Volleyball Motor Skill CompetencyName: ______

KIN 401 – Net/Wall Games

Mrs. Mary Williams Semester:______

Motor Skill Competence – Skill Cues, Tactics, or Performance Outcomes
Advanced (4) / Proficient (3) / Basic (2) / Below Basic (0)
1. Skill
Cues -
[1] / Shoulders over knees over toes, Fist inside fist with thumbs together, Forearms make a platform,Legs staggered and knees bent, Extend legs as ball bumps off forearms, Follow through to target / Inconsistency with directing ball to target due to imprecise follow through / Good preparation but ball bumps off the wrists , no use of legs / Late moving to the ball. Arms swing randomly. No use of legs
2. Skill
Cues -
[1] / Make a window/diamond with the fingers in the shape of the ball above the hairline, stagger legs and bend knees, face target to execute skill, extend legs and direct the ball up with the fingertips of both hands simultaneously / Inconsistency with directing ball to target area.....fails to alter body position / Makes a window but fails to get under the ball.
Minimal use of legs / Late moving under the ball. Hands slap t ball. No use of legs
3. Skill
Cues -
[1] / 3 or 4 step approach with 1st step taken when ball is set, arms swing forward,back forward, Bow & Arrow action with arms, take off and land on 2 feet, hand open and wrist firm in shape of ball, powerful wrist snap, follow through to side of body / Inconsistency with timing of approach effects success of arm action / Bow and Arrow arm action is evident but weak wrist snap and poor timing of approach / Late approach. Arms swing randomly at ball
4. Skill
Cues -
Underarm Serve
[1] / Non-dominant foot points to target with weight on back foot, ball held out in front at waist level, striking hand has either a closed fist or fingers together,arm swings back and then forward like a pendulum as weight shifts forward, ball rolls out of fingertips, contact with heel of hand, follow through to target / Inconsistency due to erratic follow through / No weight transfer,
and erratic follow through / Fingers are open, ball is tossed up and swing is erratic
5. Skill Cues -Overarm Serve
[1] / Non-dominant foot points to target with dominant foot behind, Knees slightly bent, Ball held out in front at shoulder height, ball tossed up in front of serving shoulder while hitting hand draws back with a high elbow, Step-Toss-Hit, Contact ball at top of toss/heel to target with fingers slightly spread, Use wrist snap to impart spin / Inconsistency due to erratic ball toss / No weight transfer,
erratic ball toss and follow through / Erratic toss and arm swing
6. Tactic -
Transition from Defence to Offence
[1] / Player on the receiving team can get in position to bump the ball from the oncoming serve to the setter (CF) to set up the attack. / Unable to consistently bump the ball to the setter due to imprecise follow through / Unable to consistently bump the ball to the setter due to slow positioning and imprecise follow through / Fails to make contact with the ball
7. Perform-ance Outcome -
Overarm Serve [1] / Server can consistently serve the ball to open space on the opposite side of the court / Inconsistency in serving to open space due to imprecise follow through / Serves over the net into the court but not in to open space / Fails to serve the bll over the net

Total: ____/28