VMS IPad Initiative

Program Evaluation

July, 2015

The purpose of the iPad program at the Voorhees Middle School was to provide staff with tools and resources to create a modern learning environment that will prepare students to be successful in high school and ultimately to be college and career ready. We recognized that technology integration should be seamless and allow students to create, think critically, problem solve, collaborate, and communicate in new, meaningful, and interesting ways. The goal of the iPad program was for teachers to transform curriculum and teaching practices so they can prepare students to be successful in an ever-changing global economy.

Qualitative data was gathered from teachers, parents, and students to help measure the impact of the iPad program on teaching and learning.

Teacher Survey Results:

Question 1- Now that the year is complete, how do you feel about the iPad initiative?

37/42- Positive Comments- 88% Mid-Year Response- 54%

10/42- Negative Comments- 24% Mid- Year Response-46%

Don’t like access to Games- 5/10

Needs Refinement-2/10

Poorly Distributed- 2/10

Need Teachers to Supervise Better-1/10

1/42- Unrelated Answer

***Some responds included positive and negative

Question 2- Do you feel comfortable using the iPad in your classroom?

36/42- Yes- 86% Mid-Year Response- 55%

8/42- Need Training or More Time- 19% Mid-Year Response- 45%

*Some respondents had multiple answers

Question 3- Has the iPad impacted teaching and learning in your classroom? Please explain.

40/42- Positively impacted- 95%

6/42- Negatively impacted or no impact- 14%

*Some respondents identified both positive and negative impacts

Questions 4- What can administration do to improve the iPad initiative next school year?

26/42- Block student access to games- 62% Mid-Year Response- 11%

15/42- Provide more training- 36%- Mid-Year Response- 54%

1/42- Provide charging stations- 2%

1/42- Don’t collect early- 2%

1/42- Motivate students to perform better-2%

1/42- Allow printers-2%

Student Survey Results:

Question 1: Technological resources (iPad, school website, iCalendar, Notability, eBackpack. etc...) help me to organize my school work.

Question 2: I would rather use more traditional resources (paper and pencil) than technical resources to do my school work.

Question 3: Technological resources (iPad, school website, iCalendar, Notability, eBackpack, etc...) help me to complete my homework.

Parent Survey Results:

Question 1: In what ways has the iPad initiative had an impact on your child's academic achievement?



Positive & Negative- 2%

No Impact- 10/49-20%

Question 2: In what ways has the iPad initiative had an impact on your child’s organizational skills?

Positive- 65%

Negative- 27%

No Impact-8%

Question 3: Looking ahead to next year, how can we improve the implementation of 1:1 technology at VMS?

Involve Parents

Get Rid of IPads-6

Don’t Collect Early-3

Lock Down Apps/No Games-5

Not Sure/None-3

Share Apps with Family Members

Put all Handouts on iPad

More Hands on Assignments

Go to Library and look up information without Internet

Textbooks on iPad-2

More Parent Controls/Restrictions-7

Teach Programming and Design

Email Assignments

Increase uniformity among teachers-2

Sometime E-Backpack not working

Leave at School-3

More collaborative projects using Google

More video projects

Make sure cases are ready

Very positive experience-3

Pay insurance up front

Only allow students to interact with teachers on iPad although not sure that is possible

More homework on iPad

Only allow games that are approved by school

Encourage social interaction between classes

Use for parent communication

Use iPad so there are no more binders

Let parents see damage

Better the foreign language curriculum

Get a better tablet- Samsung or LG

Have better use of pencil, paper, and iPad

More teacher training, but don’t take teachers out of classroom

Teachers update lessons and handouts

Train parents and students how to use the iPad

Roll out iPad to 1 subject only

Teach students how computers work (Mother Board etc...)

Technical revamp- Technical limitations from crashes need increased viewing area, full calendar

*53 Parents Participated in the Survey

Goals for 2015-2016 iPad Program:

Based on the survey results and extensive team reflection the following are the goals to improve the iPad program at VMS.

Focus on Digital Citizenship Programs to be integrated into all curricular areas. Common Sense Media will guide this instruction.

Promote the need for students to have stronger protective cases

Provide more professional development for teachers

Provide parent training

Create a S.T.E.M. related arts class focused on project based learning addressing skills related to science, technology, engineering, and math