
Lastly, after all other test are preformed, the doctor may decide that you need glasses, and perform a test to determine your prescription. During this process, the doctor will put a device called a phoropter in front of your eyes. You will be given an option of lenses for each eye and be told to decide which one makes things most clear. Afterwards the doctor will continue to fine tune the lenses in order to get the most accurate and helpful prescription available to you. Refraction can help determine your level of astigmatism, presbyopia, hyperopia (farsightedness), and myopia (nearsightedness). /


Gary Heiting, and Jennifer Palombi. (2013). What to Expect During a Comprehensive Eye Exam. All About Vision. [Accessed November 10, 2015]. Retrieved from

Gary Heiting. (2015). Color Blind Test. All About Vision. [Accessed November 10, 2015]. Retrieved from

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What to expect at A Routine Eye Exam /
By Alexis Beyke, and Lily Harvey
At first glance this terrifying and complex room may make you nervous, but once the strange machines are broken down and explained, it will seem far less disastrous and may even become your best friend.

Visual Acuity Test

The first test that your optometrist may perform is a visual acuity test. This test measures the sharpness of your vision, how your vision is at twenty feet away. They will have you stand back and try to read as many letters correctly as you can. The test may help to determine your vision,the normal being 20/20, where you can see from twenty feet away what the normal person at twenty feet away can see. If you measure a number higher than twenty, such as 20/60, which means that at twenty feet away you see what the average person sees at sixty feet away. And if you measure a number lower than twenty, such as 20/10, that means at twenty feet away you see what the average person can see at ten feet away. This test may help determine if you are near-sighted or far-sighted. /

Cover Test

The eye doctor may also check to see how your eyes work together. One of your eyes will be covered and you will be asked to focus on an object, while doing this the doctor will assess your eye. If your eye must move to pick up the target, then you might have binocular vision problem that could cause a lazy eye. After this test the doctor may find ways to correct the problem.

Color Blindness Test

The most common used test is the Ishihara Color Vision test. During this test you are shown multiple patterns of dots of varying color and size, and you are to determine the number or shape outlined in the pattern. This test may determine color blindness and color defeciencies in your eyes. / Example of Ishihara Color test

Slit-Lamp Examination

During this test the eye doctor examines the health of your eye. During the test you will place your chin on a chin rest while a light shines into your eye. With the bio microscope the doctor is able to examine the inside of your eye using high powered lenses. The examination can determine diseases and conditions such as cataracts.