Volleyball Intramural Permission Slip

Your child has indicated an interest in our volleyball intramural program at Rock Lake Middle School. The purpose of this program is to offer every student the opportunity to participate in recreational volleyball.Intramurals is open to all 6th – 8th graders. Participating in intramurals is a privilege. Any student not following the expectations may not be able to participate.

  • Students participating in intramurals must demonstrate strong sportsmanship and leadership skills and follow all gym and locker room expectations.
  • Students are required to change into appropriate clothing; T-shirts, shorts/sweats and sneakers are a must for all activities.
  • For safety reasons, spectators are not allowed. Parents and students cannot stay to watch.
  • Participants are required to exhibit good sportsmanship and obey established school rules. The first time a student misbehaves a reflection sheet will be filled out and the parents will be notified. The second incident will result in a parental notification and intramurals privileges will be suspended. The third incident will result in parental notification and intramural privileges will be suspended for the rest of the school year.
  • There is NO supervision prior to 8:30 a.m. and students are not allowed to enter the gymnasium without a coach present.
  • Late arrivals, after 8:40 a.m. will not be permitted to participate for that morning session. Games, drills, or stations are organized and activities are started by that time.

Volleyball intramurals is FREE to all interested students. Intramurals will be offered Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 8:30 - 9:00 a.m. beginning September 1 and ending September 25.

Please review the expectations with your son/daughter and both sign the permission slip below. A student must have the permission slip turned in to Coach Delazanos before they are able to participate in intramurals for the 2015 volleyball intramurals.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Dimitrios Delazanos at Rock Lake at 407-746-9408or email .


Intramurals is not about winning or losing . . . it’s about playing!

I hereby give permission for ______to participate in the volleyball intramural program at Rock Lake Middle for the 2015 school year. I understand that participating students may be asked to help set-up and take down equipment as well as demonstrate proper sportsmanship and follow all gym expectations at all times to remain in intramurals. Please return permission slip to Coach Delazanos.

Grade: ______HomeroomTeacher: ______Date: ______

Parent(s) signature: ______

Parent Contact # : ______

Student Commitment: I understand that participation I must demonstrate proper sportsmanship at all times and follow all gym expectations to participate in intramurals.

Student signature: ______