Visitor Health & Safety Procedures & Precautions
Area / Identified Risk/Hazard / Procedure/Precaution Management / Residual RiskBamboozeleum / Dark Areas
Maze Effect
Electric Effects
Slight Shock
Flashing Lights
Fit Inducing / Mark hard surfaces or illuminate directional signage
Directional Signage
Warning Sign
Warning Notices at Entry / Minimal
Tree Top Trail / Falling / All areas railed and netted / Minimal
Viewing Tower / Falling from height / All areas railed and netted / Minimal
Watercoaster / Visitor being hit by boat
Boats overloaded and tipping over. Visitors falling out of boat / Staff supervise visitors. Warning notices and barriers in place
Staff follow safe loading procedures as trained / Low risk – needs constant attention by staff plus notices
Low risk – staff must ensure loading procedure is followed
Adventure Play
Area / Falling from height
Falling off equipment
Minor bumps & bashes / All high areas netted or railed to prevent falls
All potential fall areas have padded landing area. Checked daily by staff
Not possible or desirable to remove all risk as meaningful adventure play entails perceived risks. The objective is to reduce risk of injury if a fall or bump occurs.
“Precautions can be taken to reduce the severity of injuries if children make the wrong judgement but the possibility of harm cannot be completely removed. Without these challenges and risks, play areas will fail – children will find them uninteresting and go elsewhere or use them in ways which become dangerous.”
Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents – ‘Children’s Playgrounds’ / Minimal
Runaway Timber Train / Moving Train
Fall from platform / Prevent access to track.
Fence all around preventing access. Warning signage. Staff Training
Barriers, marked edges, signs.
Staff presence / Minimal but needs managed by staff
Minimal but needs managed by staff
Pinnacle Climbing Wall / Falling off. Descending onto other climbers. Bumps & grazes on descent / Harness provided & fitted by trained staff. Instruction by staff. Instruction to keep feet in toward wall. Trained staff on duty at all times / Minimal
Remote Controlled Trucks / No risk associated
Diggers / Injury due to children being knocked by the digger arm / Sand pit barrier in place / Minimal but needs constant supervision to manage risk
Mini Safari Cars / Injury due to bumping/collision. Impact with persons / Staff instruct ‘No bumping’. Notices. Car speed limited. Staff supervise area so no visitors cross track while cars are moving / Minimal but needs constant supervision to manage risk
Teeny Farm
Ride Ons / Injury due to bumping/collision. Impact with persons / Notices. Car speed limited.
Parental or guardian supervision required at all times. / Minimal but needs constant parental supervision to manage risk
Lost Labyrinth
Tree House
Exhibits / Trips & slips
Fall from height
Bacterial infection
Falling off or over / All areas of height concern railed off
All areas railed and netted
Water feed passed through a UV bacterial filter
All exhibits bolted & fixed in position / Minimal
Tilting Room / Sloping floor, fall over, loose balance
Furniture / A level floor at one side for those not wanting to go on to the slope.
Fixed Down / Minimal
Vortex Tunnel / Spinning tunnel walkway, Disorientation, dizziness,
nausea / Alternative walkway avoiding the tunnel in place / Minimal
Shrinking Room / Sloping floor, slip when wet / Moisture absorbing carpet in place
to dry feet / Minimal
Haggis Farm Shooting Gallery
Rifle / Electric system,
Electric shock
Hitting person on either side with swinging barrel / Daily inspection of higher voltage supply cables & components, repair or disable if found not up to standard.
Repair or replace and re-commission.
Visible signage warning not to swing barrel into neighbours’ area. / Minimal
Ropeworx / Injury due to falling to ground / All wear harnesses attached to safety lines / Minimal to zero
Tarzan Trail / Injury due to falling to ground / All wear harnesses attached to safety lines / Minimal to zero
Wee Monkey Trail / Injury due to falling to ground / All wear harnesses attached to safety lines. Parental or guardian supervision required at all times. / Minimal to zero
Ropeworx Tower / Injury due to falling to the ground via access without harness / Entrance fenced in and supervised / None
Ropeworx Elements / Injury due to falling and hanging on harness. Minor bumps & scratches / As Adventure Playgrounds / Minimal
Skydive / Injury due to falling from height
Injury due to awkward landing
Injury due to falling against pole on landing / Harness & safety lines worn by all. Daily line inspection and change where necessary
Soft surface installed
Protected by padding / None
Butterfly House / Possible heat exhaustion
Falling in pond / Building is kept at a constant 27c in season, 15c out of season. Easy access and exit points in and out of building.
Parental/carer supervision and rail fitted around access area. / Minimal
Minimal to none
Updated 20/7/16