
Virtual Memories: Experiencing the Past in 360°

Video Recording and Storyboard Rubrics

1. ______2. ______

3. ______4. ______

5. ______6. ______


CRITERIA / 10 / 8 / 6 / 4 / 2
Sound Setup / Important sounds and dialogue are captured. The team has made every attempt to anticipate and filter out unwanted ambient noise in the recording. / Important sounds and dialogue are captured. Some areas of primary audio may be slightly unclear, but do not detract from the overall effectiveness of the product. / Some important sounds and dialogue are captured. Some areas of primary audio are unclear, and detract from the overall effectiveness of the edited product. / Little attention was paid to ensuring quality sound during the shoot. Primary audio is lost in a majority of the edited product. / Primary audio is unheard during most of the edited product. Purpose and message of the project is lost. The edited product is nonexistent.
Movie Duration / Movie length is highly appropriate for the scope and content of the production. / Movie length is appropriate for the scope and content of the production. / Movie length is somewhat appropriate for the scope and content of the production. The movie may be a little too short or long. / Movie length is somewhat inappropriate for the scope and content of the production. It is either too short or two long to be effective / Movie length is inappropriate for the scope and content of the production. The length does not match the need of the presentation.
Types of Shots / A minimum of five different types of shots are present. All shots are correctly executed. / Four different types of shots are present. Most shots are correctly executed. / Three different types of shots are present. Most shots are correctly executed. / Two different types of shots are used. Some shots are not correctly executed. / Only one type of shot has been used. The shot is not correctly executed.
Teamwork / All team members contributed a fair share of the work. / Most team members contribute a fair share of the work. / Some team members contribute a fair share of the work. / Members do not contribute a fair share of the work. / Members did not make an effort to complete the project.
Concept / Team has a clear picture of what they are trying to achieve. Each member can describe what they are trying to do and generally how his/her work will contribute to the final product. / Team has a fairly clear picture of what they are trying to achieve. Each member can describe what they are trying to do but has trouble describing how work will contribute to the product. / Team has brainstormed their concept, but no clear focus has emerged for the team. Team members may describe the goals/final product differently. / Team has spent little effort on brainstorming and refining a concept. Team members are unclear on the goals and how their contributions will help them reach the goal. / Team has not made an effort to create a clear picture, or meet their goal of a finished product.

TOTAL: ______/ 50pts