Vocabulary Workshop Unit 10
Study Guide Pages 117-123
Word / Part of Speech / Definition / Synonym / AntonymAdept / Adj.
Noun / -Thoroughly skilled;
-An expert / Masterful, Accomplished, Proficient / Clumsy, Unskilled,
Aspire / Verb / To have ambitious hopes or plans,
Strive toward a higher goal; To ascend / Seek,
Aim for,
Bleak / Adj. / - Bare, dreary, dismal / Grim, Cheerless, Gloomy, Desolate, Barren / Rosy, Cheerful, Sunny, Promising, Encouraging
Chide / Verb / -To blame; scold / Upbraid, reprimand,
Rebuke, Chastise / Approve, Praise, Compliment,
Pat on the back
Despicable / Adj. / -Worthy of scorn, Contemptible / Low, Vile, Cheap, Sordid, Detestable / Praiseworthy, Commendable, Meritorious
Diminutive / Adj. / -Small,
smaller than most others of the same type / Undersized, Miniature, Tiny, Compact / Oversized, Gigantic, Huge,
Emancipate / Verb / -To free from slavery; to release or liberate / Set loose, Unchain, Unshackle, Unfetter / Enslave, Snare, Chain, Shackle
Erroneous / Adj. / Incorrect, containing mistakes / Mistaken, Fallacious,
All Wrong / Accurate, Correct, Exact, Unerring
Exploit / Verb
Noun / -To make use of, develop
-To make improper use of for personal profit
-A feat or deed / Utilize, Turn to advantage, Misuse
Extemporaneous / Adj. / -Made or delivered on the spur of the moment / Spontaneous, Impromptu,
Off-the-cuff / Planned, Rehearsed, Prepared
Word / Part of Speech / Definition / Synonym / Antonym
Impair / Verb / -To make imperfect, damage, harm / Injure, Mar, Disable, Cripple, Enervate / Improve, Strengthen, Promote, Advance
Invincible / Adj. / -Not able to be defeated, unbeatable / Unconquerable, Indomitable, Insuperable, / Vulnerable, Conquerable, Surmountable
Languid / Adj. / -Drooping;
without energy, sluggish / Lazy, Sluggish, Listless, Slack, Lethargic / Lively, Energetic, Vigorous, Enlivening
Mire / Noun
Verb / -Mud; wet, swampy ground; a tough situation
To get stuck / Marsh, Swamp, Bog, Slough
Obtrusive / Adj. / -Forward; undesirably prominent; thrust out / Brash, Impudent, Conspicuous, Protruding / Meek, Reserved, deferential, Recessed
Preamble / Noun / -An introduction to a speech or piece of writing / Opening, Preface, Prologue, Preliminary / Conclusion, Ending, Closing, Epilogue
Render / Verb / -To cause to become;
to perform;
to deliver officially;
to process, extract / Present, Furnish, Submit, Make, Effect
Rugged / Adj. / -Rough, irregular; severe, stern; strong; stormy / Rocky, Craggy, Bunt, Harsh, Hardy , Tough / Smooth, Flat, Soft, Mild, Tender, Delicate
Skeptical / Adj. / -Inclined to doubt;
slow to accept something as true / Dubious, Suspicious, Incredulous / Believing, Credulous, Gullible, Ingenuous
Slipshod / Adj. / -Untidy in dress, personal habits;
Careless, sloppy / Messy, Untidy, Slovenly, Slapdash, Cursory / Tidy, Neat, Orderly, Careful, Painstaking