Voice-Customizable Text-To-Speech for intelligent Home care System
Yan-You Chen1, Yu-Wei Bai1, Chun-Yu Tsai2, Jhing-Fa Wang1,3, Bo-Wei Chen1
Technical Specifications:
Title of the project: Voice-Customizable Text-To-Speech for intelligent
Home care System
Domain: Embedded Systems
Software:Embedded C, Keil, Proload
Microcontroller:ARM Processor
Power Supply :5V, 750mA Regulated Power Supply
Crystal : 11.0592MHz
Text-to-Speech converter:1
Applications:Dumb people.
Applications:operation theatres, I.C.units, biomedical/human .
Developed By :M/S Wine Yard Technologies
Phone:040-6464 6363,
Dumb can be defined as Muteness, the condition of being unwilling or unable to speak. The requirements of a communication aid for the dumb are discussed and a prototype system is described which has been found to fulfill these requirements adequately. Messages are entered into the system using a Switch array, and user defined 8 commands are programmed in the system such that if the dumb person wants to communicate with normal people he/she can press the specified switches in the switch array. The same information will be delivered out as a voice signals by using a text to speech converter module which is again given to a amplifier unit to get the exact information without any noise, and from there to a speaker.
This project describes the design of a simple, low-cost controller based Text-to-Speech conversion system. We can get both the voice announcements as well as a 16X2 LCD display is used to display the text messages on it.
This project uses MCU. This is a best as well as cost effective system for the speechless to communicate with the normal people such that any one can understand their message easily without any difficulty.
This project uses regulated 5V, 750mA power supply. 7805 three terminal voltage regulator is used for voltage regulation. Bridge type full wave rectifier is used to rectify the ac out put of secondary of 230/12V step down transformer.
Block Diagram:
- Ease of operation
- Low maintenance cost
- Fit and forget system
- Durability
- Accuracy
- Hospitals
- House hold Purpose
- Schools
- Colleges
- Offices
- Public Gatherings
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