible; has shown commitment (summer activities, attendance); positive attitude towards self and others. / Has open position available; previously on the team; coachable; academically eligible; has shown some commitment (summer activities, attendance); positive attitude towards self and others. / Coachable; academically eligible; has shown little to no commitment (summer activities, attendance); attitude is mediocre. / Does not meet minimum needs/requirements.
