Virtual Museum of Canada Web Quest
By: Krystle Forsythe
1)Go to the website and click on Seasons of New France /2)When the next window opens click on Launch Exhibit /
3)When the window opens it will take you through a short simulation of the journey the French made to New France
4)When the simulation is complete it will take you to the screen shown on the right. Roll your mouse over the church and answer the following question.
- What are the two systems of land settlement in New France?
5)Click on The Rhythm of Life tab along the top of the picture. /
6)The screen should look like the one on the right. Roll your mouse over the church and answer the following question:
- How did the people of New France tell time?
7)Roll your mouse over the sun and answer the following question:
- What 2 times did the Church not allow people to get married?
- What 3 calendars did the people of New France establish a connection between?
8)Click on the Transmission of Knowledge tab at the top of the page /
9)Roll your mouse over the little boys until The Basics of Literacy box pops up and answer the following question
- Which groups were responsible for the education of boys in New France?
- Which groups were responsible for the education of the girls in New France?
10)Roll your mouse over the older man in the picture and complete the following sentence:
- In New France, as in most Western societies of that era, education was considered to be a tool for
11)Roll your mouse over the group of boys close to the door until the Arts and Professions box pops up and answer the following question:
- Where was one of the schools located?
- What were 5 things that the boys were taught?
12)Click on the Daily Acts tab at the top of the page /
13)Roll your mouse over the man on the horse to open the Entertainment box. Answer the following questions:
- List 5 things that people in New France did for entertainment.
- What 2 things did the Church attempt to stop the people of New France from doing on Sundays?
14)Roll your mouse over the woman to open the box entitled Clothing and answer the following questions:
- What were 3 things that Church did not allow the women of New France to wear?
- What were women referred to as in New France?
15)Roll over the farm area in the bottom corner to open up the Diet box and answer the following question:
- What 2 times did the people of New France fast?