Vocabulary Project(s)

You will be using your vocabulary words, at least 4 words from each of the lists (20 words total), and incorporating them into one of the projects below. Each is designed with a written component along with a creative component. You must make sure that you use your words correctly. That’s the whole purpose of this exercise (aside from driving you all crazy!). Please choose whichever project appeals to you. If you have an idea of your own let’s talk!

Prose or Tell me a story

You will write a story (either fiction or non-fiction). It can be any type of story you want as long as it is school appropriate. Make sure that you are using the vocabulary words correctly. You don’t have to have a vocabulary word in each sentence, but must have 20 words. You must type it, bold and underline the vocab words and have a title (and no… using a vocabulary word in the title does not count). Be creative or truthful, whatever floats your boat.

Sing me a song

Find a song that you like (any genre will work). You will use the tempo and music of the song and write your own lyrics using the vocabulary words correctly. You must type it, bold and underline the vocab words and come up with a new title (and no… using a vocabulary word in the title does not count). If you are musical and want to write your own song, be my guest. When it comes time to hand it in, I will need to know to which music/song your lyrics belong.

Advertisement or Sell me something

Choose a product (or make one up) and create an advertisement. I can be a television commercial or ad for other media (radio, newspaper/magazine). Make sure it’s persuasive enough that we will all want to buy it- as if you were presenting to Shark Tank! You must type it, bold and underline the vocab words.

Friend me on Fakebook

Use power point or Fakebook (http://www.classtools.net/FB/home-page) and create a Facebook page. You should make up your friends and your posts can be based on your experience or can be completely made up (creativity is a good thing). Make sure it’s school appropriate. You must type it, bold and underline the vocab words.

Trading Card Set

You will be making a card for each vocabulary word. You can use index cards but they should be in color to make it more creative. You need to have a picture that best represents the word and you need to use the word in a sentence and have two other facts about the vocabulary word (i.e. origin, synonym/antonym, related form, part of speech). You must type it, bold and underline the vocab words.

Make me a comic strip!

You will be asked to make a comic strip/cartoon. You will be telling a story and using the words as part of the story or as dialogue, therefore pick words that you can connect in meaning or a concept (idea). Make sure it’s school appropriate. You may create you comic by using a web site (I have suggestions), text box, power point, prezzi, or if you are artistic, it can be hand drawn or you can use clip art. You must type it, bold and underline the vocab words.

You will be doing some of the work in school and some on your own. Yes, you can…

It is due on ______