Year 1
Scheme of Work
Autumn Term
Vision Statement
‘Aim high and smile’
Curriculum Drivers : S.E.E.D.
‘Seed for learning’
‘Life-long learning’
The School’s Curriculum Organisation
Our school curriculum is underpinned by the following four key drivers:
Standards: S
· Our curriculum is skills based and standards driven.
· Reception planning is drawn from the Early Years Curriculum and ‘Development Matters’. Key Stage 1 planning follows the New Primary Curriculum 2014 and is based on Essential Objectives.
· Children are assessed at the end of each unit of work against expectations.
Engagement: Eng
· It outlines a curriculum which is memorable; it provokes and engages as well as imparting knowledge.
· Learning is made meaningful and purposeful through cross-curricular.
· All planning follows our Learning Model and supports the learning styles of Visual, Auditory and Kinaesthetic learners.
Enquiry: Enq
· It encourages children to think deeply, creatively and critically.
Diversity: D
· It reflects and responds to the needs and diversity of the school community.
Year 1
Autumn Term
Wild and WonderfulYear 1 Autumn Term
Key VocabularyFamily, community, grandma, cousin, granddad, mum, dad, nephew, (step) travel, maps, world, holidays, born, healthy eating, lifestyle, balanced diet,
Fruits from around the world
Family portraits / Key texts:
Peepo (to use with history topic)
General texts for class:
My mum is fantastic
My day (may need to scan in)
Myself poetry
The Family Book by Todd Parr
It’s ok to be different by Todd Parr
What I like about me by Alliah Zobelmolan
All kinds of families
Medium Term Plans YEAR 1
Suggested role play area: Home, Doctors Surgery, Healthy Cafe
Spoken Language
Key Skills / Phonics / See Phonics Play planning
Spelling and Grammar
Transcription / To present neatly
To spell correctly
To punctuate accurately
Composition / To say out loud what they are going to write about
To compose a sentence orally before writing it
To sequence sentences to form short narratives
To re-read what they have written to check that it makes sense.
To write with purpose
To use imaginative description
To organise writing appropriately
To use sentences appropriately
To analyse writing
Handwriting / PenPals
Key Skills / To know and use numbers to 100. To count forwards and backwards beginning from any number.
To add and subtract
To multiply and divide
To use fractions
To understand the properties of shape
To describe position, direction and movement
To use measures
To use mathematical language and knowledge to solve problems / See maths scheme of work
PE / To develop practical skills in order to participate, compete and lead a healthy lifestyle / See PE scheme of work
PSHE / To understand oneself and others
To imagine
To try new things
To improve
To not give up
To work hard
To concentrate
To push oneself / Health and Wellbeing
What is meant by a healthy lifestyle/healthy eating
How to maintain physical emotional health and wellbeing
Developing skills for learning’ (PSHE/SEAL units)
Developing a healthy safer lifestyle
French / To speak fluently.
To understand the French culture. / French/R.E scheme of work
Music / To perform
To compose
To transcribe music
To describe music / Music scheme of work
Computing / To Code / Computing scheme of work
Week / Essential Learning Objectives / Planned activities / Resources/ICT links/Books
1 / See ‘Learning to Learn’ Planning / Transition- Class rules, class bear etc.
Assessment – HFW, Number assessment (use maths assessment sheets)
Learning Model- Learning to learn/Creative and Critical thinking – introducing key terms/animals/class display on this / Role play area- doctors surgery, home
2 / See ‘Learning to Learn’ Planning / Transition- Class rules, class bear etc.
Assessment – HFW, Number assessment (use maths assessment sheets)
Learning Model- Learning to learn/Creative and Critical thinking – introducing key terms/animals/class display on this
Stunning Start- Lost teachers suitcases. Linked to ‘Wonderful World of Me’. (Transition activity linked to Geography/ PSHCE)
S Eng, Enq D
Family pictures for topic front covers / Suitcase and teachers objects.
Letter to families re: Baby photos of themselves to compare growth- how the look now and how they have changed. (Science)
3 / Literacy- To write lists, labels and captions to present information.
Science - Look at growth, basic needs, healthy eating, exercise, and hygiene.
Guided Reading: weeks 3, 4, 5 – SPAG letter, word, sentence, finger spaces / Literacy/Science-. My body looking at themselves as babies and how they have grown and changed. Growth,
Labelling parts of the body and the 5 different senses.
S Eng D
4 / Literacy- To write lists, labels and captions to present information.
Science- Identify, name, draw and label the basic parts of the human body and say which part of the body is associated with each sense
Guided Reading: weeks 3, 4, 5 – SPAG letter, word, sentence, finger spaces / Literacy/Science- My body continued – basic needs, healthy eating, exercise, and hygiene. How we stay healthy – lists/captions of how we stay healthy
S Eng D / Visitors? School Nurse/ Doctor/ Dentist linked to staying healthy
Eng Enq
Letter home re: donations of fruit for tasting
5 / Literacy-To write Poetry that uses pattern, rhyme and pattern. To use descriptive language.
D.T - Use the basic principles of a healthy and varied diet to prepare dishes.
- understand where food comes from.
Guided Reading: weeks 3, 4, 5 – SPAG letter, word, sentence, finger spaces / Poetry‘I like’ Poems linked Fruits (Senses poemMix with art in group activities- link to senses e.g. I like the taste of sweet oranges. I like the feel of squishy mangoes. I like the look of bright pineapples etc.
D, Enq
D.T/Fruit tasting.
Looking at balanced diet/ Food plate/ create lunch box/ healthy snack
use the basic principles of a healthy and varied diet to prepare dishes.
Skills – cutting and chopping to assemble a fruit salad
Link to Science: healthy eating, exercise, and hygiene.
Eng D Enq / Visit to local supermarket? Linked to DT- Where food comes from.?
Letter home re: where are families are from for class map display (week 6)
6 / Literacy- To write lists, labels and captions to present information.
Geography: Locational knowledge
Name, locate and identify characteristics of the four countries and capital cities of the United Kingdom and its surrounding seas
Art- To develop ideas. To master techniques. / Literacy/Geography
Class map display – ongoing – where are families are from (beginning of each input, add to map
Looking at maps. / Capitals/ Countries. United Kingdom map – naming characteristics of the 4 capital cities. (Each group to explore/find out about a place and share) (labelling) fact writing – simple sentences. (1 country per day and then final celebration of all of the end of the week). Group poster/collage of the country/capital they have studied. Finish with presentation of posters.
D, Enq, S Eng
Art- Observational drawings of fruit. Cross sections/ patterns/ colours etc (x 1) Link to DT: Understand where food comes from
D, S, Eng) / Flag templates
UK maps with surrounding countries.
7 / Literacy- To write a simple sentence/to present information
History- Changes in living memory.
- To investigate and interpret the past.
- To understand chronology
- To communicate historically.
Art- To develop ideas. To master techniques. / Literacy/History-
Changes within living memory. Comparing after school routines.
Timeline of after school activities. What do you do when school ends?
Sequencing events/chronological.
Comparing past to present
Eng Enq
Art- Observational drawings of fruit. Cross sections/ patterns/ colours etc – next stage e.g. pen, paint, collage
D, S, Eng / Peepo
Letter/homework activity – can their parent/grandparent sequence a timeline of what they did at the end of school.
8 / Literacy- To write a simple sentence/to present information
History- Changes in living memory.
- To investigate and interpret the past.
- To understand chronology
- To communicate historically.
Art- To develop ideas. To master techniques. / Literacy/History- - Changes within living memory
Comparing past to present. What did their parents/grandparents do? Compare timelines. What is the same? What is different? What has changed?
Eng Enq
Art- Observational drawings of fruit. Cross sections/ patterns/ colours etc Final technique e.g. pen, paint, collage etc
D, S, Eng
Marvellous Middle: Class History Time Capsule. What would you like to leave for future generations to show them what you did? (History) S Eng, Enq D / Peepo
Half term displays:
Family portrait displays
Fruit displays
(see display rota/areas)