1252 Homestead Road
South Euclid, Oh 44121
216-860-0219 (home)
419-343-7618 (mobile)
9/73 8/77 Ph.D., MichiganStateUniversity
Department of Sociology
Dissertation: Aspects of Jamaican
Economic Development, 18301930
9/71 - 8/73 M.A., Michigan State University
Department of Sociology
Thesis: Ideology and Indian Economic
9/67 - 8/70 B.A., University of Pittsburgh
Major: Sociology; Minor: Psychology
College level appointments
7/1/09 – 6/30/14: Dean, College of Humanities and Social Sciences, Montclair State University
7/1/07 – 8/15/08: Acting Associate Dean for the Natural Sciences and Mathematics, College of Arts and Sciences, University of Toledo
9/1/99 - 12/31/06: Associate Dean for the Social Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences, University of Toledo
Other administrative experience
9/91 - 8/94, Chair, Department of Sociology, Anthropology and Social Work, University of Toledo
9/89 8/91, Director, Graduate Studies Sociology, University of Toledo
9/87 6/89, Assistant Chair for Graduate Studies, Sociology, Texas Tech University
6/83 8/85, Coordinator, Women's Studies Program, Texas Tech University
9/09 – present Professor
Department of Sociology
Montclair State University
9/93 – 6/10 Professor (Associate Professor, 1989-1993)
Department of Sociology, Anthropology
and Social Work
University of Toledo
9/82 8/89 Associate Professor
Department of Sociology
Texas Tech University
7/77 8/82 Assistant Professor
Department of Sociology
Texas Tech University
9/71 8/77 Teaching Assistant, Instructor
Department of Sociology; James Madison
College; College of Urban Development,
Michigan State University
Courses taught:
Stratification (Graduate and Undergraduate)
Contemporary Theory (Graduate and Undergraduate)
American Minority Problems (Graduate and
Introduction to Sociology (Honors and Non-honors)
Social Problems
Women in the Work Force
Women in the Modern World (Graduate and
Comparative Sociology (Graduate)
Honors Social Science Seminar
Women in CrossCultural Perspective (Writing Intensive)
Gender Roles
International Development
Gender in Latin America and the Caribbean (for
University of Toledo - University Studies Abroad
Consortium, Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica)
Sociology of Latin America and the Caribbean
1989. Slave Women in the New World: Gender Stratification
in the Caribbean. University Press of Kansas (Studies in Historical
Social Change).
Journal Articles, Essays and Book Chapters
2014. Marginality and Narratives of Success: The Jenni Rivera Story.
Celebrity Studies. Forthcoming.(Available on-line at
2007. Third World Feminism/Subaltern. Pp. 4995-5000 in (ed.)
George Ritzer. Encyclopedia of Sociology. New York: Blackwell;
Edited version in (eds.) George Ritzer and J. Michael Ryan. 2011.
ConciseEncyclopedia of Sociology.New York: Blackwell.
2006. The Making of a Colonial Welfare State: U.S. Social Insurance and
Public Assistance in Puerto Rico. Latin American Perspectives 33 (January):
2005. Gender, Economic Development and the Puerto Rican Welfare State.
Pp. 89-110 in Advances in Gender Research.Volume 9.
2002. Gender Relations and Farm Labor Migration in Northwest Ohio.
Latino(a)Research Review 5(Spring): 80-98.
2002. TresMujeres: Reclaiming National Culture in the Post-Colonial
Telenovela. Pp.221-232 in Studies in Latin American Popular Culture.
Volume 21.
1999. Serving Farm Workers, Serving Farmers: Migrant Social Services
in Northwest Ohio. Aztlán 24(2): 95-118.
1999. The Political Economy of Northwest Ohio Agriculture: Options for Farm
Labor Organization.Migration World 27(3): 18-22.
1998. Working Class Women, Their Unions, and Social Commitments:
A Potential Source of Activism (B. Coventry, first author). Sociological
Spectrum 18(3): 285-310.
1998. Contested Workplace (B. Coventry, first author).
Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare 25(June): 3-22.
1998. Explaining the Caribbean Family: Gender Ideologies and Gender
Relations. Pp. 78-90 in (ed.) C. Barrow.Caribbean Gender Ideologies.
London: Ian Randle.
1997. Woman-Headed Households: Gender, Labor Markets and Social Policy. Pp. 79-107 in Advances in Gender Research. Volume 2.
1996. Divided Against Itself: Local vs. International Union Interests in a Toledo Supermarket Strike (B.Coventry, coauthor). Critical Sociology 22(1): 53-71.
1996. Women Heading Households: Gender in Research and Social Policy. Pp. 157-173 in Perspectives on Social Problems.Vol. 16.
1995. Protecting Women's Jobs: Unions and Deindustrialization. Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare 12(June): 77-92.
1994. Marxist-Feminist Theory and the Dual Oppression of Women
(R. Stoecker, coauthor). Pp. 47-65 in (eds.) P. McGuire and D. McQuarie.Marxist Sociology: Surveys of Contemporary Theory and Research. General Hall.
1992. Exploring Social Distance in Race and Ethnic Relations Courses. Teaching Sociology 20(2): 121-124.
1992. Feminist Sociology: Methodology and Politics in Disciplinary Change. Humanity and Society 16(August): 297-311.
1992. Gender, Race and Kinship: Searching for the Matrifocal Family. Critical Sociology 18(2): 103-115.
1992. Historical Sociology and Freedom. Qualitative Sociology 15(2): 213-218.
1989. FemaleHeaded Households in Latin America and the Caribbean. Sociological Spectrum 9(July): 197210.
1987. Female-Headed Households: Poor Women and Choice. Pp. 501-514 in (eds.) N. Gerstel and H. Gross.Families and Work: Towards Reconceptualization. Philadelphia: TempleUniversity Press.
1986. Women's Work, Family Formation and Reproduction among Caribbean Slaves. Review: Journal of the Braudel Center 9(Winter): 339367; appears also in Working Papers on Women in International Development, Michigan State University, 1984, No.76; reprinted in (eds.) H. Beckles and V. Shepherd. Caribbean Slave Society and Economy: A Student Reader.New York: W.W. Norton, 1991.
1985. Poverty and Female-Headed Families. Midwest Feminist Papers 5:
1983. Ethnic Stratification and the Study of Chicanos. Journal of Ethnic Studies 10(Winter): 7199.
1982. The Dual Economy and Labor Market Segmentation: A Comment. Social Forces 60(March): 883890.
1982. Sociological Pedagogy in a Conservative Era. American Sociological Association Teaching Newsletter 7(May): 45.
1982. Agricultural SelfSufficiency: The Recent History of an Idea. Studies in Comparative International Development 17(Spring): 7395.
1981. Towards a Theory of West Indian Economic Development. Latin American Perspectives 8(Winter): 427.
1981. A Political Class Theory of the Satellite State: The Jamaican
Case, 1830-1930. Pp. 173-198 in Research in Political Economy.Vol. 4.
1981. Cows, Pigs, Wars and Witches and Cannibals and Kings: A Review Essay (J. VanAllsburg, coauthor). Reviewof Radical Political Economics 13(Summer): 5659.
1978. A Note on Reviewing Harrington. Insurgent Sociologist 8(Winter): 5657.
1978. Dependency and Transformation: The Economics of the Transition to Socialism: A Review Essay. Review of Radical Political Economics 10(Summer): 7477.
1976. Imperial Designs: A Sociology of Knowledge Study of British and American Dominance in the Development of Caribbean Social Science. Latin American Perspectives 3(Fall): 97116.
Book Reviews
2009. On the Move: The Caribbean Since 1989: A Review. Labour/LeTravail 63 (Spring): 327-329.
2005. Remedios: Storiesof Earth and Iron in the History of Puertorriqueñas: A Review. Wadabagei: A Journal of the Caribbean and its Diaspora 8(1).
2005. The Culture of Gender and Sexuality in the Caribbean: A Review. Contemporary Sociology 33(6): 689-690.
2002. The Political Economy of Gender in the Twentieth Century Caribbean: A Review. Gender & Society 16(June): 423-424.
1996. Social Change and Cultural Transformation in Australia: A Review. American Journal of Sociology (May): 1733-1735.
1995. Confronting Diversity Issues on Campus: A Review. Teaching Sociology
23 (April): 185-186.
1995. Women and Change in the Caribbean: A Review. Journal of Political
Ecology 1: 6.
1992. Slaveryin the Circuit of Sugar, 1830-1848: A Review. Contemporary
Sociology 21(2): 200.
1991. Women and the Ancestors: Black Carib Kinshipand Ritual: A Review.
Gender & Society 3 (September): 435-436.
1990. Kinship and Class in the West Indies: A Review. AmericanJournal of
Sociology 96(1): 1114-1116.
1988. The Persistence of Patriarchy: A Review. Contemporary Sociology
17(5): 596.
1987. Women and Change in Latin America: A Review. Gender and Society
1 (June): 224225.
1986. Doctors and Slaves: A Review. Contemporary Sociology
15 (January): 114115.
1982. Uprooting and Development: A Review. Contemporary
Sociology 11 (September): 547548.
1982. A History of the Guyanese Working People, 18811905: A Review.
Journal of Peasant Studies 10 (October): 132136.
1981. MexicanAmericans in a Dallas Barrio: A Review. Contemporary
Sociology 10(March): 307.
1977. The Dialectical Imagination: A Review. Summation 6: 5762.
Other Publications
2000. Introduction. Gender & Society 14(March): 365-367.
1999. Sociology and the Internet: Learning about Gender
From TelenovelaViewers.SWS Network News 16(2): 6-7.
1999. Introduction. Gender & Society 13(June): 285-286.
1998. Introduction. Gender & Society 12(June): 253-254.
1997. Introduction. Gender & Society 11(June): 227-278.
1997. Course Syllabus: Racial and Ethnic Minorities. In (ed.) Donald Cunnigen
Teaching Race and Ethnic Relations.American Sociology Association.
1996. Course Syllabus: Gender in Cross-Cultural Perspective. Pp. 248-252 in
(ed.) D.A. Smith. Teaching Comparative and Historical Sociology. American
Sociological Association.
1991. Facts about Workfare. Sociologists for Women in Society, Social Issues
Committee Occasional Pamphlets.
1990. Work and Family Lifestyles: A Profile of Television Families
(V. Felstehausen, A. Couch, coauthors). In (ed.) Claudia J. Peck. Abstracts of
American Home Economics Association Meetings.
1989. Socialist Feminism. Pp.351-352 in (ed.) H. Thierny.Women's Studies
Encyclopedia. Westport,CT: Greenwood Press.
1982. Title XII and Women in Development at U.S. Universities. Pp.6771 in
(ed.) P.S. Horne.Women in International Development. President's World
University Series, No.2. Texas A & M University.
1979. Pedagogical Theories: Problems and Possibilities (J. Gamso coauthor).
Eric Document Reproduction Service, ED 174602, SP 014 512.
1979. Manufacturing Investment in the South and Southwest: An Annotated
Bibliography, 19681978 (with C. Rogers). Vance Bibliographies, Public
Administration Series (October).
1974. Introduction to A Review Symposium on Women's Estate.Summation 4:
2010. Behind Bars: Violence and Social Citizenship in Costa Rica and Panama.
Caribbean Studies Association.
2010. Comparing Panama and Costa Rica: Methodological Challenges.
American Sociological Association.
2008. Teaching the Sociology of Gender in Costa Rica. American
2008. The State and the TLC Impact on Costa Rican Social Rights.
Caribbean Studies Association.
2007. Health Care and Social Citizenship in Costa Rica and Puerto
Rico, 1990-2007. Latin American Studies Association.
2006. The Convergence of Federal Welfare Policy in Puerto Rico and
on the U.S. Mainland after the PRWORA. Latin American Studies
2003. Gender Relations and Farm Labor Migration in Northwest Ohio.
Bowling Green State University Latino Issues Conference.
2003. The U.S. Federal Welfare State and the Politics of Puerto Rican Status.
Association of Caribbean Historians.
2001. U.S. Federal Welfare in Puerto Rico and the Implementation of Welfare
Reform. Association of Caribbean Historians.
2000. Gender, Race and Class in U.S. Labor Migration. Association of Black
1999. The Political Economy of Northwest Ohio Agriculture: Options for Farm
Labor Organization. American Sociological Association.
1998. Migrant Social Services: The Northwest Ohio Case. American
Sociological Association.
1997. Systems of Worker and Customer Control in a Midwestern
Supermarket (B. Coventry, coauthor). American Sociological Association.
1996. Gender and Dependency: The Cases of Panama and Puerto Rico.
Caribbean Studies Association.
1996. Striking Out: A Case Study of a Toledo-Area Supermarket Strike
(B. Coventry, coauthor). American Sociological Association.
1995. From Supermarkets to Nursing Homes: Established Unions
in New Industries (B. Coventry, coauthor). North Central Sociological
1994. Female-Headed Households in Industrial Countries: Sweden, Japan and
the United States. American Sociological Association.
1993. Women Heading Households: Gender Relations, Social Policy, and
Family Income. American Sociological Association.
1992. Gender Relations in Caribbean Slavery. Society for Historical
1991. State Influences on Female-Headed Family Formation in the
Twentieth Century Caribbean.Association of Caribbean Historians.
1990. The Effects of Economic Restructuring on the Work and Family Lives of
Unskilled Working Women: The Case of Toledo, Ohio. American Sociological
1990. Work and Family Lifestyles: A Profile of Television Families
(V. Felstehausen, A. Couch, coauthors). American Home Economics
Panel member, Preparing for Program Review. Academic Workplace Workshop. American Sociological Association, 2000 meetings.
Organizer, Minority Student Recruiting and Retention: Successful Sociology
Programs. American Sociological Association, 1995 meetings.
Co-organizer (with B. Morrow) and presider, Gender and Family in the
Caribbean. American Sociological Association,1993 meetings.
Invited speaker, Gender in Caribbean Slavery. Women in the
Americas Conference.State University of New York at Albany, 1992.
Organizer and presider, Trends in Workfare and Welfare Policies. Sociologists for Women in Society Midyear Meetings, 1992.
Manuscript reviewing: Studies in Comparative International Development; Social Problems; Social Psychology; Sociological Spectrum; Gender & Society; Sociological Focus; Teaching Sociology; Journal of Caribbean History; Journal of Marriage and the Family; Journal of Women's History; Wadabagei: A Journal of the Caribbean and its Diaspora; International Sociology; Gender, Work and Organization.
Member, Sociology Panel, Fulbright Scholar Review Committee, 2010-2012.
Member, Outstanding Dissertation Award Committee, Caribbean Studies Association, 2008 – 2009.
Member, Distinguished Scholarly Publication Award, American
Sociological Association, 2004-2007.
Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Marriage and the Family, 2004-2007.
Member, Dubois-Johnson-Frazier Award Committee, American
Sociological Association, 1998-2000.
Book Review Editor, Gender & Society, 1996-2000.
Member, Advisory Council, ESRC project, Living Arrangements, Family Structure and Social Change of Caribbeans in Britain, 1995-2000.
Chair, Committee on the Status of Racial and Ethnic Minorities. American Sociological Association, 1994-1995; member, 1993-1996.
Associate Editor, Teaching Sociology, 1992-1995.
Program co-chair (with B. Chesney), Sociologists for Women in Society Annual Meetings, 1992.
Chair, Social Issues Committee.Sociologists for Women in Society, 19891991.
Editor, Sociologists for Women in Society South Newsletter, 19871989.
Associate Editor, Gender & Society, 19861989, 2001-2004.
Member, Nominations Committee, Comparative Historical Section Council. American Sociological Association, 19851986.
Secretary, Sociologists for Women in Society - South, 1983-1985; Liaison to S.W.S.-National, 1986.
Member, Committee on the Profession. Southern Sociological Society, 1983-1984.
Member, Committee on the Status of Women.Southern Sociological Society, 1981-1983.
5/08 Choose Ohio First Scholarship Award
for Engineering Entrepreneurship(COFFEE) Scholarship,
Brian Randolph, Principal Investigator;
Marietta Morrissey,et al., Co-principal investigators, $3,941,000
3/08 Outstanding University Woman 2008
University of Toledo Women’s Commission
3/07 - 6/07 Fulbright Lecturer/Research Award
Universidad de Costa Rica
9/93 - 6/94 Senior Scholar, Humanities Institute
8/04 12/07 College of Arts and Sciences
University of Toledo
6/97 - 8/97 American Sociological Association/ National Science Foundation
Fund for the Advancement of the Discipline Research Award
Work and Settlement Experiences of Migrant Farm Families in
Sandusky, Ohio, 1945-1997
6/90 - 8/90 Faculty Research Fellowship
6/97 - 8/97 University of Toledo
1/97 - 5/99 Master Teacher
College of Arts and Sciences
7/95 - 11/95 Fulbright Lecturer Award
Universidad de Panamá
3/91 Slave Women in the New World: Gender Stratification
in the Caribbean
Finalist for Jessie Bernard Award
American Sociological Association
4/88 Arts and Sciences Council Teaching Award
Texas Tech University
9/88 12/88 Communications Institute Research Grant
Texas Tech University
Work, Family and Primetime Television
(V. Felstehausen, S. Couch, co-investigators)
6/84 8/84 Travel Grant, American Philosophical Society
Work and Family Patterns among Caribbean Slave Women
Visiting Fellow, Latin American Studies, Yale University
6/82 - 8/82 Graduate Student Support Grant
Texas Tech University
Women, Labor Supply and Lifestyle Choice
6/81 8/81 National Endowment for the Humanities
Summer Seminar, Harvard University
The Comparative Study of Slavery
2/80 Improvement in Teaching Grant
Texas Tech University
Multimedia presentation on Women in the Work Force
(J. Reinier, co-investigator)
11/79 Travel Grant, Center for Study of Arid and
Semi-Arid Lands, Texas Tech University
Agricultural Diversification in Jamaica and Cuba
6/78 8/78 New Faculty Research Grant
Texas Tech University, Manufacturing in Lubbock since 1960