Tel: 01271 375429

Fax: 01271 325214



YeoValleySchool is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment.

We are looking foran Admin Assistant to support the smooth operation of the School Office

Visits, if required, are most welcome please contact the school office on 01271 375429

Closing date: 17th July 2013 at 12 o’clock

Interview date week beginning 22nd July 2013

Details of the school

YeoValleySchool is an exceptionally busy school and was The Teaching Awards winner for sustainability in the South West. The sustainability and SEAL ethos form the core of our philosophy, which states that we will encourage the best from our children and give, in return, the best to them. This has everything to do with ensuring our children are ready to live, work and play in the ever changing world.

We are proud of our school and our children and as such every member of staff is committed to maintaining that standpoint. Our school requires hard work on the part of its staff and a willingness to seek new experiences and opportunities in learning for the children. Our children are exceedingly responsive and provide much positive feedback. The school is also particularly committed to providing and encouraging professional development among its staff and this very real support offers endless opportunities to experiment, trial and develop ideas and ideals, develop management responsibilities and professional expertise.

Coupled with the above the school is exceedingly fortunate to have a tremendously supportive staff where everyone has a role to play in school improvement and development processes. No one is excluded from any process and structures are put in place that ensures every staff member, teaching or non-teaching, to have their view heard. This philosophy extends to the parents and children. The school holds Investor in People Status following an exemplary examination and has just received notification of continuing status following a highly successful review.

The School Environment

The buildings that make up YeoValleySchool date back to the turn of the century. The school has large, bright classrooms that have all been refurbished over the last 3years. In between each class there are banks of computers linked to the main server and the 24 unit computer suite.

In addition to this we have many study rooms used by TAs to support Every Child Counts, Reading Recovery, Sir Kits, Speed up Writing and other interventions.

The school also hosts one of the best primary libraries in the South West, fully supported by a full time Librarian and Resources Manager.

Our curriculum approach is broad, innovative and inspiring; as such we have revamped and heavily invested into our outdoor space. The very large area behind the school hosts an oasis of activities for the children. The grounds have organic gardens, a large pond, forest schools area, trim trail, ball sports area, picnic area and space!!

The school has an excellent reputation and takes the lead for music and sustainability across the Barnstaple Learning Community. It is the hub of the Local community bringing everyone together and ensuring everyone’s needs and hopes are met.

Admin Assistant at YeoValleyPrimary School

30.15 hours per week for 38 week per year Grade C


Duties will include:

  • Undertaking receptionist duties, providing the first line of contact with all our stakeholders, including parents, children, multi-agency staff, contractors and members of the public;
  • Handle and process small amounts of cash, recording payments and maintain financial records;
  • Input pupil data and retrieve data and reports from SIMS database;
  • Take delivery of orders and process delivery notes etc;
  • Organise and manage the school diary and other routine administrative duties;
  • Provide a comprehensive and confidential admin support to both the Headteacher and School Business Manager


  • A Person who preferably has knowledge of a working school environment and their systems;
  • A knowledge of SIMS would be desirable;
  • Someone able to demonstrate experience of working in administration including good ICT skills;
  • Someone who is able to act in a confidential manner at all times and uses a professional approach in all communications both in person and on the telephone;
  • Someone who values children and seeks to promote them and the school’s image in the local environment;
  • Someone able to demonstrate an ability to make a contribution to this school;
  • Someone who can think on their feet, juggle balls, spin plates (without dropping any!) and can still smile


Letters of application

The Governors pay great attention to a candidate’s letter of application which forms a basis for their decisions concerning long and short listing. You are therefore invited to write a letter of application paying particular attention to the points noted in the person specification. The letter may be hand-written or word processed.

Governors would not normally expect a letter of application to be any longer than two sides of A4.

Please submit this together with the DCC Application form for support staff that is available on the school website.

The closing date for application is 17th July 2013 at 12 noon

The Governors thank you for your interest in this post and look forward to receiving your application in due course. Further information, can be obtained from the Head Teacher.

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