15 McCoy Street – PO Box 411
Savona, NY 14879
607-583-2617 Fax
January 19, 2017
The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees was called to order at 7:02 PM in the Village Hall on the above date by Mayor Scott.
PRESENT: Mayor: Brian Scott
Trustees: Don Walker, Mary Finch, and Charity Beebe (7:11)
Absent: Tr. Christopher McCann
ALSO PRESENT: Deputy Alyssa O’Dell, Hal Bailey, Atty Pat McAllister, Gregge Harrian, Rachel Walter, and Carl Tuttle.
Mayor Scott led the Pledge to the Flag
Motion made by Tr. Walker, seconded by Tr. Finch and adopted by roll call vote that the December 15, 2016, Monthly Meeting minutes be adopted in their entirety; “Yea” = 3; “No” = 0.
Motion made by Tr. Walker, seconded by Tr. Finch and adopted by roll call vote that the December 2016 Village Finance Report be adopted in its entirety; “Yea” = 3; “No” = 0.
Tr. McCann –
· Absent
Tr. Finch –
· None
Tr. Walker –
· Street lights are fine
· Still waiting to hear back from a contractor about the roof in the park.
Mayor Scott –
· He received the All-Mode quote that afternoon. He stated this is the first company he has been in contact with about updating our communications systems. He stated that there will be more to look into come budget time.
· He stated that they had a sewer meeting today in Campbell. We are at the point of doing an income study to further the project. The village is responsible for $4999.00 plus postage to complete this study. He went on to explain that part of the villages “half” includes the interconnect on State Route 415. He advised them that the Village cannot afford $5000 to complete this study. After some discussion they found that there is some money left over from the initial grant. The village of Savona would receive $787 and Campbell will receive $1881 back from the grant. Campbell has agreed to give the Village of Savona their portion of the returned monies towards the income study. They then decided that if the Village of Savona could give $1000 towards the income study then Campbell would fund the difference. The Mayor stated that he is 100% in favor of doing this. This study will show how much this sewer system will cost each resident. He believes that they would fall in the poverty income level. This study will give a much clearer picture as to how much this project will cost.
· Gregge Harrian explained that in the earlier sewer meetings they gave the interconnect to the Village of Savona so that the Town of Campbell would be under the poverty level. In order to get the grant funding for both the Village of Savona and the Town of Campbell both needed to be considered at poverty level. Mayor Scott stated that because of this Campbell is willing to pay the $3999 of our bill. Does the board have any objections with perusing the income study? Tr. Walker stated that he thinks there is $500 in side walkers that could be used to pay our portion of this study. Mayor Scott explained to Tr. Finch how the village is only paying $1000. Tr. Finch said that she thought it was a good idea to go through with this.
· The Village does not currently inventory anything. He would like to start an inventory system to inventory village equipment like shredders, computers, keyboards, copiers and other things just to keep record of village property. He asked for help creating the inventory list. Tr. Finch said that she would help, she used to do inventory for Corning Inc. Mayor Scott asked her to take the lead and he would follow her direction.
· He advised the board that he needs their help to revise the employee handbook. He stated that he may want to have a special meeting to make revisions to the handbook.
· Local Law #1 of 2017, Rental Housing Maintenance. He would like the board’s input on the law and also hold a public hearing next month to put this law info affect. This local law is the same as three other municipalities. He would like to post this on the website. Asked if there were any objections to having the public hearing next month. He then said he would like to put this public hearing on the agenda for next month’s meeting.
· Local Law #2 of 2017, this law would change the term of the village clerk from a 5 year term back to a 2 year term. He would like to hold a public hearing for this proposed law in the March meeting.
· The Mayor and the clerks have been working with the utility companies to make sure we are no longer paying tax on our bills. He personally delivered a tax exempt form to Corning Natural Gas Corp. We are still working with AT&T, NYSEG, and Verizon.
· He would like to get the snow removal contracts out and asked Tr. Beebe to take the lead on snow removal contracts again this year. He would like to get the contracts out as soon as possible so that we can better budget for snow removal for 2017- 2018.
· The contactor is finishing up the lighting systems.
· The court did receive the JCAP grant.
· Softball is planning to have two chicken BBQ’s this year. Tr. McCann advised that the proceeds from one of the chicken BBQ’s will go to repairing the park.
· The Mayor stated that he still wants to close the sidewalk on the west side. As soon as they figure out the legality for closing the sidewalk they will have a sign made.
· The Mayor received an email from Brian Ketchum from Empire Access. He had asked him where the village stands with Empire Access. He advised that they are currently working in Corning then will move to Horseheads. They have also received a grant to bring Fiber to more rural areas. There will also be a second round of grants so they are looking to come to the Village of Savona in the 4th quarter of 2017 at the earliest.
Tr. Beebe –
· What was the status of the drain on Center Street. Mayor Scott advised that Jarvis still hasn’t touched it and he spoke with Mike Austin. Mr. Austin said he won’t be able to do anything to it until spring.
Fire Department report was read by Mayor Scott for November 2016:
EMS: 8
Mutual Aid: 10
Hazardous Condition 1
Automatic Alarm 3
Motor Vehicle Accident: 1
Total Calls: 23
Calls to Date: 251
Mutual Aid Given: 10
(Campbell 8/Bradford 2)
Received Mutual Aid: 0
Average Response Time: 2.30 minutes
In Village: 4
In Township: 9
Fire Department report was read by Mayor Scott for December 2016:
EMS: 7
Mutual Aid: 8
Hazardous Condition 1
Automatic Alarm 2
Vehicle Fire: 2
Carbon Monoxide: 1
Total Calls: 21
Calls to Date: 271
Mutual Aid Given: 8
(Campbell 8)
Received Mutual Aid: 0
Average Response Time: 2.71 minutes
In Village: 1
In Township: 10
Court report for December 2016 as read by Mayor Scott:
Report $3,577.00
Closed Cases 18
Opened Cases 92
Traffic Diversion Program $200
Bail Held $500
Code Enforcement Officer Report for December 2016 as read by Mayor Scott:
Hours Involved 12
Permits Issued: 0
Construction Inspections: 17
Complaints Investigated: 2
Mileage: 17
· Annual code enforcement training 24 hours in Liverpool, NY on April 4, 5 & 6, 2017; required to keep state license to be a code enforcement officer.
Water Department report for December 2016 as read by Mayor Scott:
Hours Involved: 32.5
Water Permits: 0
Water Inspections: 12
Complaints Investigated: 1
Mileage: 31
· To Daytona for Bike Week; March 6 – 24, 2017
Animal Control report for December 2016 as reported by Mayor Scott:
No report
Town of Bath report December 2016 by Hal Bailey:
· Love’s is having a public hearing on January 25, 2017 to talk about turning Smokey’s truck stop into the Love’s.
· The Town of Bath would like a copy of any permits that Code Officer Pilgrim issues, as well as, any certificates of occupancy. Mayor Scott said that he thinks that the Village should submit them on a monthly basis instead of yearly.
· Mayor Scott asked when GAR is coming to the Village of Savona. Mr. Bailey advised that they were supposed to have a meeting yesterday but the Gar representative canceled and he was not notified. When he finds out he will let the Mayor know.
· He gave DVT O’Dell the minutes from the last four meetings.
· Mayor Scott asked if the budget is complete. Mr. Bailey advised that it was.
Tr. Beebe is to attend the February 13, 2017 at 7:00 pm Town of Bath meeting.
Mayor Scott stated that we need to approve the list of election inspectors for the village election on Tuesday, March 21, 2017.
· Deborah BeGell R
· Almeda Becker R
· Marilyn Shugars D
· Loretta Aungst D
WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees shall appoint four Election Inspectors for the Village election to be held on March 21, 2017, and
WHEREAS, Election Inspectors shall be compensated $85.00 each to conduct the election;
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Village residents Deborah BeGell (R), Lee Becker (R), Marilyn Shugars (D), and Lori Aungst (D) be appointed as Election Inspectors. In addition, Clerk/Treasurer Harrian is authorized to appoint additional alternate inspectors if the named above are unable to attend on Election Day.
Motion made by Tr. Walker, seconded by Tr. Beebe and adopted by roll call vote that the stated list of inspectors and resolution are approved; “Yea” = 3; “No” = 0.
The quarterly state, federal and Worker’s Compensation Unified Employer Assessment reports were given to the board for their review. Upon careful review of the monthly bank statements and the general ledger entries, the governing body found the financial transactions for the 4th quarter of 2016 to be true and accurate.
Motion made by Tr. Walker, seconded by Tr. Beebe and adopted by roll call vote to accept and file the quarterly reports; “Yea” = 3; “No” = 0.
Mayor Scott stated he discussed this in his board report and that they are all in agreement that they will hold a public hearing next month.
Mayor Scott read the following:
Fund A $10,182.83 Fund F $3,136.47
As Annexed in Abstract #8; Dated January 19, 2017
Motion made by Tr. Walker, seconded by Tr. Finch and adopted by roll call vote that the bills be paid as per the approved abstract; “Yea” = 3; “No” = 0.
Mayor Scott stated that we need to go into executive session to discuss the employment history or performance of a particular person and that no decisions will be made.
It was moved by Tr. Walker, seconded by Tr. Finch and adopted by roll call vote to adjourn the meeting and go into executive session at 7:35 PM; “Yea” = 3; “No” = 0.
It was moved by Tr. Beebe, seconded by Tr. Finch and adopted by roll call vote to enter into executive session at 7:38 PM; “Yea” = 3; “No” = 0.
It was moved by Tr. Walker, seconded by Tr. Finch and adopted by roll call vote to enter into executive session at 7:37 PM; “Yea” = 3; “No” = 0
Mayor Scott asked for a motion to adjourn the executive session.
It was moved by Tr. Walker, seconded by Tr. Finch and adopted by roll call vote to adjourn the executive session at 8:03 PM; “Yea” = 3; “No” = 0.
Mayor Scott asked for a motion to resume the regular meeting.
It was moved by Tr. Beebe, seconded by Tr. Walker and adopted by roll call vote to resume the regular meeting at 8:04 PM; “Yea” = 3; “No” = 0.
It was moved by Tr. Beebe, seconded by Tr. Walker and adopted by roll call vote to adjourn the regular meeting at 8:05 PM; “Yea” = 3; “No” = 0.
Alyssa E O’Dell
Deputy CT
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