Tuesday, December 9, 2014 – 6:30 p.m.

CALL TO ORDER – Mayor Gee called the meeting to order at 6:33 PM.



Present: Mayor Paul Gee, Deputy Mayor Leslie Wagar, Trustee Rick Clark and Trustee Alex Ronnenberg

Absent: Trustee Jim Clark, Attorney Peter Skivington (late) and Village Treasurer/Deputy Clerk Juliann Green (late)

Also Present: Village Clerk Lee Mikewicz, DPW Superintendent Steve Farrell, Code Enforcement Officer Terry Rech, Ben Frevert (Larsen Engineers), Jarrod Lusk (Nixon Peabody) and Todd Richardson


Village Board Meetings:

·  Thursday, November 13, 2014

MOTION: made by Deputy Mayor Wagar and seconded by Trustee Ronnenberg to approve the minutes of the Thursday, November 13, 2014 Village Board Meeting as submitted.

VOTE: Carried 4-0

Trustee Jim Clark ABSENT Deputy Mayor Leslie Wagar - AYE

Trustee Rick Clark AYE Trustee Alex Ronnenberg - AYE

Mayor Paul Gee AYE

PUBLIC BEFORE THE BOARD – Verizon Wireless Co-location Request

Attorney Skivington arrived at 6:37 PM.

Mayor Gee began by reading the “Short Environmental Assessment Form” (SEQR) for the project. The Mayor then asked for a motion to accept the SEQR findings.

MOTION: made by Trustee R. Clark and seconded by Trustee Ronnenberg to accept and approve the SEQR findings related to the proposed Verizon addition to the cell tower.

VOTE: Carried 4-0

Trustee Jim Clark ABSENT Deputy Mayor Leslie Wagar - AYE

Trustee Rick Clark AYE Trustee Alex Ronnenberg - AYE

Mayor Paul Gee AYE

The T-Mobile request to replace an equipment cabinet at the site is classified as a “Type 2” with no action needed.

The package of information was sent off to Monroe County for review and determined (by the County) to be a local matter. Therefore no County approval is needed to go forward with the project.

MOTION: made by Trustee Ronnenberg and seconded by Deputy Mayor Wagar to approve the special use permit for the Verizon Wireless “Garbutt” co-location on the cell tower located at 385 Scottsville-Mumford Road.

VOTE: Carried 4-0

Trustee Jim Clark ABSENT Deputy Mayor Leslie Wagar - AYE

Trustee Rick Clark AYE Trustee Alex Ronnenberg - AYE

Mayor Paul Gee AYE

·  Solar PV Project update and review of bids

Ben Frevert of Larsen Engineers spoke on the Photovoltaic project at the Village’s Department of Public Works. A bid opening was held with four bids received. Mr. Frevert reviewed the bids and qualifications of the bidders and recommended that the Village award the contract to Solar Liberty Energy Systems.

MOTION: made by Trustee R. Clark and seconded by Trustee Ronnenberg to accept Solar Liberty Energy Systems, Inc. as the preferred bidder and award the contract for the Village’s Solar Energy (PV) project to them at a cost of $273,643.

VOTE: Carried 4-0

Trustee Jim Clark ABSENT Deputy Mayor Leslie Wagar - AYE

Trustee Rick Clark AYE Trustee Alex Ronnenberg - AYE

Mayor Paul Gee AYE


·  Storm Sewer Reserve

Mayor Gee read the public hearing notice at 6:46 PM.

Legal Notice

Notice of Public Hearing

Village of Scottsville

PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that a Public Hearing will be held by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Scottsville on, Tuesday, December 9, 2014, at 6:45 PM. at the Wheatland Municipal Building, 22 Main Street, Scottsville, New York, to consider the release of monies now on deposit in the Village’s Storm Sewer Reserve Fund in an amount not to exceed $15,000 to pay for the Village’s Storm Water Mapping Project.

This Public Hearing is being held pursuant to the General Municipal Law of the State of New York, and any resolution adopted thereafter will be subject to permissive referendum as permitted by law.

At this time and place all interested persons will be given an opportunity to speak for or against this proposed transfer.

The Village, under new storm water regulations, has been designated an MS4 Community. We have to now come up with a storm water management plan. Code Enforcement Officer Rech has applied for a matching grant in the amount of $15,000 to help defray the costs.

Mayor Gee opened the floor for public comment at 6:47 PM. There was none.

The floor was closed for public comment at 6:47 PM and opened for Board comment. There was none.

The public hearing was closed at 6:48 PM.

MOTION: made by Deputy Mayor Wagar and seconded by Trustee R. Clark to approve the release of monies now on deposit in the Village’s Storm Sewer Reserve Fund in an amount not to exceed $15,000 to pay for the Village’s Storm Water Mapping Project.

VOTE: Carried 4-0

Trustee Jim Clark ABSENT Deputy Mayor Leslie Wagar - AYE

Trustee Rick Clark AYE Trustee Alex Ronnenberg - AYE

Mayor Paul Gee AYE

PUBLIC BEFORE THE BOARD – Chris Chamot – 101 Heather Lane (residence) and 572 North Road

Mr Chamot addressed the Board and began to fill them in on sewer issues related to the North Road property. He said that he had spoken to the Village numerous times about the problems. He asked the Board when the section between the right-of-way and the main sewer will be repaired. It is still not connected to the main. He said that the lateral that runs through his property from 572 and possibly 578 is connected to the “Y.”

Mayor Gee asked DPW Superintendent Farrell for an update. Mr. Farrell said that a meeting was had with Mr. Chamot and that he was going to get a contractor. The last time contact was made, Mr. Chamot said that he had a contractor. The contractor was supposed to be there with his backhoe. A stakeout was done, but the work never was. Mr. Chamot asked if the contractor could work under the Village’s permit. We told Mr. Chamot that we would check if the contractor could do that. He would need to be reputable. The stakeout expired and we have not heard back from Mr. Chamot.

Mr. Chamot gave the Board a copy of a receipt from 2008 that shows he had his sewer lines mapped. A copy of the map was included. He also gave the Board copies of the Village Code that pertains to his specific sewer issue (Chapter 131). It also defined which parties were responsible for repairs to various parts of the line. The homeowner was responsible from the house to the “Y” connection. Originally, Mr. Chamot said he was told that he is responsible to pick up the costs for opening up the road and repairing the “Y” connection and the Village would replace the section between the “Y” and the main.

Mr. Chamot cited the code and said that the portion of sewer in the right-of-way, and the “Y” connection were the Village’s responsibility. He wanted the Village to replace the “Y” and clean out under the road where the line had cracked open. He felt his responsibility was from the clean-out to the “Y”. Mayor Gee asked Mr. Farrell where the Village was with identifying the location of the “Y”. The Village was working off information from Gotti Plumbing as to the “Y” location. Mr. Chamot was supposed to contact Diana Tears, since she is the other residence that comes into the “Y,” but, Mr. Farrell said that when he spoke to her, she had no problem on her side.

Mr. Chamot asked that the Village clean-out their portion. Mr. Farrell said that Mr. Chamot’s portion is also a problem. The Village could not get a camera to go past 3 feet beyond the clean-out due to a clogged line. Mayor Gee asked Mr. Chamot if he would be ready with his contractor when the Village dug up their portion for repairs. Mr. Chamot replied he would be ready (even if he had to dig it himself). A permit will need to be obtained from the Town/Village Building Department. A discussion ensued over who was waiting for who to begin the work. At this time, the work still needs to be done.

Mr. Chamot reviewed the maps that he provided the Village Board of his sewer lines. The Village does not have any maps of the sewers/laterals in that area. That has contributed to the difficulty in finding where the problems were occurring. Mayor Gee reiterated that an easement was necessary because of the neighbor’s (Diana Tears) line coming across Mr. Chamot’s property.

Mr. Farrell stated that there is an issue with the “Y” connection. If it is considered a “Y” connection in the Village system, then it is the Village’s responsibility to repair it. If this is a “Y” connection in the homeowner’s lateral, then the Village is not responsible for the repair. The discussion continued.

Treasurer/Deputy Clerk Juliann Green arrived at 7:02 PM.

Mayor Gee stated to Mr. Chamot that when the Village excavates the road to get to the sewer to repair the “Y,” the broken saddle and the crushed pipe, he needs to be ready to have a contractor available to fix his portion of the lateral (that runs to the “Y”) or else the house will need to be emptied of occupants until his work is completed (unlivable until line is repaired).

Mr. Farrell reiterated that when the Village had the contractor (Russell Plumbing) ready (to do both parts of the work) previously, Mr. Chamot balked because he could not get an itemized bill from the contractor (just a price to do the work). The job stalled at that point. Conversations between Mr. Chamot and the contractor did not go well. Mr. Chamot felt that he was being asked to pay for more than his share of the work.

After more discussion, it was agreed that Mr. Farrell will talk to Russell Plumbing and get a price to Mr. Chamot for his portion of the work. Mayor Gee asked Mr. Farrell to talk to Diana Tears to see if she will allow the Village to dump dye down her toilet so her line can be checked at the same time. The Village will also need an easement from Mr. Chamot to Mrs. Tears so the work can be done. Attorney Skivington said he could do the legal work needed once he had copies of the Chamot and Tears property deeds. The Village extended to Mr. Chamot the plumber’s insurances, permits that would be required and agreements with the county (to open up the road) to save him money and do all the repairs at the same time.


·  Workers Compensation Reserve

Mayor Gee read the public hearing notice at 7:45 PM.

Legal Notice

Notice of Public Hearing

Village of Scottsville

PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that a Public Hearing will be held by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Scottsville on, Tuesday, December 9, 2014, at 7:00 PM. at the Wheatland Municipal Building, 22 Main Street, Scottsville, New York, to consider the release of monies now on deposit in the Workers Compensation Reserve Fund in an amount not to exceed $52,903 to prepay the 2015 Workers Compensation invoice and obtain a 2% discount. (A public hearing was held in September releasing monies not to exceed $62,000 for this bill. That was an estimate of the annual bill; this reflects a true invoice.)

This Public Hearing is being held pursuant to the General Municipal Law of the State of New York, and any resolution adopted thereafter will be subject to permissive referendum as permitted by law.

At this time and place all interested persons will be given an opportunity to speak for or against this proposed transfer.

Mayor Gee opened the floor for public comment at 7:47 PM. There was none.

The floor was closed for public comment and opened to Board comment at 7:47 PM. There was none.

The Board comment and public hearing was closed at 7:47 PM.

MOTION: made by Trustee R. Clark and seconded by Deputy Mayor Wagar to approve the release of monies now on deposit in the Workers Compensation Reserve Fund in an amount not to exceed $52,903 to prepay the 2015 Workers Compensation invoice and obtain a 2% discount.

VOTE: Carried 4-0

Trustee Jim Clark ABSENT Deputy Mayor Leslie Wagar - AYE

Trustee Rick Clark AYE Trustee Alex Ronnenberg - AYE

Mayor Paul Gee AYE

·  Retirement Reserve

Mayor Gee read the public hearing notice at 7:48 PM.

Legal Notice

Notice of Public Hearing

Village of Scottsville

PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that a Public Hearing will be held by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Scottsville on, Tuesday, December 9, 2014, at 7:05 PM. at the Wheatland Municipal Building, 22 Main Street, Scottsville, New York, to consider the release of monies now on deposit in the Village’s Retirement Reserve Fund in an amount not to exceed $54,128 to prepay the annual 2015 New York State Retirement System invoice and obtain a 1% discount.

This Public Hearing is being held pursuant to the General Municipal Law of the State of New York, and any resolution adopted thereafter will be subject to permissive referendum as permitted by law.

At this time and place all interested persons will be given an opportunity to speak for or against this proposed transfer.

Mayor Gee opened the floor for public comment at 7:49 PM. There was none.

The floor was closed to public comment and opened to Board comment at 7:49 PM. There was none.

The Board comment and public hearing was closed at 7:49 PM.

MOTION: made by Trustee R. Clark and seconded by Deputy Mayor Wagar to approve the release of monies now on deposit in the Village’s Retirement Reserve Fund in an amount not to exceed $54,128 to prepay the annual 2015 New York State Retirement System invoice and obtain a 1% discount.

VOTE: Carried 4-0

Trustee Jim Clark ABSENT Deputy Mayor Leslie Wagar - AYE

Trustee Rick Clark AYE Trustee Alex Ronnenberg - AYE