Before we begin this tour, decide whether you would like to write your answers on your own paper or whether you would like to type the entire assignment under each question here.
Before we go further, in one or two sentences, describe your opinion of the SaharaDesert. Do people live in it? Do people travel in and/or through it? How is that possible? Be specific.
If you choose to type your answer here, please bold each question first. Then answer it.
or Town, South Africa
Welcome to the SaharaDesert, Africa! Welcome to South Africa!
List three ways the people in Cape Town, South Africa, have interacted with the environment.
Let’s begin. Remember this information below?
Map Pre-Test or Map Post-Test Name:______Date: ______
Locate and label the places listed here on the regional political-physical map of Africa provided for you. Do not color or do anything else to alter or change the map. Write the name of each location clearly within its boundary or very close to its middle so that there is no doubt that you know each location convincingly.
The Sahara, Sahel, Congo River, Niger River, Nile River, Lake Tanganyika, Lake Victoria, Atlas Mountains, Kalahari Desert, Democratic Republic of the Congo (Zaire), Egypt, Kenya, Nigeria, South Africa, Ethiopia, Mali, Liberia, Mauritius, Gabon, and Sudan.
We are going on a tour of Africa to locate all these places so that you can identify them on Africa and its natural characteristics--Geography chart.docmap of Africa during the post-test. Chart of Africa
(Sometimes this link to the Word document will open; sometimes it will not.)
Map of Africa
- How many countries are located in Africa according to this link?
- Into how many regionsis Africa divided? Give the number. List the regions.
3. How many countries does the SaharaDesert occupy? List them.
4. Where is the Africa Sahel located? Through how many countries does it run?
You may have to juxtapose (place two items side by side) two maps to answer this question.
If you are easily overwhelmed, use this link to answer all the questions about bodies of water in Africa.
Otherwise, visit each link below separately.
(Interactive map—click to navigate) Victoria--Describe it in one paragraph. Make sure to use the correct geography vocabulary.)
All bodies of water
Rivers and other bodies of water of Africa
5. List five facts about the NileRiver System.
6. Through how many countries does the river run? List them
7. Into which sea does the Nileempty?
8. Into how many countries does the Congo River flow? List them.
9. What huge bodies of water flank Africa on the east and west?
10. What huge body of water is north of Africa?
11. What body of water separates the African continent from Spain?
This is the other end of the Niger River in one country; it is not called Niger there.
12. Through how many countries does the Niger River run? List them.
13. Describe the SaharaDesert (the part that is in Morocco) as shown in this picture.
14. Where is KilimanjaroMountain located? Describe it in one paragraph as pictured here.
Kalahari Desert
15. Give three facts about it.
Visual image of the desert
Lake Tanganyika: or
16. Where is the lake located?
17. What three adjectives would you use to describe the lake? Use a sentence.
18. From this picture, list five ways humans have interacted with this African environment.
19. Locate these geographic features and land masses. Write their names and give at least three landforms and/or bodies of water that surround them. You may use the teacher-created one chart or you can create your own. VIRTUALTOUR OF AFRICA--CHART.doc
Democratic Republic of the Congo (Zaire), Egypt, Kenya, Nigeria, South Africa, Ethiopia, Mali, Liberia, Mauritius, Gabon, and Sudan(100 Points)
Capital cities
capital city link
Another capital city link--navigate to find the rest by region
African language map
Speaking Swahili.doc
Let’s speak Swahili!
The famous Serengeti
Climb the Kilimanjaro!
View some Moroccans
Nebulous Namibia
Random Thoughts: Come here only after you have turned in your completed assignments (above)
Convert your country’s currency into the United States dollar!
Whale watching
Luxembourg at dusk!
Remember when we studied butte. Here is one in the United States!
YosemiteNational Park
Important bodies of water in the whole world
Ice cave