Visitor’s Information Form
Open House: Monday, March 25, 2013 and Tuesday, March 26, 2013
We hope you will join us and take advantage of an opportunity to attend a class, meet with faculty, and talk to graduate students at our Open House. If you would like to attend, please complete the requested information and email it to by Friday, March 1, 2013.
Day Tele:
Evening Tele:
Cell Phone:
Female Male
When are you planning to arrive in New Brunswick?
Date: Approximate time:
When are you planning to leave New Brunswick?
Date: Approximate time:
How will you be traveling to and from Rutgers and will you need transportation to and from the New Brunswick train station?
Please note the following:
*If you will driving to Rutgers, we will need to mail you a parking permit.
* If you will be flying to Rutgers, we highly recommend flying in and out of Newark International Airport, as there is an Air-Train that will connect you to NJ Transit:
Will you require housing accommodations during your visit to Rutgers?
If yes, please list the dates required:
Please list any allergies that we should take into consideration when matching you with a host student:
Do you care if you are housed with a non-smoker or smoker?
smoker non-smoker no preference
Your Name:
Sunday, March 24th
If you will be arriving on Sunday, March 24th, we invite you to attend:
Pre-arrival Dinner
Hosts: Graduate Students Amy Cooper and Alicia Williams
Time: 5:00 p.m. (approximate)
Location: Amy and Alicia’s home (address will be provided)
Note: Transportation to this event can be scheduled.
Do you plan on attending this event?
Yes No
Welcome Party: Celebrating Diversity and Difference
Host: Graduate Student Melissa Bobe and Donavan Ramon
Time: 7:00 p.m. (approximately)
Location: Donavan’s home (address will be provided)
Note: Transportation to this event can be scheduled.
Do you plan on attending this event?
Yes No
Monday, March 25th
The first night of Passover begins at sundown on Monday, March 25, 2013. The Rutgers University Chabad House will be hosting its annual Passover Seder that evening at 7:30 p.m. Would you like for us to reserve a seat for you at their dinner?
Yes No
Your Name:
Please provide us with your field(s) of interest [i.e. Early Modern; 17th C; Science, Politics, & Religion; 19th & 20th Century British Lit.; Religion & Secularism; Lit. of the Fantastic; Women Writers; Intellectual History]:
Please list professors in the English Department with whom you would like to meet during your visit. (For faculty profiles, please visit:
Please tell us which Monday / Tuesday classes you are interested in attending:
9:50 a.m. – Professor Larry Scanlon, “Sexuality and the Sacred, 1050-1450”
4:30 p.m. – Professor Michelle Stephens, “Archipelagic American Studies”
9:50 a.m. – Professor Michael McKeon, “The Origins of the Modern System: Sex and Class”
1:10 p.m. -- Professor Myra Jehlen, “Mark Twain and William Dean Howells”
1:10 p.m. -- Professor Jonah Siegel, “Victorian Poetry: Modern Feeling / Modern Form”
4:30 p.m. -- Professor David Kurnick, “The Novel and Totality”
Would you like us to schedule you for a tour of the Rutgers University Alexander Library?
Yes No
Do you have any additional comments?
Thank you!