Career Technical Education Unit

Enhancing quality vocational and technical education

for all California’s community college students.

CTE updates are available at:

Career Technical Education
November 2011 Update

2010-2012 Master Calendar for Perkins Funds

The Master Calendar for Perkins provides important dates and deadlines for Perkins related MIS data submissions, reporting, certification, and the allocation determination process. Dates provided are subject to change by the
Chancellor’s Office (CO).

Note: The Legal Terms and Conditions state that: all reports that fall on a weekend or a holiday
are due by close of business on the last working day prior to the reporting deadline. Extensions of reporting
deadlines may be made with the approval of the Project Monitor.

Title I-B:

TitIe I-C:

Key Upcoming Dates

January 25, 2012 2nd Qtr. Reports for program year 2011-12 due

February 15, 2012 Data Certification Forms Title I-C Allocations for 2012-13 due (tentative)

April 2012 2012-2013 Perkins Title I-C Section 132 Final Allocations announced

April 2012 2012-13 Perkins Title I-C Online Local Application and Instructions announced

April 25, 2012 3rd Qtr. Reports for program year 2011-12 due

May 15, 2012 2012-13 Title I-C Local Application due

July 25, 2012 4th Qtr. Reports for program year 2011-12 due

August 31, 2012 Final Reports for program year 2011-12 due

The complete revised 2010-2012 Master Calendar for Perkins Title I-C Funds calendar is available at:

2011-2012 Perkins IV, Title I-C Allocation Reduction Schedule

CTE Memo 11-11a notified districts that Perkins Title I, Part C district allocations were reduced by 1.3% in current year Perkins funds. The reduction to the 2011-12 district allocations and budgets will occur between November 17-23, 2011. The system will be offline during this period. Districts must have first quarter YTD reports certified before November 15 or monitors will open the first quarter YTD report and certify budgets as reported in the application or as updated in the first quarter report. This procedure is necessary to apply the reduction to the second quarter budget. The Perkins Title I, Part C, YTD reporting system should be available on November 24, 2011 but may be running as early as November 21, 2011.

CTE Transitions

The approval process for use of the funds at the state level is proceeding as expected. We anticipate that CTE Transitions funding and reporting will begin with the 3rd quarter report in April 2012. A separate online Year to-Date (YTD) quarterly reporting system is being developed. CTE Transitions Project Directors and CBOs will receive an informational memo and passcodes to this site before the reporting is due in the third quarter. In 2012, additional CTE Transitions YTD quarterly reporting instructions will be emailed to project directors. For more information see the Alternatives for Interim Funding memo dated August 8, 2011.

California Community Colleges Student Success Task Force Town Hall Meetings
Please join members of the Student Success Task Force and the California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office for the remaining town hall meetings to discuss draft recommendations to improve community college completion rates. Your input is invaluable as the task force moves toward finalizing its recommendations. We hope to gather useful community input that will help guide the final plan.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011 4 pm – 6 pm
Saddleback College
Health Sciences Building/Ronald Reagan Board of Trustees Room
28000 Marguerite Parkway
Mission Viejo, CA 92692

Wednesday, November 16, 2011 10 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Location: Elihu M. Harris State Office Bldg Auditorium
1515 Clay Street
Oakland, CA 94612

The California Community Colleges Student Success Task Force was appointed by the Board of Governors in January 2011 to examine strategies and develop recommendations for promoting student success, including improving the student assessment process, delivering remedial instruction, increasing academic counseling, and using technology to help students reach their goals faster.

A copy of California Community Colleges Student Success Task Force draft recommendations can be viewed at –

Public input on the draft recommendations is encouraged and can be submitted at – s.aspx

Net Price Calculator
All colleges and universities receiving federal financial aid funds (Title IV) were required to have a Net Price Calculator posted on their websites by Oct. 29, 2011 as part of The Higher Education Opportunity Act (HEOA) of 2008. The HEOA provision requires the creation of a Net Price Calculator to help consumers estimate the approximate net price of attending an institution. The "net price" of attending an institution is defined as the actual price charged to full-time students receiving student aid minus the average need-based and merit-based aid from the institutions cost of attendance. Parents and students can enter tax and income information. The Net Price Calculator is intended to give them an idea of a possible financial aid package and the cost of a school after fees and living expenses are added. The CCCCO has provided districts with a federally approved Net Price Calculator template to assist them in fulfilling this requirement. For further information contact the Student Financial Assistance Programs unit.

CCCCO Staff Changes

Director of Fiscal Policy/Apportionments, Chris Yatooma has accepted an interim Chief Business Officer position at San Joaquin Delta College. College Budget Specialist, Diane Brady will serve as the acting Administrator of Apportionments.

CCCCO Nursing and Allied Health Programs Specialist, Kathy Pulse retired after 37 years of State Service. Economic and Workforce Development Specialist, Brenda Fong has been additionally assigned to takeover Kathy’s workload. For any questions regarding Nursing and Allied Health programs, contact Brenda at or call (916) 323-2758.

An interagency exchange between California Department of Education and the CCCCO has been formalized to enlarge the leadership bandwidth of the CCCCO Workforce and Economic Development Division and ensure the alignment between the two agencies. Effectively immediately, former CDE Administrator of Adult Education, Debra Jones will assume the position of the Dean, Career Education Practices, with accountability for SB70 decision-making initially, and share leadership and supervision accountabilities with the other division deans, Ron Selge and Ray York.

Sally Montemayor Lenz has accepted the permanent position of CCCCO Dean of Curriculum and Instruction. Sally has led the implementation, review and evaluation of the Fund for Student Success Programs that includes Middle College High School (MESA), Puente, and Mathematics, Engineering, Science Achievement (MESA) programs. In 2010, Sally was instrumental in securing a $10.9 million Broadband Technology Opportunities Program federal grant that established the California Connects program.

Reports and Studies

Get with the Program: Accelerating Community College Students' Entry into and Completion of Programs of Study (CCRC Working Paper No. 32) By: Davis Jenkins (April 2011). New York: Community College Research Center, Teachers College, Columbia University.
Most students who enter higher education through a community college fail to earn a postsecondary credential. One reason for this that has not received enough attention is that many students do not enter a college-level program of study. Many new students arrive at community colleges without clear goals for college and careers. Community colleges offer a wide array of programs but typically provide little guidance to help students choose and successfully enter a program of study. Community college departments often do not closely monitor the progress of students who do enter their programs to ensure that they complete. This paper presents a simple method that community colleges can use to measure rates of program entry and completion using data on students’ actual course-taking behaviors rather than declared major or intent. This method is used to track the progress and outcomes of first-time college students over five years using data from an anonymous sample of community colleges. The analysis shows that it is essential for students to enter a program of study as soon as possible. Students who do not enter a program within a year of enrollment are far less likely to ever enter a program and therefore less likely to earn a credential. The paper offers suggestions for ways community colleges can rethink their practices at key stages of students’ engagement to substantially increase rates of program entry and completion. Click here to read a press release about the paper.
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Charting Pathways to Completion for Low-Income Community College Students (CCRC Working Paper No. 34) by: Davis Jenkins & Madeline Joy Weiss (September 2011). New York: Community College Research Center, Teachers College, Columbia University
This paper uses administrative data from Washington State to chart the educational pathways of first-time community college students over seven years, with a focus on young, socioeconomically disadvantaged students. Of particular interest are the rates at which students enter a program of study or concentration (by passing multiple college-level courses within a focused field of study), the amount of remediation taken by students in each concentration, and the rates at which students in different concentrations earn certificates or associate degrees, or transfer to four-year institutions. The paper identifies patterns of progression among students with low socioeconomic status and makes recommendations for practitioners and policymakers.
View PDF version

CCRC Report: Different Approaches to Dual Enrollment: Understanding Program Features and Their Implications (October 2011)

This Community College Search Center (CCRC) report by Linsey Edwards, Katherine L. Hughes, and Alan Weisberg discusses eight secondary-postsecondary partnerships in California that sought to integrate dual enrollment with a complementary career-focused strategy for engaging struggling students. The programs featured here join a growing movement to make career-focused dual enrollment part of a promising college and career preparation strategy for a broad range of students. Download the PDF

Guide to Dual Enrollment for High School Students (June 2011)

This guide was created by Linsey Edwards and Katherine L. Hughes in partnership with the Career Academy Support Network at the University of California, Berkeley. It is intended to provide practitioners, schools, and districts with a road map for incorporating college coursework into high school academies and pathways. Included in this how-to guide is a list of steps, considerations, and resources, with examples from the Concurrent Courses Initiative. Download the PDF

AIR Report: The Hidden Costs of Community Colleges

The report, The Hidden Costs of Community Colleges, by the nonprofit American Institutes for Research (AIR) found that from 2004 to 2009, federal, state and local governments spent nearly $4 billion on full-time community college students who dropped out after their first year. In California, expenditures on such students over the five-year period totaled $480 million, far more than any other state. The report highlights a nationwide trend of increasing community college enrollment and spending but declining completion rates at the same time that state funding for higher education has dropped. The report found that about a fifth of full-time U.S. community college students in the period studied did not return for their second year. In 2009, the most recent year for which data were available, about $1 billion was spent on students who dropped out, up 35% from 2004. For further information on this report:


2011 Community College League of California Annual Convention and Partner Conferences

November 17-19, 2011

Location: San Jose Fairmont, San Jose, CA
For more information:

2011 Association for Career and Technical Education (ACTE) Annual Convention and Career Tech Expo
November 17-19, 2011
Location: St. Louis Convention Center St. Louis, MO
For more information:

Joint Special Populations Advisory Committee (JSPAC) Annual Conference

December 5-7, 2011
Location: Sheraton Grand Hotel Sacramento, CA

For more information:

CWA 2012 Youth Conference: Multiple Choices
January 17-19, 2012
Location: Renaissance Long Beach Hotel
For more information:

American Association of Colleges Workforce Development Institute (WDI)
January 25-28, 2012

Location: Hyatt Regency Miami FL

For more information:

Community College League of California Annual Legislative Conference
January 29-30, 2012
Location: Sheraton Grand Sacramento
For more information:

2011 Educating for Careers Conference: Pathways to Success
February 13-15, 2012
Location: Sacramento Convention Center
For more information:

Academic Senate for California Community Colleges Vocational Education Institute
March 21 - 23, 2012

Location: The Westin San Francisco Airport
For more information:
This year’s Vocational Education Leadership Institute will be held in San Francisco and is offered concurrently with CCCOAE's spring conference. Faculty members attending the Vocational Education Leadership Institute can also attend any CCCAOE breakout session at no extra cost. Don't miss this unique opportunity to network with other occupational education leaders from around the state.

CCCAOE 2012 Spring Conference
March 21-23, 2012

Location: The Westin San Francisco Airport
For more information:

California Workforce Association (CWA) Spring Conference
April 4-6, 2012
Location: TBA

For more information:

2012 Association for Career and Technical Education Region V Conference
April 11-14, 2012
Location: Snow King Resort Jackson, WY
The California chapter is part of Association for Career and Technical Education (ACTE) Region V. ACTE is dedicated to the advancement of education that prepares youth and adults for careers. For more information on the ACTE California chapter:
Call for Region V conference presentations:

2012 National Alliance for Partnerships in Equity Professional Development Institute
April 16-19, 2012
Location: Doubletree Crystal City, Arlington, VA.

For more information:

Call for presentations (deadline Dec. 16):

2012 Workforce Leadership Institute Conference

April 18-19, 2012
Location: San Ramon, CA
For more information: