VOLUME I Not found


Vol. 2 #1. Specification Program, ADA Guide to Dental Materials and Devices, 7th ed., chapt I:1-12 (1974-1975).

Vol. 2 #1A. Evaluation Programs, ADA Guide to Dental Materials and Devices, 7th ed., chapt II:13-15,18 (1974-1975).

Vol. 2 #1B. Amalgam and Mercury, ADA Guide to Dental Materials and Devices, 7th ed., chapt III: 19-35 (1974-1975).

Vol. 2 #1C. Recommended Standard practices for Biological and Clinical Evaluations, ADA Guide to Dental Materials and Devices, 7th ed. Chapt XVI:160-169 (1974-1975).

Vol. 2 #1D. Specifications for Dental Materials, ADAGuide to Dental Materials and Devices, 7th ed., 170-173;186-187 (1974-1975).

Vol. 2 #1E. Listof Certified Dental Materials and Devices, ADA Guide to Dental Materials and Devices, 7th ed., 261-274 (1974-1975).

Vol. 2 #1F. Index to Manufacturers and Distributors of Certified and/or Classified Products, ADAGuide to Dental Materials and Devices, 7th ed., 275-282 (1974-1975).

Vol. 2 #1G. Publications and Educational Material, ADA Guide to Dental Materials and Devices, 7th ed., 283-288 (1974-1975).

Vol. 2 #1H. TheInternational System of Units, ADA Guide to Dental Materials and Devices, 7th.ed., 289 (1974-1975).

Vol. 2 #2. Dental Mercury Hygiene, JADA vol. 122 (August 1991).

Vol. 2 #3. Pleva, J. PhD., Corrosion and Mercury Release from Dental Amalgam, Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine v.4, no 3:141-145;152-157 (1989).

Vol. 2 #4. Craig, R.G.,PhD., Amalgam, Restorative Dental Materials, 8th ed.:248-249 (1989).

Vol. 2 #5. Lussi, A., et.al., Mercury and copper release from amalgams in different soft drinks, Dental Materials, 279-281 (1990).

Vol. 2 #6. Craig, R.G., Biocompatibility of mercury derivatives, Dental Materials, v.2, no.3:91-96 (1986).

Vol. 2 #7. Okabe, T., Mercury in the structure of dental amalgam, Dental Materials, v.3,no.1:1-7 (1987).

8. Gjerdet, N.R., et.al., Porosity, strength, and mercury content of amalgam made by different dentists in their own practice, Dental Materials, v.1:150-153 (1985).

Vol. 2 #9. Boyer, D.B., Mercury vaporization from corroded dental amalgam., Dental materials, v.4, no.2:89-93 (1988).

Vol. 2 #10. Phillips, R.W., Skinner’s Dental Amalgam: Technical Considerations, Science of Dental Materials, 8th ed.:335-336 (1982).

Vol. 2 #11. Mann, J., et.al., Mercury: Health Hazards in Dentistry, NY State Dental Journal, 21-25 (June/July 1986).

Vol. 2 #12. Device for Storing, Transporting and Mixing Reactive Ingredients, Johnson & Johnson.

Vol. 2 #13. Directions for Use Tytin Whitecap Capsules.

Vol. 2 #14. Recommendations in Dental Mercury Hygiene, Australian Dental Journal, vol. 32, no.2:136-137 (1987).

Vol. 2 #14A. Guidelines for the Safe Handling of Mercury, J.Canad.Dent.Assoc., v.51, no.7 (July 1985).

Vol. 2 #15. Missing Brown, E.M., DDS, Form letter to Doctor regarding 60 Minutes report on safety of silver amalgam fillings (December 1990).

Vol. 2 #16. Recommendations in dental mercury hygiene, JADA, v.109:617-619 (October 1984).

Vol. 2 #17. Safety & Infection control in the dental office, ADA:12-13 (1990).

Vol. 2 #18. Craig, R.G., PhD., et.al., Amalgam, Restorative dental materials, 5th ed.:203 (1975).

Vol. 2 #19. Missing Dental Mercury Hygiene, JADA vol. 122 (August 1991).

Vol. 2 #20. Smith, R.G., Dose-Response Relationship Associated with Known Mercury Absorption at Low Dose Levels of Inorganic Mercury, Environmental Mercury Contamination: 207-222 (1972).

Vol. 2 #21. Ericson, A., et.al., Pregnancy outcome in women working as dentists, dental assistants or dental technicians, Occupational Environmental Health, 329-333 (1989)

Vol. 2 #22. Inorganic Mercury, Environmental Health Criteria 118-World Health Organization, 29-33;86-113 (1991).

Vol. 2 #23. Missing Ngim, C.H., et.al., Epidemiologic Study on the Association between Body Burden Mercury Level and Idiopathic Parkinson’s Disease, Neuroepidemiology, v8:128-141 (1989).

Vol. 2 #24. Mercury, Material Safety Data Sheet-Fisher Scientific Chemical Div. , 1-7 (1988).

Vol. 2 #25. Department of Health Services Title 26 Register 91, no. 14: 755;805-806 (1991).

Vol. 2 #26. Hahn, L.J., et.al., Whole-body imaging of the distribution of mercury released from dental fillings into monkey tissues, FASEB, v.4:3256-3260 (November 1990).

Vol. 2 #27. Missing Eggleston, D.W., DDS., et.al., Correlation of dental amalgam with mercury in brain tissue, Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry v.58 no.6,:704-707 (December 1987). Found in Vol. 25 #6

Vol. 2 #28. Vimy, M.J., et.al., Maternal-fetal distribution of mercury (203Hg) released from dental amalgam fillings, The American Physiological Society:R939-R945 (1990).

Vol. 2 #29. Siblerud, R.L., A Comparison of Mental Health of Multiple Sclerosis Patients with Silver/Mercury Dental Fillings and Those with Fillings Removed, Psychological Reports, v.70: 1139-1151 (1992).

Vol. 2 #30. Malmstrom, C. DDS., et.al., Amalgam-derived mercury in feces, Conference on Trace Elements in Health and Disease, Stockholm, (May 1992).

Vol. 2 #31. Enwonwu, C.O., Mercury Vapor in Dentistry: Critical Review of the Literature, Environmental Research, v.42:257-274 (1987).

Vol. 2 #32. Summers, A.O., et.al., “Silver” Dental Fillings Provoke an Increase in mercury and Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria in the Mouth and Intestines of Primates, APUA Newsletter, (1991).

Vol. 2 #33. Missing Gallowy, W.D., et.al., Toxicity Assessment of Mercury Vapor from Dental Amalgams, Symposium Abstracts:242-246.

Vol. 2 #34. Clarkson, T.W., Mercury, Journal of the American College of Toxicology, v.8, no.7:1291 (1989).

Vol. 2 #35. Missing Thompson, C.M., et.al., Regional Brain Trace-Element Studies in Alzheimer’s Disease, NeuroToxicology, v.9, no.1:1-6 (1988).

Vol. 2 #36. Warren, J., Alzheimer’s may be linked to mercury, UK scientists say, Lexington Herald-Leader(1990).

37. Clarkson, T.W., PhD, Mercury-An Element of Mystery, The New England Journal of Medicine, v.323, no.16: 1137-1139 (October 1990).

Vol. 2 #38. Ellenhorn, M.J., MD, et.al., Mercury, Medical Toxicology, 1048-1052.

Vol. 2 #39. Occupational Exposure to Inorganic Mercury, U.S. Dept. of Health, Education and Welfare1-51;69-83 (1973).

Vol. 2 #40. Missing Parmeggiani, L., Mercury, Encyclopaedia of Occupational Health and Safety v.2, 3rd ed.:1332-1335 (1983).

Vol. 2 #41. Missing Summers, A.O., et.al., Increased Mercury Resistance in Monkey Gingival and Intestinal Bacterial Flora after Placement of Dental “Silver” Fillings, American Physiological Society Abstract Form (1990).

Vol. 2 #42. Nylander, M., et.al., Mercury concentrations in the human brain and kidneys in relation to exposure from dental amalgam fillings, Swed. Dent Journal., v.11:179-187 (1987).

Vol. 2 #43. Mercury, Material Safety Data Sheet, J.T. Baker Chemical Co., 1-4 (1986).

Vol. 2 #44. Warkany, J., et.al., Acrodynia and Mercury, The Journal of Pediatrics, v. 42:365-386 (1953).

Vol. 2 #45. Reeves, R.E., Summary of Scientific Evidence Questioning The Continued Use of Mercury as a Component of Dental Filling Material, 1-17

Vol. 2 #46. Goering, P.L., et.al., Symposium Overview-Toxicity Assessment of Mercury Vapor from Dental Amalgams, Fundamental and Applied Toxicology, v.19, no.3:319-329 (October 1992).

Vol. 2 #47. FDA Writ of Mandamus Petition, BIO-Probe Newsletter, v.8, issue 6:1-7 (November 1992).

Vol. 2 #48. “See-Surp” Report Conflict! Michael F. Ziff, DDS and Sam Ziff, Bio-Probe Newsletter, v.9, issue 2: 1-8 (March 1993).

49. Pamphlet promoting IntraCellular Diagnostics EXA Test, IntraCellular Diagnostics (1989).

Vol. 2 #50. Pamphlet promoting EXA,Elemental X-Ray Analysis, IntraCellular Diagnostics




1. Engle, J.H. et.al., Quantitation of total mercury vapor released during dental procedures, Dent Materv.8:176-180 (May 1992).

Vol. 3 #2. Marek, M., The Release of Mercury from Dental Amalgam: The Mechanism and in vitro Testing, Journal of Dental Researchv.69 no.5:1167-1174 (May 1990).

Vol. 3 #3. Marek, M., The Effect of Tin on the corrosion Behavior of the Ag-Hg Phase of Dental Amalgam and Dissolution of Mercury, Journal of Dental Research, v.69 no.12:1786-1790 (December 1990).

Vol. 3 #4. Marek, M., The Effect of the Electrode Potential on the Release of Mercury from Dental Amalgam, Journal of Dental Research v.72, no.9:1315-1319 (September 1993).

Vol. 3 #5. Marek, M., Interactions Between Dental Amalgams and the Oral Environment, Advances in Dental Research v. 6:100-109 (September 1992).

Vol. 3 #6. Lance, C., et al., Electrode Reactions on Freshly Generated Fracture Surfaces on Dental Amalgam Abstract #733, IADR, 1-9 (1993).

Vol. 3 #7. Marek, M., Mercury Vapor Emission from Fresh Fracture Surfaces of Dental Amalgam Abstract #26, IADR, 1-6 (1994).

Vol. 3 #8. Reinhardt, J.W., et.al., Mercury vapor expired after restorative treatment: preliminary study, Journal of Dental Research, v.58, no 10:2005 (1979).

Vol. 3 #9. Reinhardt, J.W., et. al., Mercury vaporization during amalgam removal, Journal Prosthetic Dentistry, v.50:62-64 (1983).

Vol. 3 #6. Engelman, M.A., DDS, Mercury Allergy Resulting from Amalgam Restorations, Cases & Comments, v.66: 122-123 (January 1962).

Vol. 3 #7. Table 2: Treatment room mercury vapor level (mg/M3) during ultraspeed removal of Amalgam Restorations: Dry cutting with central vacuum evacuation. Table 3: Treatment room mercury vapor level (mg/M3) during ultraspeed removal of amalgam restorations: Water spray and central vacuum evacuation. USAF US Air Force Vol. 57 #2 March/April 1978

Vol. 3 #8. Debre, R., et.al., Forme quadriplegique de l’acrodynie, Societe Medicale Des Hopitaux de Paris, 1074-1081 ( June 1934).

Vol. 3 #9. Teixeira, L.C., et.al., Printing of mercury distribution on the surface of dental amalgams, JADA, v.81:1159-1162 (November 1970).

Vol. 3 #

10. Svare, C.W. et.al., Quantitative Measure of Mercury Vapor Emission from Setting Dental Amalgam, Journal of Dental Research, v. 52, no.4: 740-743 (August 1973).

Vol. 3 #11. Caron, G.A., et.al., Lymphocyte Transformation Induced by Inorganic and Organic Mercury, Int. Arch. Allergy v.37: 76-87 (1970).

Vol. 3 #12. Adverse Immune Effects of Dental Amalgam- New Evidence! Bio-Probe Newsletter, v.10, issue 6:1-8 (November 1994).

Vol. 3 #13. BIOCALEX 6/9 Directions for use 1-4.

Vol. 3 #14. Summers, A.O., et.al., Mercury Released from Dental “Silver” Fillings Provokes an Increases in Mercury- and Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria in Oral and Intestinal Floras of Primates, Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, v. 37, no. 4:825-834 (April 1993).

Vol. 3 #15. Endo, T., et.al., Gastrointestinal Absorption of Inorganic Mercuric Compounds in Vivo and in Situ, Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology, v.74:223-229 (1984).

Vol. 3 #

16. Vroom, F. Q., et al., Mercury Vapour Intoxication, Brain, v.95:305-318 (1972).

Vol. 3 #17. Levine, S.P., et. al., Elemental mercury exposure: peripheral neurotoxicity, British Journal of industrial Medicine, v. 39:136-139 (1982).

Vol. 3 #18. Miller, J.M., et.al., Subclinical psychomotor and neuromuscular changes in workers exposed to inorganic mercury, American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal, 725-733 (October 1975).

Vol. 3 #19. L’Acrodynie, Diagnostic Differentie, 53-56. In French

Vol. 3 #20. Les Polyradiculonevrites Aigues Curables “Secondaires” Avec Dissociation Albumino-Cytologique.

Vol. 3 #21. Dahhan, S.S., et.al, Electrocardiographic Changes in Mercury Poisoning, The American Journal of Cardiology, v.14:178-183 (August 1964).

Vol. 3 #22. Ross, A.T., MD., Mercuri Polyneuropathy with Albumino-Cytologic Dissociation and Eosinophilia, JAMA:830-831 (June 1964).

Vol. 3 #23. Hirschman, S.Z., et. al., Mercury in House Paint as a Cause of Acrodynia, The New England Journal of Medicine, v.269, no. 17:889-893 (Oct 1963).


Vol. 3 #25. Marie, M.J., L’Acrodynie Paralytique Grave Avec Dissociation Albumino-Cytologique Du Liquide Rachidien, 217-231.

Vol. 3 #26. Iyer, K., et.al., Mercury Poisoning in a Dentist, Arch Neurol, v. 33:788-790 (November 1976).

Vol. 3 #27. Miyakawa, T., et.al., Experimental Organic Mercury Poisoning – Pathological Changes in Peripheral Nerves, Acta neropath.(Berl), v.15:45-55 (1970).

Vol. 3 #28. Barber, T.E., MD., Inorganic Mercury intoxication Reminiscent of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, Journal of Occupational Medicine, v.20, no.10:667-669 (1978).

Vol. 3 #29. Adams, C.R., et.al., Mercury Intoxication Simulating Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, JAMA, v. 250, no. 5:642-643 (August 1983).

Vol. 3 #30. Albers, J.W. et.al., Neurological Abnormalities Associated with Remote Occupational Elemental Mercury Exposure, Annals of Neurology, v. 24, no.5:651-659 (November 1988).

Vol. 3 #31. Rupp, N.W., et. al., Significance to health of mercury used in dental practice: a review, JADA, v.82 1401-1407 (June 1971).

Vol. 3 #32. Levander, O.A., Nutritional factors in relation to heavy metal toxicants, Federation Proceedings, v.36, no.5:1683-1687 (April 1977).

Vol. 3 #33. Asbury, A.K., et.al., Assessment of Current Diagnostic Criteria for Guillain-Barre Syndrome, Annals of NeurologySupplement to v. 27:S21-S24 (1990).

Vol. 3 #34. Tolhurst, W.H., Letter to Dr. Allan H. Ropper on exposure to mercury causing Tolhurst’s polyneuropathy, (December 1994).

Vol. 3 #34A. Neurologic Consultation and Medical Reports on William Tolhurst (1991).

Vol. 3 #35. Lyttle, H.A., et.al., The Resistance and Adaptation of Selected Oral Bacteria to Mercury and its Impact on Their Growth, Journal of Dental Research, 1325- 1330 (1993).

Volume IV

Volume IV 1. Pleva, J., Mercury from dental amalgams: exposure and effects, International Journal of Risk & Safety in Medicine, v.3:1-22 (1992).

Vol. 4 #2. Gay, D.D., Chewing Releases Mercury from Fillings, The Lancet (May 1979).

Vol. 4 #3. Corrosion of Dental Amalgam, Nature, Vol. 240:304-306 (Dec 1972).

Vol. 4 #4. Pleva, J. PhD., Mercury Poisoning from Dental Amalgam, Orthomolecular Psychiatry, v.12, no.3:184-193 (1983).

Vol. 4 #5. Matthes, F. T., et.al., Acute Poisoning Associated with Inhalation of Mercury Vapor, Pediatrics:675-688 (October 1958).

Vol. 4 #6. Hallee, T.J., Diffuse Lung Disease Caused by Inhalation of Mercury Vapor, American Review of Respiratory Disease, v. 99:430-436 (1969).

Vol. 4 #7. Sunderman, F.W., Perils of Mercury, Annals of Clinical and Laboratory Science, v. 18, no. 2: 89-101.

Vol. 4 #8. Taskinen, H., et.al., A possible case of mercury-related toxicity resulting from the grinding of old amalgam restorations, Scandinavian Journal Work Environ Health, v.15:302-304 (1989).

Vol. 4 #9. Teisinger, J., et.al., Pulmonary Retention and Excretion of Mercury Vapors in Man, Industrial Medicine and Surgery, 580-584 (1965).

Vol. 4 #10. Kazantzis, G., The Role of Hypersensitivity and the Immune Response in Influencing Susceptibility to Metal Toxicity, Environmental Health Perspectives, v.25:111-118 (1978).

Vol. 4 #11. Feit, H., Sources of Error in the Diagnosis of Guillain-Barre Syndrome, Muscle & Nerve, v.5:111-117 (1982).

Vol. 4 #12. Hoover, A.W., et.al, Absorption and Excretion of Mercury in Man, Arch Environ Health, v.12:506-508 (April 1966).

Vol. 4 #13. Jacobs, M.B., et.al., Absorption and Excretion of Mercury in Man, Archives of Environmental Health, v.9:454-463 (October 1964).

Vol. 4 #14. Leneman, F., The Guillain-Barre’ Syndrome, Arch Internal Medicine, v. 118:139-144 (August 1966).

Vol. 4 #15. Ropper, A.H., et.al., Guillain-Barre’ Syndrome, 22-30, 42, 53, 57-66, 175, 212-213.

Vol. 4 #16. Stopford, W., Mercury Intoxication Among Dental Personnel, JAMA, v. 250, no. 6:822 (August 1983).

Vol. 4 #17. Kennedy, D. Suggested Accurate Informed Consent for the Children’s Amalgam Trials in New England and Casa Pia, Orphan’s School in Lisbon, Portugal 2006

Vol. 4 #18. lobner, Asrari Neurotoxicity of Dental amalgam in Mediated by Zinc J Dent Res 82(3):243-/246, 2003

Vol. 4 #19. Anger, K Neurobehavioural tests and systems to assess neurotoxic exposures in the workplace and community Occup Environ Med Vol. 60 pp.531-538 2003

20. Yoshida M Susceptibility to metallothionein-Null Mice to the Behavioral Alterations Caused by Exposure to Mercury Vapor at Human-Relevant Concentration Toxicological Sciences Vol. 80 No. 1 (2004)

Vol. 4 #21. L. Barregard Mercury from dental amalgam: looking beyond the average OEM.bmjjournals.com 6 March 2006

Vol. 4 #22. Heyer, N Chronic Low-Level Mercury Exposure, BDNF Polymorphism, and Associations with Self-Reported Symptoms and Mood Toxicological Sciences Vol. 81 pp. 354-363 (2004)

Vol. 4 #23. Mutter, J. Blood Mercury and Neurobehavior Letters JAMA Aug. 10, 2005 Vol. 294 #6

Volume 5

1. Lorscheider, F.L., ADA's Attempt to Suppress and Outlaw Mercury-Free Dentistry Backfires, Mercury-Free News, v.5, no.2:9-15 (May 1992).

Vol. 5 #2. Safranek, T.J., et.al., Reassessment of the Association between Guillain-Barre’ Syndrome and Receipt of Swine Influenza Vacine in 1976-1977: Results of a Two-State Study, American Journal of Epidemiology, v.133, no. 9: 940-951 (1991).

Vol. 5 #3. Cornblath, D.R., et.al., Motor Conduction Studies in Guillain-Barre’ Syndrome: Description and Prognostic Value, Annals of Neurology , v. 23, no. 4:354-359 (April 1988).

Vol. 5 #4. Bromberg, M.B., et.al., Prognosis in Long-Term Immunosuppressive Treatment of Refractory Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyradiculoneuropathy, Journal Clin. Epidemiology, v.45, no.1:47-52 (1992).

Vol. 5 #5. Snapp, K.R., et.al., The Contribution of Dental Amalgam to Mercury in Blood, Journal Dental Research, v. 65, no. 5:780-785 (May 1989).

Vol. 5 #6. A. Abraham, et.al., The Effect of Dental Amalgam Restorations on Blood Mercury Levels, Journal Dental Research, v. 63. no. 1:71-73 (January 1984).

Vol. 5 #7. Plasmapheresis and acute Guillain-Barre’ syndrome, Neurology, v.35:1096-1104 (August 1985).

Vol. 5 #8. Donofrio, P.D., et.al., Acute Arsenic Intoxication Presenting as Guillain-Barre’ like Syndrome, Muscle & Nerve, v.12: 114-120 (February 1987).

Vol. 5 #9. Cornblath, D.R., et.al., Conduction Block in Clinical Practice, Muscle & Nerve, v.14:869-871 (September 1991).

Vol. 5 #10. Bromberg, M.B., et.al., Patternsof Sensory Nerve Conduction Abnormalities in Demyelinating and Axonal Peripheral Nerve Disorders, Muscle & Nerve, v. 16:262-266 (March 1993).

Vol. 5 #11. Masi, J.V., Corrosion of Restorative Materials: The Problem and the Promise, 1-16, (April 1994).

Vol. 5 #12. Grippo, J.O., et.al., Role of Biodental Engineering Factors (BEF) in the Etiology of Root Caries, Journal of Esthetic Dentistry, v.3, no. 2:71-76 (March 1991).

Vol. 5 #13. Meyer, C.B., Letter to Mrs. Renee Mauser regarding suspension of Dr. Hanus dental license, (1994).

Vol. 5 #14. Restoring the Normal Balance of Gastrointestinal Microorganisms, Health Talk, v. 9, no. 1:1-8 (June 1990).

Vol. 5 #15. MRI report/lab results for Dr. William Tolhurst, 9/8/1994.

Vol. 5 #16. Bloch, P., et.al., Summary of the International Conference on Mercury Hazards in Dental Practice, JADA, v.104, 489-490 (April 1982).

Vol. 5 #17. Eames, W. B., Preparation and condensation of amalgam with a low mercury-alloy ratio, The Journal of the American Dental Association, v. 58:78-83 (April 1959).

Vol. 5 #18. Hazards of Asbestos in Dentistry, Reports of Councils and Bureaus, JADA, v. 92: 777-778 (April 1976).

Vol. 5 #19. Guccione, P., et.al., Distribution of Mercury in the Rat After Long-Term Exposure to Vapors, Journal Dental Research, v. 54, no 6:1235 (December 1975).

Vol. 5 #20. No document

Vol. 5 #21. Chan, K.C., et.al., Mercury Vapor Emission from Dental Amalgam, Journal Dental Research, v.51, no.2:555-559 (March 1972).

Vol. 5 #22. Nunez, T.J., et.al., Influence of Amalgam, Alloy and Mercury on the In Vitro Growth of Streptococcus mutans: I. Biological Test System, Journal Dental Research, v.55, no.2:257-261.

Vol. 5 #23. Mathewson, R.J., et.al., Influences of Clinical Factors on Marginal Adaptation and Residual Mercury Content of Amalgam, Journal Dental Research, v54, no.1:104-109 (January 1973).

Vol. 5 #24. Dental Mercury Makers Not Required to Comply with California Disclosure Rules, BNA’s Health Law Reporter, (September 1994).

Vol. 5 #25. Concentration of Hazardous Substance, Labor Code, 119-120, (1992).

Vol. 5 #26. Product Label and Material Safety Data Sheets of Dispersalloy

Vol. 5 #27. Olsson, S., et.al., Release of Elements due to Electrochemical Corrosion of Dental Amalgam, Journal Dental Research, v.73, no.1: 33-43 (1994).

Vol. 5 #28. BBC-TV “Panorama” Does Expose on Dental Amalgam Controversy, Bio-Probe Newsletter, v.10, Issue 4:1-8 (July 1994).

Vol. 5 #29. Denton, S., The Mercury Cover-Up, Reprint from Health Consciousness Magazine, (June 1989).

Vol. 5 #30. Svare, C.W., et.al., Effect of Surface Treatment on the Corrodibility of Dental Amalgam, Journal Dental Research, v.51, no.1:44-46 (January 1972).

Vol. 5 #31. Jacobsen, H., et.al., Assessment of Microleakage Using a Conductimetric Technique, Journal Dental Research, 41-43 (January 1973).

Vol. 5 #32. Hinze, J., The Principles and Practice of Homeopathy, (1991).

Vol. 5 #33. Guillain, G., et.al., La forme acrodynique du syndrome de polyradiculo-nevrite avec dissociation albumino-cytologique du liquide cephalo-rachidien, Academie de Medecine, 527-533 (Mai 1941).

Vol. 5 #34. Socialstyrelsen Translation in English Stops Amalgam Use, Svenska Dagbladet, (May 1987).

Vol. 5 #35. Bundesinstitut for Drugs and Medical Products (former BGA) proposed changes in the Directives for use of amalgam. Translation in English

Vol. 5 #36. Reinhardt, J.W., et.al, Exhaled mercury following removal and insertion of amalgam restorations, Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry, v.49, no.5:652-656 (May 1983).

Vol. 5 #37. Workshop: biocompatibility of metals in dentistry, JADA, v. 100:469-471 (September 1984).

Vol. 5 #38. The Learned Intermediary Doctrine in Prescription Drug and Device Litigation, Swartz, Campbell & Detweiler, 10-12 (1994).

Vol. 5 #39. Hanson, M., Effects of Inorganic Mercury on the Nervous System, Bio-Probe Newsletter, v.5, issue 2:1-15 (March 1988).

Vol. 5 #40. Goodman and Gillman’s, Mercury, The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics, 8th ed. (1598-1602).

Vol. 5 #41. Overview of the Amalgam Issue, Amalgam, 28-30 (November 1985).

Vol. 5 #42. New Research – Amalgam Mercury Harms Dental Personnel, Bio-Probe Newsletter, v.11, issue 1:1-8 (January 1995).

Vol. VI.

1. Kawahara, H., et.al., Electron Microscopic Study of the Cytotoxicity of Cadmium and Mercury in Vitro, Journal Dental Research, v. 54, no. 1:125-130 (January 1975).

Vol. 6 #2. Frykholm, K.O., Mercury from Dental Amalgam Its Toxic and Allergic Effects and Some Comments on Occupational Hygiene, Acta Odontologica Scandinavica, v.15, supplement 22 (1957).

Vol. VI3. Vimy, M.J., et.al., Estimation of Mercury Body Burden from Dental Amalgam: Computer Simulation of a Metabolic Compartmental Model, Journal Dental Research, v.65, no.12:1415-1419 (December 1986).

Vol. 6 #Vol. VI4. Chang, L. W., et.al, Mitochondrial Changes in Neurons Following Mercury Intoxication, American Association of Neuropathologists, 49th Annual Meeting (June 1973).

Vol. 6 #Vol. VI5. Heintze, U., et.al, Methylation of mercury from dental amalgam and mercuric chloride by oral streptococci in vitro, Scand Journal Dental Research, v91, no.2:150-152 (1983).

Vol. 6 #Vol. VI 6. Nagem-Filho, et.al., Tissue reaction to dispersion alloy amalgam, Journal Prosthet Dent., v.36, no. 4: 399-403 (October 1976).

Vol. 6 #Vol. VI #7. Trivedi, S.C., et.al., The response of human gingival to restorative materials, Journal Prosthet. Dent., v. 29, no. 1:73-80 (January 1973).

Vol. 6 #Vol. VI #8. Cooper, G.P. et.al., Heavy Metals: Effects On Synaptic Transmission, Toxicology. V.5, no.3:247-266 (1984).

Vol. 6 #Vol. VI #9. Feldman, G., et.al., Tissue reactions to root filling materials, Odontologisk Revy, v.13, no.1:1-13 (1962).

Vol. 6 #Vol. VI #10. Eley, B.M., Tissue Reactions to Implanted Dental Amalgam, including Assessment by Energy Dispersive X-ray Micro-Analysis, Journal Pathology, v.138:251-269 (1982).

Vol. 6 #Vol. VI #11. Siblerud, R.L., The Relationship between Mercury from Dental Amalgam and Mental Health, American Journal of Psychotherapy, v.XLIII, no.4:575-587 (October 1989).

Vol. 6 #Vol. VI #12. Ellender, G., et.al., Toxic effects of dental amalgam implants. Optical histological and histochemical observations., Australian Dental Journal, v. 23, no.5:395-399 (October 1978).

Vol. 6 #Vol. VI #13. Siblerud, R.L., The Relationship between Mercury from Dental Amalgam and Oral Cavity Health, 6-10.

Vol. 6 #Vol. VI #14. Hahn, L.J., et.al., Dental “silver” tooth fillings: a source of mercury exposure revealed by whole-body image scan and tissue analysis, FASEB Journal, v. 3:2642-2646 (December 1989).