Visual Communications Advisory Board Meeting Minutes

May 27, 2009


Advisory Board Members:

David Martinez, Creative Designer

Mario Danna Jr., Animator

Garland Kirkpatrick, Associate Professor, Graphic Design, Loyola Marymount Univ.

Celeste Sanabria, Graphic Designer

Jesus Hernandez, Art Director

Felix Garibay, Apparel Marketing

Nate Giorgio, Illustrator/Painter

Ross Yoshida, Senior Sports Designer

Victor Sepulveda, Illustrator

Shoghi Castel de Oro, Designer/Animator

Jeff Congiois

Alex Granado

Bill Brown, Retired UCLA Graphic Design Professor

Gail Oliver, Graphic Designer

Sam Hassan

Riea Owens, Freelance Art Director

Damon Robinson, Illustrator/Designer


Roger Hubbard, faculty

George Evans, faculty

Caesar Rodriguez, faculty

Bill Robles, faculty

Fred Morris, faculty

Manuel Garcia, student

Adriana Garcia, student

Cynthia Morley-Mower, Dean of Academic Affairs

David Esparza, counselor

Patrick Reed, Webmaster

The meeting began at approximately 8:30 a.m. with George Evans giving a welcome and requested that the advisory board members introduce themselves.

George Evans presented an overview of Visual Communication program. He teaches Web Page Design, Flash, Pre Press and Basic Computer class. In his second semester class, he covers pantone colors. One of the projects is the TravelTown logo, students need to investigate and restructure the logo. In his Basic Computer class, students learn In Design, Photoshop and Flash. He also shared with the advisory members samples of his students work. Some are simple and some are fascinating.

His Flash class covers the basic of running the application as a creative tool, images and timelines.

Web Page Design class- covers fireworks and dream weavers.

Digital Portfolio – students can put together their personal portfolio.

Roger Hubbard teaches Graphic Design, Art Production and Drawing. He displayed samples of his students work to allow the advisors to view it.

Roger Hubbard asked the advisors: How do you look for talents? Is hard case portfolio still necessary?

David Martinez stated that his focus is interactive. Website is pretty important. Small booklet with sample of works. If they have both portfolio and website, that is very impressive.

Riea Owens stated that digital portfolio can be updated easily (PDF files).

Jesus Hernandez indicated to keep portfolio plain and simple.

Gail Oliver mentioned to create a blog.

Jesus Hernandez suggested smaller, simple, nice and clean portfolio.

Felix Garibay suggested 8 ½ X 11 portfolio and bound it.

George Evans asked Visual Communications students about their view of the program.

Manuel Garcia stated that you can walk out with a degree. He feels that Web Design class is important and it should be another program by itself. He also added that Photography is a skill that every designer should have.

Gail Oliver stated that Photography must be part of Visual Communications program. It is important that students learn developing and lighting adjustment.

Carole Anderson explained that Photography will be offered interdisciplinary. We are in the process of adding digital media in the program. This program will be more complex and innovative.

Mario Danna Jr. suggested checking out virtual tours, Photoshop, and light box. Try making several shots of same pictures with different lightings. Photography will give designers good sense of composition.

Adriana Garcia suggested adding Photography and Printing in the program. And she directly asked Felix Garibay, how important printing in the program is.

Felix Garibay replied that printing has changed so much. With offset printing, you learn the machine to output the plate. With digital printing, you learn laser and inkjet and it produces nice booklet, it is easier and fast and it will come a long way. As long as you know the basic, you should know what you are working on.

George Evans mentioned that currently the department is utilizing Xerox Phaser 750 and Epson 4800. Laser printers gives a different color target, it gives good color output.

Bill Brown asked if we offer typography.

Roger Hubbard stated that it is covered in the first semester program.

George Evans stated that he covers introduction to typography using Illustrator and In Design and some students can conceptualize directly from computer.

Roger Hubbard asked if we should offer In Design by itself or In Design & Quark.

10 members suggested offering In Design by itself.

2 members suggested offering Creative Suite.

1 member suggested offering both.

1 member mentioned that a company that she knows only works with Quark.

George Evans requested to expand his Visual Communications 119 (In Design) class from 2 to 4 hour lab. He also stated that not all students have access to the application.

Jesus Hernandez suggested offering students open lab.

Roger Hubbard stated that an open lab class was already created. May be available for students in Fall semester to allow students to have access to the Mac lab.

Roger Hubbard asked the advisory members again about requirements for students entering the job market.

Mario Danna Jr. replied that you basically need portfolio for each position you applied for. 20 pages should be sufficient, make sure it is durable, concise, clear and easy to read. Majority is converting to digital portfolio.

Shoghi Castel de Oro prefers posting designs in their website.

Garland Kirkpatrick suggested 8 ½ X 11 booklets and concepting number of things. This is their piece of communication. It really depends how they want to present it.

Celeste Sanabria suggested hard covered book, printed and bound.

Ross Yoshida stated as a print designer, he prefer to see hard copies.

Patrick Reed prefers viewing designs in website.

Jeff Congiois stated small professional portfolio for entry level position should be sufficient.

David Martinez prefers viewing designs in thumbdrive.

Jesus Hernandez prefers PDF files or website.

Damon Robinson indicated that if your work is good, your design skills will show, any presentation will do.

Manuel Garcia asked about updating software in computer labs.

David Martinez stated not to worry too much about software updates, when you purchase software, six months later new version will be out with slightly difference in the application.

Carole Anderson mentioned considering the college funding as well.

Manuel Garcia asked about life drawing class.

Carole Anderson stated that class offering needs to be interdisciplinary. Art department offers life drawing.

Caesar Rodriguez shared his experience in the Visual Communications department. He focused more on illustration, since he is looking to become an illustrator. Other may focus in printing, design or production.

Roger Hubbard asked if the department should change the focus of instruction from hand drawing to computer.

Shoghi Castel de Oro stated that both computer and hand sketch are important.

Bill Brown indicated that sketchbook is important.

Jeff Congiois stated to still teach hand drawing.

George Evans stated that 8 ½ X 11 sketchbook is mandatory in his class.

Mario Danna Jr. suggested Auto Desk sketchbook Pro 2010-PC base.

Damon Robinson stated for conceptual skills, pencil and paper is still important.

Meeting was adjourned at 10:30 a.m.