Academic Affairs Committee Minutes
Thursday, February 23, 2017
GE Conference Room, 10:00 - 11:30 AM

MEMBERS: M. Slaughter (Chair), Emerson Case, Chris Cruz-Boone, Melissa Danforth, Charles Lam, Vernon Harper, Gorbachan Sidhu, BJ Moore

ABSENT: Patrick O’Neill

VISITOR: Paul Newberry, Rebecca Weller

  1. Call to Order-

Move to guest speakers as time certain (Emerson 1st, Cruz-Boone 2nd)

  1. Approval of Minutes (Slaughter 1st, Emerson 2nd)
    Before approval of minute discussion about enrollment problems in the open forum section of last meeting.
    Faculty & staff advisors can see grades first. Image now is all that the staff administrators can see and currently transitioning to “on base.” The problem is that the evaluators cannot see grade first that are key to helping graduation. Then enrollment management has all in “image now” is cost per person and its not as nicely organized. Its being replaced with “on base” will still face a two system model.

III. Announcements

IV. Approval of Agenda (Slaughter 1st, Emerson 2nd)

V. Old Business

1. GECCo Faculty Professional Development Workshops, 2016-2017 Referral #16

Move agenda to guests time certain (Emerson 1st, Cruz-Boone 2nd)


Create a letter for evaluation file for those who participate in ongoing trainings/ learning communities.

Change the term “adjuncts” to “Lecturers with bellow .3 time base” instead.

Discussion about outreach for commuting faculty and possible use of technology such as zoom to allow people to be interactively part of meetings.

Hesitation was indicated about “online” workshops because it’s a interface and conversation with fellow professionals.

Need to improve outreach specifically with new lecturers that we are hiring. One suggestion is to add a line in the appointment letters about those teaching GE being required to be involved with GE.

Discussion about the wording “collaborative” or “conversation” and trying to find verbiage to get people there. Mended and amended to participate and provide input.

Most recent learning communities have evolved have been more collaborative in nature recently. Dr. Cruz-Boone discussed her experience working in a small break out group with

There is a tension of requiring people to get there as deemed by senate and also making it a place that faculty want to attend.

A major issue that needs to be addressed is public relations aspect and getting information.


Put the learning community events as public calendar online at 25live.

Maybe a social that is not about training. And the barrier that grant money and state money cannot be spent on food.

Paul Newberry has been attending DCLC and Melanie from Provost office keeps a list of who teaching in their emphasis area.

Asked if there is a rotating time that will be consistent every semester for example every second Friday at 2pm. Having a standardized time there will be a training.

Will always be part of University of the week.

New Faculty Orientation & New Lecturer Orientation places.

Perhaps bring a new speaker then can get buy-in and funding from other departments.

How do we report the progress we have made on this issue.

Report that there was an exchange of ideas & clarification of issues that we brought forward.
Discussion of increasing visibility & that the GE committee was receptive to all proposed ideas.

But it’s a major change and will take time.

2. Grad Check Concerns, 2016-2017 Referral #10 – on hold

VI. New Business

AFC quit the first day of executive meeting & new person in Beth Bywaters.

1. Student Disruption Policy 2016 – 2017 Referral # pending

Difference between serious address in “violence” but that also need a policy for. Discussion of public safety issue and who should be involved.

The immigration issue of how we to call it.

Long Beach good starting point it isn’t clear what staff and faculty.

School of Business considered buying panic buttons.

Brought up not having a place to send places “misconduct” & the lack of omnibus person.

People are feeling frustrating and we need to do something organized. Ruby & Janet, Police department gave input how to deal with disruptive students. Identifying inappropriate behavior and all tutoring centers have a phone to deal with that as well.

Not recommending handbook language but instead we are making suggestions would be included. Its more of a faculty affairs issue. Would be an administrative policy

We don’t have an actual referral.

Make suggestions on language perhaps on large issue not do it again.

The major issue of “safety” and disrespect of staff that are alone and face adversarial situations with disruptive training.

Perhaps staff training would be an issue

Student code of conduct “any member of the university community” and perhaps staff don’t’ know what their rights are. Campus level professional development and give them some credit for it.

Suggestion to have staff download application on their phones. More specific instances of level.

Academic Support and Student Services & FAC –would be beneficial to have a joint committee meeting.

Here are some thoughts regarding a campus disruption policy based on our discussion yesterday evening:

  1. CSU Long Beach has a campus civility document from their academic senate that is a good model:
  1. Items I would include:
  2. Reference to CSU and CSUB Student Code of Conduct
  3. Whether this policy is applicable to only to the classroom
  4. You may want to consider other policies/laws that it may intersect with to make sure they are not contradictory. (free speech policy, time place and manner policy, code of conduct, other senate policies, American with Disabilities Act, sexual harassment policy?)
  5. Defining/examples of disruptive behavior

VI. Adjourned (Boone 1st, Danforth 2nd)