TRASH is not permitted in the hallways or on the patios at any time. It must be taken directly to the compactor. It is a $100 fine per bag or box. If the trash has leaked in front of the unit and is not cleaned up, or there is debris of any kind in front of the door, this will also result in a $100 fine per day until the issue is rectified. You are not permitted to leave shoes in front of your door.

MATTRESSES AND FURNITURE must be taken directly to the dump on Forsyth Rd and is not permitted in front of the compactor. Failure to comply will result in a $100 fine per item.

BICYCLES are not permitted in the hallways or on the patios. Please use designated bike racks on the property.

GRILLSof any kind are not permitted anywhere on the balconies or patios, as THEY ARE IN VIOLATION OF ORANGE COUNTY FIRE CODE. Please use the designated grill areas around the property.

SATELLITE DISHES are not permitted anywhere on the balconies or patios.

PATIOS AND BALCONIES must be kept uniform in appearance and aesthetics. The only items permitted on the patios are designated patio furniture, tasteful and non-offensive decor and appropriately maintained plants. Children's toys, dining chairs, bar stools, sofas, storage containers, and small refrigerators are NOT permitted.

CIGARETTES must be disposed of in appropriate trash receptacles and must not be thrown into the grass or bushes surrounding your unit.

NOISE must be kept to a minimum. Repeated loud music, parties, dog barking or any other disruptive noise is prohibited.

PROPERTY DAMAGE caused by residents or their guests will result in a fine plus cost of labor and supplies.

*This flyer serves as an "Official Notice". Any additional violations will result in a $100 fine per day fine assessed to the unit until the issue is rectified. Both residents and landlords/managers will be notified every time a violation occurs.

**If you need help understanding the violations, or need the assistance of a Spanish translator, please see us at the Management Office.