Vita for Tomi Gomory

Vita for Tomi Gomory

Curriculum Vitae

Tomi Gomory

August 27, 2013

General Information

University address: College of Social Work
University Center Building C2410
Florida State University
Tallahassee, Florida 32306-2570
Phone: 850-644-2328; Fax: 850-644-9750

E-mail address:

Professional Preparation

1998 Doctor of Philosophy, University Of California-Berkeley. Major: Social Welfare. Mental Health. Dissertation Chair: Eileen Gambrill, Ph.D.

1986 Master Social Work, New York University. Major: Social Work.

1970 Bachelor of Science, New York University. Major: History/Education.

Professional Experience

2004–present Associate Professor, Social Work, Florida State University.

1998–2004 Assistant Professor, Social Work, Florida State University.

1992–1998 Graduate Student Instructor, School of Social Welfare, University of California at Berkeley. Taught undergraduate and graduate courses in social work practice, social work as a profession, philosophy of social science and qualitative and quantitative social science research.

1992–1998 Lecturer, School of Social Welfare, Ph.D. Program, California State University, Hayward. Taught social policy, philosophy of science, human development, social work practice, group work, and aging, in the Human Development, and Sociology and Social Services departments.


Institute for Humane Studies Summer Fellow (1997).

National Institute of Mental Health Doctoral Fellowship (1994–1995).

National Institute of Mental Health Doctoral Fellowship (1993–1994).

Honors, Awards, and Prizes

Invited Distinguished Lecturer, Queen's University, School of Sociology, Social Policy and Social Work, Belfast, Northern Ireland (2013).

Keynote Speaker at the Response-able Communities: Recent Challenges in Regional Development and Social Reintegration International Conference on Integrated Complex Policies in the Area of Regional Development, University of Pécs, Pécs, Hungary (2013).

Lecture: "Social Reintegration Models: From Problems to Solutions."

2012 Social Work Scholars Colloquium Series, Florida International University, Miami, Florida (2012).

Invited Lecture: "The inevitability of theory and the necessity of its testing in research."

Distinguished Visiting Scholar, University of Tartu, Tartu, Estonia (2011). ($4,000)

Distinguished Visiting Scholar, University of Tartu, Tartu, Estonia (2008). ($5,000)

Traditional Fulbright Scholar Award (2005). ($20,000)

University of Pécs, Pécs, Hungary.

Freedom Project Award, John Templeton Foundation (2000). ($30,000)

For the Development and Implementation of the Interdisciplinary Program- Public Policy and the Idea of Freedom in America at the Florida State University.

First Year Assistant Professor Award, Florida State University (1999). ($10,000)

Principal Investigator for funded research.

Certificate of Commendation from the Board of Supervisors of the City and County of San Francisco for Outstanding Achievement as the San Francisco Director of the National Homeless Families Program, HUD and Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Co-Sponsored Federal Model Project (1993).

Current Membership in Professional Organizations

American Psychological Association Division 32-Humanistic Psychology

Society for Social Work and Research

New York Academy of Sciences


Courses Taught

Psychopathology in Clinical Practice (SOW5125)

Human Sexuality (SOW5153)

Practicum in Applied Research (SOW6945)

Theories and Models of Social Work Research (SOW6755)

Human Sexuality (SOW4152)

Introduction to Social Work Research Topics (SOW6490)

Social Work Practice I (SOW4341)

Social Work Seminars: Selected Topics (SOW5938)

Selected Topics in Social Work (SOW6938)

Social Work Practice (SOW5308)

Foundation Research Methods (SOW6492)

Introduction to Social Work and Social Welfare (SOW3203)

Philosophies of Science in Social Work (SOW6697)

Policies and Programs in Social Services (SOW5235)

Social Science Honors Seminar (ISS2937)

[*] Graduate Field Instruction II (SOW5535)

* Integrative Seminar in Advanced Social Work Practice (SOW5369)

* Social Welfare Policies and Programs (SOW4232)

* Advanced Policy Analysis (SOW5238)

* Evaluation of Social Work Practice (SOW 5363-5)

* Introduction to Human Services Systems (SOW 5371-0)

New Course Development

Psychopathology in Clinical Practice (Online Version) (2009)

Doctoral Committee Chair

Spaulding-Given, J. C., (graduated 2011).

Lacasse, J. R., (graduated 2008).

Anson, J. D., doctoral candidate.

Gromer, J., doctoral student.

Doctoral Committee Member

Reeves, M., (graduated 2008). [Doctoral Student in Psychology]

Doctoral Committee University Representative

Fisch, C. L., doctoral student.

Major Professor Professor:

Stephanie Kennedy

Sara Groff

Master's Committee Chair

Kennedy, S. C., (graduated 2011).

Bachelor's Committee Member

Killian, G. (graduated 2007).

Research and Original Creative Work


Invited Journal Articles/Letters

Cohen, D., Gomory, T., & Kirk, S. A. (2013). Forced drug treatment. New York Times, A16.

August 5, 2013 published Letter to the editor critiquing involuntary psychiatric treatment. Kirk is professor emeritus from UCLA and Cohen is a professor at UCLA.

Gomory, T. (2008). The depressing news for antidepressants. PLoS Medicine, 1 to x. Retrieved from doi=10.1371/journal.pmed.0050045

Critiques SSRIs and the chemical imbalance theory of depression.

Cohen, D., Wong, S. E., Gomory, T., Lacasse, J., Saleeby, D., Kirk, S. A., et al.(2006). Open letter to NASW regarding "Adherence Initiative for Schizophrenia" sponsored by Janssen, L. P. Manufactured Consensus Online Web Site, 1 to x. Retrieved from

An open letter published online by prominent of social work academics Retrieved July 19, 2007. Wong is an associate professor at FIU, Lacasse is an assistant professor at FSU, Saleeby is professor emeritus at the University of Kansas, and Kirk is professor emeritus at UC Los Angeles.

Gomory, T. (2006). Chemical imbalance: Humoralism redux. CMJA, 1 to x. Retrieved from

Critiques the theory of chemical imbalance.

Lacasse, J. R., & Gomory, T. (2006). Social worker's view of the etiology of mental disorders. Social Work, 51(1), 94.

Letter critiques the conventional medical model of mental illness. Lacasse is assistant professor at FSU.

Gomory, T., & Lacasse, J. R. (2004). Critical approaches to education for social work practice -. Response. Journal of Social Work Education, 40, 169-171.

Response to an earlier article regarding the lack of critical thinking in social work classes teaching psychopathology. Lacasse is assistant professor at FSU.

* Gomory, T. (2002). Effectiveness of assertive community treatment. Psychiatric Services, 53, 103.

* Gomory, T. (2001). A critique of the effectiveness of assertive community treatment. Psychiatric Services, 52, 1394.

* Gomory, T. (2001). The role of theory in social work research – Reply. Journal of Social Work Education, 37, 586-588.

Refereed Journal Articles

Gromer, J. M., Campbell, M. H., Gomory, T., & Maynard, D. M. (2013). Sexual prejudice among Barbadian university students. Journal of Gay & Lesbian Social Services. 25(4), 399-419

Addresses sexual prejudice of Barbadian University students. Groomer is Ph.D student at FSU. Both Campbell and Maynard are faculty at University of the West Indies, Cave Hill Campus.

Gomory, T. (2013). The limits of evidence-based medicine and its application to mental health evidence-based practice. (Part Two): Assertive Community Treatment assertively reviewed. Ethical Human Psychology and Psychiatry, 15(2), 73-86.

This article examines the claims that Assertive Community Treatment is and effective mental health EBP and finds its assumptions and specific protocol faulty.

Gomory, T. (2013). The limits of evidence-based medicine and its application to mental health evidence-based practice. (Part One). Ethical Human Psychology and Psychiatry, 15 (1), 18-34.

Gomory, T., Cohen, D., & Kirk, S. A. (2013). Madness or mental illness? Revisiting historians of psychiatry. Current Psychology, 32, 119-135. doi:10.1007/s12144-013-9168-3

Addresses through conceptual analysis the role of historians in the definition of madness and mental illness. Cohen is a professor currently at UCLA and Kirk is professor emeritus from UCLA.

Gomory, T., Wong, S. E., Cohen, D., & Lacasse, J. R. (2011). Clinical social work and the biomedical industrial complex. Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare, 38(5), 135-165.

The article explains the relationship between clinical social work and the biomedical industrial complex. Wong is an an associate professor at FIU, Cohen is a professor at UCLA and Lacasse is an assistant professor at FSU.

Gomory, T. (2009). Assertive Community Treatment: A critical update. Hungarian Social Review (Szociális Szemle), 2, 18-28.

An updated analysis of the effectiveness of Assertive Community Treatment.

Abrams, L., Post, P., Algozzine, R., Miller, T., Cooper, C., Ryan, S., & Gomory, T. (2006). Clinical experiences of play therapists: Does race/ethnicity matter? International Journal of Play Therapy, 15, 11-34.

Evaluates the role of race and ethnicity in the delivery of clinical services by pay therapists. Abrams is an assistant professor at the University of North Carolina, Charlotte, Post is a professor at the University of North Carolina, Charlotte, Algozzine is a professor at the University of North Carolina, Charlotte, Miller is a doctoral student at the University of North Carolina, Charlotte, Ryan is a professor currently at the University of Texas, Arlington and Cooper is assistant professor at Marymount University, Arlington, VA.

Gomory, T., B Erdös, M., & Kelemen, G. (2006). Kényszer, vagy együttműködés: Vitatott kérdések a közösségi pszichiátriai ellátás gyakorlatában [Coercion or cooperation: Empirical community treatment revisited]. Esély, 17, 101-129.

An analysis of efforts to implement ACT in the US and Hungary. Coauthors are professors from the University of Pécs, Hungary. The article is written in Hungarian. Both co-authors are Professors at the University of Pécs, Hungary.

Nalavany, B., Gomory, T., Ryan, S., & Lacasse, J. R. (2005). Mapping the characteristics of a "good" play therapist. International Journal of Play Therapy, 14(1), 27-50.

Description of what makes a good play therapist by the use of concept mapping. Ryan is the dean of the school of social work at the University of Texas, Arlington, Nalavany is an associate professor at East Carolina University, and Lacasse assistant professor at FSU.

Gomory, T. (2004). Poem in a hospital. Journal of Poetry Therapy, 17, 59.

* Lacasse, J. R., & Gomory, T. (2003). Is graduate social work education promoting a critical approach to mental health practice? Journal of Social Work Education, 39, 383-408.

* Gomory, T. (2002). Social work method: Karl Popper "justified", induction (justification) falsified-A response to Eileen Munro. Journal of Social Work Education, 38, 475-481.

* Gomory, T. (2002). The origins of coercion in "Assertive Community Treatment" (ACT): A review of early publications from the "Special Treatment Unit" (STU) of Mendota State Hospital. Ethical Human Sciences and Services, 4(1), 3-16.

* Ryan, S., Gomory, T., & Lacasse, J. R. (2002). Who are we? Examining the results of the Association for Play Therapy membership survey. International Journal of Play Therapy, 11(2), 11-41.

* Gomory, T. (2001). A fallibilistic response to Thyer's theory of theory-free empirical research in social work practice. Journal of Social Work Education, 37, 26-50.

* Gomory, T. (2001). Critical rationalism (Gomory's blurry theory) or positivism (Thyer's theoretical myopia): Which is the prescription for social work research. Journal of Social Work Education, 37, 67-78.

* Gomory, T. (1999). Programs of assertive community treatment (PACT): a critical review. Ethical Human Sciences and Services, 1(2), 147-163.

* Segal, S. P., Gomory, T., & Silverman, C. (1998). Health status of long term users of mental health self help agencies. Health and Social Work, 23, 45-52.

Refereed Books

Kirk, S. A., Gomory, T., & Cohen, D. (2013). Mad Science: Psychiatric coercion, diagnosis, and drugs. Rutgers, NJ: Transaction Publishers.

The book provides a close rigorous critique of psychiatric practice and of the medical model as an effective model for helping troubling or troubled behavior by reviewing the effect of psychiatric rhetoric, coercion, drugging and diagnosing. Kirk is a professor Emeritus from UCLA and Cohen a professor at UCLA.

Refereed Monographs

* Gomory, T. (2001). Coercion justified? -Evaluating the Training in Community Living model and its replications-A conceptual and empirical critique [Monograph]. Program and Abstracts of the XXVIth International Congress on Law and Mental Health, Montreal, 76.

Refereed Book Chapters

Gomory, T., Cohen, D., & Kirk, S. A. (2013). Coercion: The only constant in psychiatric practice? In Michael Dellwing, & Martin Harbusch (Eds.), Krankheitskonstrukti.und Krankheitstreiberei: Die Renaissance der soziologischen Psychiatriekritik (Disease constructions and disease mongering) (289-312 pages). Germany, Springer VS.

Lays out the use of coercion in psychiatry. Cohen is a professor at UCLA and Kirk is a professor Emeritus from UCLA.

Kirk, S. A., Cohen, D., & Gomory, T. (in press). Onward, psychiatric soldiers: DSM-5 and the delayed demise of descriptive diagnosis. In Steeves Demazeux, & Patrick Singy (Eds.), The DSM-5 in perspective: Philosophical reflections on the psychiatric Babel (29 pages). Springer.

To appear in The DSM-5 in Perspective: Philosophical Reflections on the Psychiatric Babel, edited by Steeves Demazeux & Patrick Singy, in series History, Philosophy and Theory of the Life Sciences, Springer critiquing the DSM 5 Cohen is a professor at UCLA and Kirk is a professor Emeritus from UCLA. The chapter evaluates the DSM 5, the latest version of the "Psychiatric Bible.”

Tyson, E., Ryan, S., Gomory, T., & Teasley, M. (2008). Cultural issues: Diversity and child welfare. In R. Lee (Ed.), Handbook of relational therapy for foster children and their families. Washington, DC: Child Welfare League of America.

Discusses the cultural issues impacting the treatment of foster children and their families.

Gomory, T. (2005). Assertive community treatment (ACT): The case against the "best tested" evidence-based community treatment for severe mental illness. In Kirk S. A. (Ed.), Mental disorders in the social environment: Critical perspectives. Foundations of social work knowledge (pp. 165-189). New York, NY: Columbia University Press.

Evaluates and critiques Assertive Community Treatment.

[#] Gomory, T. (1997). Does the goal of preventing suicide justify placing suicidal clients in care? In E. Gambrill, & R. Pruger (Eds.), Controversial issues in social work ethics, values, and obligations (pp. 63-75). Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon.

# Gomory, T. (1997). Mental health services. In M. Reisch, & E. Gambrill (Eds.), Social work in the 21st. century (pp. 163-174). Thousand Oaks, CA: Pine Forge Press.

# Gomory, T. (1997). Social work and philosophy. In M. Reisch, & E. Gambrill (Eds.), Social work in the 21 st. century (pp. 300-310). Thousand Oaks, CA: Pine Forge Press.

Refereed Proceedings

* Gomory, T. (2002). Assertive community treatment-Is it effective? In Program and Abstracts of the 4th. International Conference on Evaluation for Practice (pp. 30-31). Tampere, Finland.

* Gomory, T. (2002). Therapeutic coercion: Is there method to this madness? In Program and Abstracts of the XXVIIth International Congress on Law and Mental Health (pp. 44). Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

* Gomory, T., & Gambrill, E. (2002). Fallibilistic critical thinking (FaCT): A guide to "evidence tested" program evaluation. In Program and Abstracts of the 4th. International Conference on Evaluation for Practice (pp. 30). Tampere, Finland.