VMHA Spring Special Meeting
April 15, 2015
In Attendance: Cathy Allen, Deanna Bykewich, Greg Throndson, Jessica Heinrich, Sandi Katuski, Corrine Rehmann, Sarah Squires, Laurie Bowman, Larry Eyben, Lisa Rochford, Kim Thompson, Dave Eremko, Neal Bryden, Gerald Martin, Stacey Harasiuk-Adams, Durwin Selte, Kevin Beudeditt, Shaun Cadrain, Heather Oddan, Darren Selte, Tara Garnier, Glynn McDonald, Darcy White, Lori-Ann Stenhouse, Tracy Long, Darin Stenhouse, Leanne Lupul, Terry Lupul
1. Calling of the Roll: Meeting was called to order by Larry at 7:30 pm.
2. Reading and approval of unapproved minutes: Motion by Sandi to approve the minutes form the Sept 30, 2015 AGM as presented. Carried.
3. Report of the President:
I (Larry Eyben) would just like to say thank-you to all of VMHA for the opportunity to have served as your President these past two years. It has at times been challengingand sometimes we just couldn't do what some may have wanted us to. But all in all VMH has moved ahead in a positive way and the thanks goes to all of you. I would now like to ask all of us to continue to give our support to the new Executive as we continue to move forward for the benefit of our children.
Kim Thompson gave a report on the NEAHL meeting from April (see attached).
4. Report of the Secretary:
Secretary’s Report 2014/2015
1. VMHA had Fall AGM, 5 regular executive meetings an, 1 business stream meeting for organizational purposes, 1 discipline meeting.
2. VMHA has updated the job descriptions, VMHA handbook extensively this year
3. We ran a concession plebiscite which was very well received for the most part.
Results were:
Would you be willing to pay $80 per child more in fees but not have to work the concession shifts? 31 – yes, 32 no
Are you exempt from working concession shifts due to an executive position, manager or coaching staff? Yes – 34, no-29
If you answered yes to question #2, would you be willing to do 2 concession shifts next season in an attempt to rectify the volunteer shortage? Yes – 20, No – 14, not applicable – 29.
Do you feel that we need a concession at the arena open next year? Yes – 33, no – 30
Comments: There were a lot of positive comments about the concession, many great suggestions that we are looking at implementing and /or discussing, overall a positive experience for us. Though the results did not give us a firm decision from the members, it is something we would do again to get the member’s opinions.
4. We ran the VMHA evaluation form on the website to get some feedback on how we, as the governing body is doing. We had 26 responses. The results were (as a summary): Overall, people felt that the executive/board of directors were doing a decent job at running the organization and for the most part, following the vision and mission of VMHA. There were a couple of teams that were not happy with their managers, something that will be considered when looking for managers next year though it seemed to be with teams that had problems throughout the year. Most people were pretty happy with their directors though it seemed like communication could be improved. A few people wanted the concession to be privatized. Discipline as a whole was a key comment; many people want to see more discipline from us in regards to parents being too involved with the coaching and team decisions and also some felt that if we had someone who would step in and deal with some of the issues, maybe there would not have been as many problems on their team. There was a suggestion for more power skating, and another to start the season later. Overall, most of the suggestions were constructive and fairly positive.
5. Report of the Treasurer: see attachment
6. Report of the Directors:
Initiation (Heather Oddan): nothing to report but had a question about age levels changing within Alberta Hockey. There has been no indication of what Hockey Alberta may or may not do with changing age levels as of yet.
Novice (Sarah Squires): nothing to report but would like to be kept informed if the age levels do change.
Atom (Ryan Isley): not in attendance
Pee Wee (Angela Bryden): not in attendance
Bantam (Dave Eremko): both of the Bantam teams had a very successful season and developed well throughout the year. There was some great feedback about coaching and overall the year was great.
Midget (Frank Eyben): not in attendance
Atom/Pee Wee Female: The Atom Female team had a challenging year scoreboard wise but the girls had fun. The PeeWee Female team had a good year and there were lots of positive comments from Provincials where they and the Bantam female team were ambassadors.
Bantam/Midget Female: All went well. The Bantam Female team has not had their wind up yet, Midget Female is having it this weekend.
7. Resolutions: nothing to report
8. Unfinished Business: nothing to report
9. New Business: Motion by Gerald to (if at all possible) have non-parents step up for Director’s roles rather than parents of that age division. There was quite a bit of discussion around this topic. The motion was defeated.
10. Election of Directors/Executive:
President: Nomination of Lisa Rochford by Kim. Lisa accepted the nomination and was elected by acclamation.
Vice President of Development: Sandi nominated Dave Eremko. Dave accepted the nomination and was elected by acclamation.
Treasurer: Laurie nominated Leanne Lupul. Leanne accepted the nomination and was elected by acclamation.
Secretary: Lisa nominated Laurie Bowman. Laurie accepted the nomination and was elected by acclamation.
Discipline Coordinator: There was an email nomination for Shaun Cadrain. Shaun accepted the nomination and was elected by acclamation.
Initiation Director: position not filled.
Novice Director: Heather Oddan was nominated by Kim. Heather accepted the nomination and was elected by acclamation.
Atom Director: Laurie nominated Sarah Squires. Sarah accepted the nomination and was elected by acclamation.
Pee Wee Director: position was not filled.
Bantam Director: position was not filled.
Midget Director: position was not filled.
Atom/Pee Wee Female Director: position was not filled.
Bantam/Midget Female Director: Lisa nominated Jessica Heinrichs. Jessica accepted the nomination and was elected by acclamation.
Concession Coordinator: Larry nominated Sandi Katuski. Sandi accepted the nomination and was elected by acclamation.
Clinic Coordinator: position not filled.
Fundraising Coordinator: Kim nominated Shannon Leonard. Shannon sent word to the meeting that she would accept the nomination. Shannon was elected by acclamation.
Coach Mentor: Laurie nominated Durwin Selte. Durwin accepted the nomination. Lori-Ann nominated Dustin Martin. Dustin was contacted as he was not in attendance and declined the nomination. Durwin was elected by acclamation.
Equipment Manager: Darin Stenhouse was nominated by Darcy. Darin accepted the nomination and was elected by acclamation.
Website Coordinator: Anita Horpstead was nominated by Kim. Anita was not in attendance but had sent word that she would accept the nomination. Anita was elected by acclamation.
Team Accounts Manager: Kim nominated Leslie Carlson. Leslie was not in attendance but had sent word that she would accept the nomination. Leslie was elected by acclamation.
11. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned by Larry at 8:54 pm.